Mavis Vermillion

Mavis Vermilion (メイビス・ヴァーミリオン Meibisu Vāmirion) was the first Guild Master[7]and co-founder of the Fairy Tail Guild.[8] Despite her body being comatose and sealed within a Lacrima that has become to be known as Fairy Heart,[9] she continues to interact with the guild and its members as a Thought Projection. Ultimately after a long time of being encased in Lacrima, Mavis’ real body is freed with painstaking efforts of Cana and her usage of Fairy Glitter.[10]

Mavis' image

Mavis Vermilion




Meibisu Vāmirion


Fairy Tactician (妖精軍師 Yōsei Gunshi)[1]







13 (biologically)[2][3]
118 (chronologically)[2]


Hair Color

Pale Blonde

Eye Color


Professional Status

Previous Affiliation

Previous Occupation

Base of Operations

Personal Status




Parents (Deceased)[4]
August (Son; Deceased)[5]
Makarov Dreyar (Godson)[6]



Manga Debut

Chapter 232 (voice)
Chapter 253 (actual)

Anime Debut

Episode 112 (voice)
Episode 122 (actual)


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Mavis and Zera

Mavis’ appearance with Zera

Mavis has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small ahoge; large green eyes with no pupils; peachy skin and a slight child-like build. As a consequence of using an incomplete version of a grand Magic when she was thirteen to save Yuri Dreyar, her body was no longer able to grow or mature from that point onwards.[11] By the time Precht encased her body in a Lacrima, though, Mavis was biologically twenty-four.[12] Regarding her usual clothing, Mavis wears a frilly, pink layered robe with a red ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. Around the chest are three blue diamond patterns with two blue triangles above. Each series of these is outlined in a hot pink. She wears wing-like adornments around her ears and small hoop earrings. She also seems to prefer going barefoot.[13]


Mavis wants Cana's victory

Mavis’ reckless nature

Mavis is kind and protective of Fairy Tail. She cares, guides and protects the guild whenever it’s possible.[14] She seems to be quite cheerful as she’s smiling and happy most of the time.[15] Mavis can also be quite carefree and reckless, and this side of her is shown when she allowed Jellal Fernandes to participate in the Grand Magic Games as a part of Team Fairy Tail B, as long as it improved their chances of winning, despite the fact that if anyone found out about the ex-member of the Ten Wizard Saints and escaped convict, it could be disastrous to the guild.[16] Another sign of her reckless nature is shown when she lent Fairy Glitter to Cana Alberona just to win the MPF event.[17]

Mavis is quite playful and to a certain degree, childish. She even left Tenrou Island just to cheer on Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games, solely because she was bored on the island.[18] She seems to be indifferent to certain things. For example, when Mavis felt a malicious force coming from the Raven Tail guild members, she was not especially worried.[19] Though playful, she can be quite serious at times. When it came to winning the Grand Magic Games, Mavis cast aside her smile, adopting a serious persona in which she stated she would lead Fairy Tail to victory, taking charge and giving out orders.[20]

Mavis was once given the epithet Fairy Tactician, as she led her team to many victories thanks to her exceptional skill in making strategies during battles.[21] However, Mavis can miscalculate a strategy every now and then, and upon learning one was a failure, she usually doesn’t take it well.

Zera worried about Mavis' bare feet

Mavis is scolded for not wearing shoes

Among one of her most noticeable quirks is that Mavis adores being barefoot. Out of comfort, she shuns shoes and chooses to always wander around barefooted everywhere she goes, and to emphasize this conspicuous habit, she is often shown at the perspective of her feet. It is a combination of traumatic events she endured at a young age and her own preferences that caused her to develop the habit. During her childhood, she was abused by Red Lizard Guild Master Zeeself, who made her give back the one pair of shoes he bought for her after he decided she doesn’t deserve them, then threw them away when his daughter refused them, forcing Mavis to go without footwear.[22] During her time on Tenrou Island, she grows so accustomed to her lack of shoes that even when she has freedom to use shoes again, she absentmindedly forgets to wear them.[23] When Zera notices this and scolds her, Mavis cheerfully replied she feels better barefoot. She has apparently embraced the habit wholeheartedly, as she has not been seen wearing shoes since this incident.

Another noteworthy element of her innocent and gentle nature is that she entertains a belief that fairies may exist, after her parents mentioned their existence in a fairy tale back when they were still around. As a result, this eventually inspires her with the name for her guild, and is at the core of many of the principles and values it and the vast majority of its guild members now have.[24]

For a time, Mavis lost her kindhearted, outgoing, and innocent demeanor. Upon discovering she had the Ankhseram Black Magic curse and would take life in return for how much she cares about it, she becomes a very frightened shell of her former self, driven to despair and madness. In this state, she starts exhibiting the concentric red eyes that Zeref has under the curse, and spends over a year in seclusion, far removed from anywhere she could possibly destroy innocent lives.[25] Consequentially, Mavis’s appearance goes from pure yet elegant to badly broken and disheveled. She becomes so hopeless that she tries and fails to end her life through starvation, but, upon seeing how Zeref is suffering from the curse just like her, she finds new hope through feelings of empathy and love, resolving to find a way to break the curse.[26]

However, after she is released from the curse, along with her consciousness somehow being released from her body, she regains her original good nature and cheerfulness in response to no longer being affected by the curse in her incorporeal form. However, there is a noticeable change in her behavior towards seriousness, because of a combination of lingering darkness, guilt, sadness, and regrets hanging over her as she worries about the consequences of her past, the future of her guild, and humanity.[27]


Zerø arc

In X679, Mavis, as a child, worked for the Red Lizard Guild, where she would either clean the guild’s floor, the members’ clothes or even make food. This was due to her parents’ untimely death; she was forced to pay back her parents’ debts to the guild and contribute to the guild that sustained her. Although, she was mistreated, she vowed never to cry, as her parents once told her that fairies never approached those who were cry-babies.[28]

Mavis tries to save Zera

Mavis finds and saves Zera

In the year X679, Mavis awoke to find that her guild, Red Lizard, was under attack by another: Blue Skull. Running through the battlefield terrified, Mavis found the Guild Master’s daughter, Zera, trapped under a pile of collapsed building. Mavis freed Zera and quickly rushed them towards a nearby forest, though Zera was hesitant to go and didn’t want to abandon her guild or father. Convincing the girl that she can live on with her memories of them in her heart and that her life is more important, Mavis was shocked when the wounded Zera suddenly asked if they could be friends, as she had never had a true companion since her parents’ untimely deaths. Though Mavis quickly agreed to Zera’s request, she turned to see that the young girl had fallen to the ground. Despite shaking her, Zera lied immobile with Mavis crying desperately over her.[29]

Seven years later in X686three mysterious men arrived on Tenrou Island, commenting on the beautiful climate. Standing in the shadows of the forest, Mavis smiled at them.[30] As she sat and hummed to herself, she was approached by Zera, who scolded her for her dilly-dallying and stated that they agreed to clean out the library; remembering the day that Blue Skull attacked and left them as the sole survivors on Tenrou Island, the two girls got to work, though stop when Zera said she could hear somebody approaching. Zera hid as a man walks into the room, screaming in shock when he saw Mavis standing nearby as he thought the island was deserted. Mavis soon tricked the man into revealing that he is a treasure hunter by the name of Yuri Dreyar, and that he and his comrades came to the island in search of the rare Tenrou Jade artifact. Mavis told Yuri that the item is a relic of her people and that she will not tell him where it is or let him have it. Yuri, however, was determined to get the information out of Mavis and proposed a game of wits: should he win, he will be told the Tenrou Jade’s location; should Mavis win, Yuri had to take her on his travels to meet fairies.[31]

Yuri realizes he lost to Mavis

Mavis wins the game of wits

The game was one of guessing information about the opponent and Mavis quickly loses the practice round she requested to test the waters. Confident in his upcoming victory, Yuri set up a Judgement Field and began the game.[32] Through a tactic that astonished Yuri, Mavis managed to win the game, though before she could celebrate her victory, Warrod and Precht arrived to inform Yuri that they found the Tenrou Jade’s resting place, but that the artifact was already gone. Shocked, Mavis and Yuri both confirmed the claim with their own eyes, with Mavis telling the men that she believed Blue Skull took the relic seven years ago during their raid. The men seemed hesitant to go out of their way to find a Mage Guild, though Mavis declared that she will help them and demanded they take her with them to the mainland. Despite being hesitant, the men eventually agreed, and that night prepared to leave; Yuri helped Mavis pack her belongings and is introduced to Zera. The man seems uncomfortable with the girl and tried to tell Mavis something, though the little girl ignored him, as she was excited for their upcoming adventure.[33]

Mavis threatens Blue Skull

Mavis threatens Blue Skull for information

Some time later, the group arrived in Hargeon Town and Precht decided to go scout around for intelligence on Blue Skull with Mavis by his side. The two end up in a bar talking to a tender, though are told that nobody in the area had heard of Blue Skull. Mavis, however, deduced through reason that the bartender was lying and, after he was called out, the man revealed that he himself is a Blue Skull member and trapped Mavis and Precht in a Magic Circle they are forbidden from leaving. As he planned to eliminate them, Mavis realized that one of the glyphs in the circle was false and steps out, using her Magic to intimidate the bartender into giving them everything they need, much to Precht’s shock and admiration.[34]

Zera hugs Mavis in the lake

Mavis hugged by Zera

Using the man’s information, Mavis and her friends headed towards Magnolia Town, the apparent location of the Blue Skull headquarters. As they traveled, she slowly grew closer to the three treasure hunters as they talked and bonded, and came to trust them quite a bit. One night when they stopped to camp, Mavis spoke to Zera, with the girl asking her to teach her Magic for self-defense. Mavis agreed, and together the two swam, reminiscing about their time on the island. Some time later, the group arrived at Magnolia Town, though are shocked to find it barren and demolished with a humongous Dragon skeleton perched on what once was the famous Kardia Cathedral.[35]

They soon encountered an old man who told them that Magnolia’s dilapidated state was due to the presence of Blue Skull in the city, but before he could continue he was suddenly killed by some Blue Skull members who turned on the group. Precht, Warrod, and Yuri easily defeated them but the noise attracted a much larger force. Mavis immediately reacted to their presence, having created an army of soldiers with her Illusion Magic, which frightened her opponents and caused them to stop. She asked to see their Master who eventually walked out from the crowd of Blue Skull members. Mavis demanded the Tenrou Jade to be returned lest she unleash her power, but the Blue Skull Master was unfazed and saw through her Magic, dispelling it himself and sending his subordinates in to attack. Yuri and Precht were injured in the ensuing melee (the latter having lost his eye), but Warrod recovered them and pushed through to escape into the forest with Mavis and Zera.[36]

Mavis asks Zeref for help

Mavis asks for help

While recovering in the forest, Mavis volunteered to collect some water and think upon her actions. At a nearby pond, looking at her reflection, she was surprised by a young man bursting from the water. The man, Zeref, quickly dressed himself and prepared to leave, not wanting to cause her harm due to dangerous Magic. Much to his surprise, however, Mavis correctly deduced the nature of his Magic, which she recognized as also being a curse cast upon him. She asked if he was lonely and he responded that he was unsure, but happy to have merely talked to her, but quickly tried to leave lest he accidentally hurt her. Mavis then summoned a large number of animals to ease Zeref of his loneliness and asked him if he could teach her and her friends Magic. He agreed and for the next few days taught the group various types of Magic, resulting in Mavis calling herself the “Black Wizard.”[37]

After briefing her peers of their plan within the forest, they all moved out into the city, where Mavis stood idle alongside Zera within a rampaging crowd in Magnolia.[38] Upon encountering Geoffrey within the blazed city, Mavis attempted to strike fear into him by threatening to take revenge over the Tenrou Island massacre. After being called out on her illusion, she revealed that they had isolated him away from the city.[39] After being warned not to touch the Tenrou Jade, Mavis disregarded his warning, until Geoffrey informed her that if the Jade is touched, it will destroy all of Magnolia, leaving Mavis astonished.[40]

Mavis and Zera climb the Blue Skull Dragon

Mavis jumps onto the Dragon Yuri’s back

Mavis, accompanied by Zera, made her way to the Kardia Cathedral, where she saw Yuri and Precht; after some brief banter, she asked if Yuri had the Tenrou Jade, which he affirmed, but stated that he had no desire to hand it over. Mavis told him to drop the stone as it carried extremely dark, dangerous properties that they were all unaware of, however Yuri did not believe this and obstinately refused, even in spite of Precht’s plea to drop the stone as well. Mavis then watched as the Tenrou Jade engulfed Yuri in light, after which the skeletal blue Dragon above them came to life and started ravaging Magnolia. Mavis quickly deduced that Yuri was overwhelmed by the Tenrou Jade and became fused with the Dragon skeleton, and then immediately resolved to try and bring Yuri back to his senses. She, however, failed and was nearly killed by Yuri until Precht saved her at the last second. Precht resolved at that point to kill Yuri, but Mavis continued to refuse to do so, and claimed that although she may not be a treasure hunter, she would save Yuri and Magnolia and protect her friends, as she hunts the treasure of friendship.[41]

Mavis casts an incomplete Law

Mavis casts Law to save Yuri

Mavis, quickly running out of options, decided to use the dangerous Magic Law, taught to her by Zeref as a means of protecting others even if it threatened her life in return. She lured Yuri to her by casting an illusion of gold coins showering down over Magnolia, which caused a hint of Yuri’s avaricious nature to emerge and go after the coins despite being under control of the Tenrou Jade. Mavis then leaped onto the Dragon skeleton and prepared to use the spell even though Zera pleaded with her not to, knowing that Mavis hadn’t had ten years to complete and promised not to use it until then, because in an incomplete state the price at which it needed to be cast was unpredictable and could potentially kill her. Zera, having jumped on the skeleton to protect her, was urged by Mavis to flee and get someplace safer while she protected her friends. Mavis wished to make her adventure with everyone be a fond experience to look back on, refusing to let it end in tragedy. As Zera reaffirmed she was Mavis’s dear friend, the skeleton threw her into the air. Mavis used this opportunity to land in front of the Dragon head and cast Law, releasing Yuri from the Tenrou Jade in a blinding burst of light. The skeleton crumbled apart and the Jade shattered, restoring Yuri to his former self. However, afterward, Mavis collapsed on the ground, unresponsive.[42]

Yuri reveals the truth about Zera

Yuri revealing that Zera isn’t real

Later, Mavis was taken to a specialist who told her that due to using the incomplete version of Law, Mavis would no longer be able to grow. Mavis then went into a forest, where Yuri later found her and tearfully apologized, but she comforted him and told him that it was her choice. A little bit after this, they sat down and talked and Yuri told Mavis that they would be friends “until the very end.” He then said that because they are friends, he had to tell her that Zera wasn’t real, but an illusion of her own creation.[43] Mavis tried to point out Zera to Yuri, but he reaffirmed that he could not see her. Zera then confirmed Yuri’s beliefs, admitting to Mavis that she died during the Blue Skull’s Raid and had been a creation of Mavis’ Magic ever since that day. In disbelief, Mavis tried to argue the fact, though Zera showed that she was already starting to fade away now that Mavis had become aware of her non-existence. Mavis began to break down, but Zera comforted her, promising Mavis that they will always be together in her heart. Mavis ultimately accepted the fact that Zera wasn’t real, which allowed Yuri to see her; Zera entrusted Yuri with the job of looking after Mavis before disappearing completely.[44]

The Birth of Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail’s birth

Later, Mavis tells Yuri, Precht, and Warrod that she wants to start a Mage guild. Despite their initial reluctance, they agree and leave Sylph Labyrinth to help found the guild. In April of X686, Mavis and the others built the guild building, and all four took a photo as a sign that Fairy Tail had been born.[45] Mavis later entrusted the guild to Precht to serve as its second master,[46] and, in gratitude, after her death the members of Fairy Tail made her a grave on Fairy Tail’s holy grounds: Tenrou Island.[7]


A moody Mavis after the war

Mavis sulking after the war

Shortly after the formation of Fairy Tail, war had broken out and Mages were used as soldiers for the Second Trade War. Mavis, acting as a strategist, ordered the soldiers to have the left wing retreat. The other soldiers were flabbergasted by such an order and told her that doing so would ruin everything. Mavis explained what the enemy would be thinking and said she could think of 49 ways to deal with the problem but first the left wing needs to retreat. With that having been taken care of, Yuri, Precht and Warrod joked around about Mavis being a princess before they, and the rest of the guild members, stepped out into battle themselves with Mavis having told them that she believes in them. After the battle concludes, the other soldiers looked in in disbelief as Fairy Tail defeated the countless enemy numbers by themselves. Back at the guild, the members celebrated but Mavis sulked, telling Yuri she wonders how many lives were lost that day and wondering how much longer the war would last as she wanted to go on an adventure.

Zeref's claim of Mavis being cursed

Zeref claims that Mavis is cursed just like him

After the war ended, Mavis walked out into the woods were she came upon Zeref once more. Mavis, excited to see him, jumped at him but Zeref told her not to come near as he is cursed. Mavis ignored him and hugged him anyway. She then told him that thanks to him, they won their fight. After some light conversation, Zeref decided to reveal his true identity to Mavis as the Black Mage Zeref. Mavis yelled that he is nothing like the stories, although Zeref remarked they are mostly true. She then looked at him and told him he has very kind eyes, causing Zeref to say she has such innocence. Mavis struck up more conversation then by saying Yuri was to be a father soon. Zeref commented that it seemed odd for that boy to be a father but Mavis stated that it had been 10 years. He commented that Mavis had not changed though, to which Mavis replied that it was the cost she paid for using Law. Zeref then informed her that it is not that she had stopped aging, but rather that she had become immortal like him. He then asked if she had chosen what kind of lives she would be taking. Zeref explained that she had the same curse as him, that the more she cared about life, the more people would die. She told him that no one had died around her, but he remarked that it was likely due to the war and that she had seen life differently because of it, as such she does not know the true meaning of taking a life. Mavis then broke into tears, asking how he could say such things. Zeref simply smirked and stated he is everything the rumors made him out to be. As she ran off crying, Zeref said she had always had the power to walk alongside him. While she ran back to the guild, crying that she does know the value of life, Yuri’s son was born.[47]

Mavis Suffers Madness Under the Contradictory Curse

Mavis in despair under the effects of Ankhseram’s curse

Mavis was requested to name the newborn child and she decided to name him “Makarov,” after a prince she once read about. As the guild members began cheering, Yuri’s wife, Rita, suddenly died, and Mavis blamed herself for it, Zeref’s words echoing on her mind. She ran away from the guild, and lived a solitary life away from people she could potentially take the lives of, after discovering her curse of Ankhseram was now active and she couldn’t control it. A year later, Zeref found her, looking skinny and depraved but otherwise alive, despite not eating for half a year. Zeref informed Mavis that there is no way for them to die while under the curse, even if their heads were taken off. Begging for release from the curse, Mavis asked Zeref to kill her, but he explained to her that even he can’t do this, nor can she kill him, and in lieu of wishing for death, has decided to make the most of the curse’s effects.[48]

Mavis and Zeref kiss

Mavis and Zeref share a kiss

Zeref discussed his plans to create an empire and start a war with Mavis, but as he spoke on, Mavis noticed that his words began to contradict his motives, and some of the things he thought were distortions of his thoughts brought about by the curse, watching Zeref wrestle between a desire to see his brother and live on, and the curse then making him desire to destroy his brother and himself. As Mavis tried to comfort him, she felt a relatable sadness towards Zeref’s suffering, and this brought her out of her despair. Crying heavily, she finally responds by hugging him, and promising that they will stay together. A teary eyed Zeref admitted how he had never loved anyone this much before, and the two shared a kiss. Unfortunately, it was one that took Mavis’ life away due to the effects of their shared curse. This act of love between the two wizards with the curse was the highest contradiction of its power. This caused the effects of the curse to reach to grow far more potent in light of this love, able to take away even the immortal life it granted. Though Mavis was supposed to be unable to die, she seemingly perished, leaving Zeref to cry over her body.[49]

Afterwards, Mavis’ body was taken to Precht by Zeref. He sensed Magic Power still emanating from her heart, so, in his despair to save her, he trapped her in a giant Lacrima in the guild basement, performing various regenerative experiments on her before figuring out that she was under Ankhseram’s curse. Continuing the experiments on her long after he became Master, Precht’s intellect combined with Mavis’ own immortal life force gave birth to the eternal Magic Fairy Heart, an infinite source of Magic Power.[48] Somehow, after this, Mavis bore a son named August, of whom Zeref is the father.[5]


Tenrou Island arc

Fairy Glitter Transfer

Mavis transfers Fairy Glitter to Cana

Locating Mavis’ grave is the second part of the most recent S-Class Mage Promotion Trial and Cana Alberonais the first to reach her grave.[50] As Cana stands before the grave, a card in her bag suddenly glows, the Help Lucy Card, a card that will only glow if her partner Lucy Heartfilia is in trouble. Seeing the card and remembering what she had done to Lucy, Cana begins to cry realizing that she betrayed her friend and guild by putting the S-Class exam first. Determined to rescue her friends, Cana approaches the grave and asks Mavis to lend her the power to protect Fairy Tail, saying that she loves her guild. Hearing Cana’s words, Mavis somehow telepathically comforts Cana and lends her the power to use one of the three great Fairy Magics, Fairy Glitter.[51]

Later Acnologia arrives at the island and begins to fight the members of Fairy Tail. Mavis uses her Ethereal abilities to create a body for herself and watches her guild members fight from afar. She uses the power of the faith and bonds between them to cast the ultimate defense spell, Fairy Sphere, to save them from when Acnologia tried to use its roar to destroy the island and everyone on it. Although Mavis saved everyone, the use of Fairy Sphere caused them to be trapped in a frozen state for seven years.[52][53]

X791 arc

Mavis Happy With The Guild Anime

Mavis happy with Makarov

Seven years after the attack of Acnologia, Mavis, standing on the surface of the ocean near the location where the aforementioned event took place, encounters the remaining members of her guild looking for their missing comrades. Seeing the group, Mavis raises both her hands and Tenrou Island appears inside a giant sphere bearing the mark of her guild. She then leads the group to Natsu and the others and reveals how she used the Fairy Sphere spell which is the reason why the S-Class Trial participants had been absent for the past 7 years. After telling the story and reminding the guild about the power of unwavering faith and resilient bonds, Mavis disappears, happy that her guild became a happy one.[54][55]

Grand Magic Games arc

Mavis watches the games

Mavis cheering for Fairy Tail

Mavis later appears at the Grand Magic Games to cheer for Fairy Tail, much to the surprise of all the members present. She assures them not to worry, stating that only those with the Fairy Tail crest can see her.[56]

After Fairy Tail’s B team is revealed to have also made it through to the finals, Mavis notices the masked manpretending to be Mystogan is not a member of the guild. As Makarov apologies profusely, Mavis notices herself that Jellal is not evil and even has the same “heart” as everyone else in the guild. After hearing that he was once one of the Ten Wizard Saints, she states that she will allow him to participate for Fairy Tail’s victory.[57]

Mavis disappointed

Mavis disappointed with Jellal’s defeat

As the first battle of the games begins, Mavis wonders what the aim of Raven Tail is, seeing that they are only targeting her guild members. Makarov tells her that they just want to embarrass them but Mavis thinks that it is too simple for a goal.[58] During the battle between Lucy Heartfilia and Flare Corona, she quickly figures out the reason that Urano Metria failed was due to outside assistance.[59]

As the battle between the disguised Jellal Fernandes and Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale is about to commence, Mavis looks on perturbed. As Makarov seeks to allay what he assumed was worry over whether or not Jellal could defeat Jura, Mavis declares that she needs to use the restroom, which shocks everyone as she is a spirit.[60] However, she later genuinely looks disappointed when Jellal loses.[61]

Cheering for Erza in Pandemonium

Mavis cheering for Erza

The next day she was also seen in Fairy Tail’s corner and is stunned speechless at the Dragon Slayers’ dismal performance during the racing event, however by the end of the race she was smiling at Natsu’s determination.[62] During the rest of the day, she mostly stays silent, only commenting once, on the rarity of Kurohebi‘s Mimic.[63] Again during the third day she was seen with the other non-competing Fairy Tail members. She was surprised like nearly everyone else when Erza Scarlet challenged all 100 monsters during Pandemonium, but was later happily cheering when Erza won the event.[64]

When the remaining contestants use “MPF” to determine their scores, Mavis shows confidence in Cana when she steps up for her turn. When Cana reveals her Fairy Glitter tattoo, Mavis reveals that she lent her the spell again so that her team can win, adding that she already has enough Magic Power to use it.[65]

Scary Mavis

Mavis displeased with Raven Tail’s actions

After Laxus fights and defeats the entire Team Raven Tail, when the fight was supposed to be with him and “Alexei,” Mavis looks on ominously as a spectator. She later comments briefly about Sherria Blendy‘s Magic Power.[66] She later realizes that Sherria is using a lost form of Magic known as Sky God Slayer Magic and watches as the battle goes on.[67]

As the Games’ third day comes to a conclusion, Mavis joins in on Makarov and Laxus’ conversation about Lumen Histoire. She informs the Lightning Dragon Slayer that Lumen Histoire is not “darkness,” but rather, it is Fairy Tail’s “Light.” She adds that such information is disclosed only to the guild’s masters and thanks Laxus when the latter refuses to know more about such. Mavis suspects Precht had leaked the information on the Lumen Histoire to Raven Tail, and blames herself as she begins to cry over her poor choice for Fairy Tail’s second master.[68]

Later that night, Mavis goes to Ryuzetsu Land with Makarov and Laxus to have some fun in the pool. As she plays around holding her breath underwater, she is spotted by Lucy, who questions why they are there.[69] Once she is alone with Laxus, though, Mavis tells him about Yuri as his great-grandfather. As Laxus hears about him for the first time, Mavis further explains how he bears a striking resemblance to Yuri, protecting and caring about his friends regardless of the situation.[70] In the same evening, Natsu manages to blow the building sky high trying to melt some of Gray and Lyon’s ice, and Mavis cries alongside Makarov when she hears that Fairy Tail will be charged for all the repair costs.[71]

Later, she watches as the new team Fairy Tail appears and says that it’s time to show the strength of their bonds.[72]

Mavis witnesses Dragon Force

Mavis watches the fight of Dragon Slayers with surprise

During the starting battle of the fourth day, Mavis, along the rest of the guild members, is shocked as it is revealed that the rabbit from Blue Pegasus is Nichiya.[73] As the fourth day’s third tag battle gets underway, Mavis comments on Sting’s and Rogue’s White Drive and Shadow Drive being Magic amplification techniques. As the battle rages on, Mavis is surprised to see that Sting and Rogue are able to use Dragon Force at will.[74]She remains surprised even after they have fully activated such a technique.[75]

However, as the battle progresses, her expression softens and becomes more cheerful when Natsu starts taking on his opponents solely. As she watches, she thinks to herself about how the power of friendship can take down most obstacles in one’s path.[76] Mavis celebrates Team Fairy Tail’s first victory against Team Sabertooth and is thrilled to see Fairy Tail in the lead with forty-five points.[77]

When Team Fairy Tail enters the arena, Mavis happily watches as the rest of the guild cheers. Mavis praises Makarov to have thought a lot about Lucy’s arrest. They discuss about having already sent a search team to rescue Lucy in case the King doesn’t give her back when they win.[78]

Mavis begins her strategy

Mavis begins her strategy

As the event of the last day begins, Mavis watches as Team Fairy Tail remains in their place while other teams scatter across the area.[79] Upon Makarov exasperatedly wondering why the team isn’t moving, Mavis explains that over the last several days, she has been observing their opponents and formulating a strategy, which she passed on to the Mages so as to achieve victory. Standing up, she proclaims it’s the time to go, at which point the members of the team rush into battle.[80]

Mavis continues with her strategy

Mavis goes over her strategy

As the team goes in to fight, Mavis announces that there is a 97% chance that Rufus will make a move. Watching as Rufus unleashes his Memory-Make: A Night of Falling Starsattack, Mavis notes that upon seeing the lights, one has a chance to dodge and watches as several do so. Since the attack is composed of lightning, Laxus is able to block the attack, as Mavis predicted. She then stated that Rufus’ next move will not hinder them.[81] Mavis continues explaining the moves the members of Team Fairy Tail will make to confront their opponents. The rest of Fairy Tail members are amazed at how accurate her Fairy Star Strategy plans are and Makarov recalls the nickname she was given due to her strategic abilities, The Fairy Tactician.[82] As the number of participants are decimated, Mavis notes that the battles are going to get harder, specifically stating that Jura Neekis will be difficult to deal with.[83]

As Gray prepares to battle Rufus, Mavis explains that Rufus is key to Sabertooth‘s plans and it is vital that Gray defeats him, though she’s not certain that he can. Recalling a past conversation in which Gray himself volunteered to go after Rufus, Mavis notes that emotions should help him in battle and asks him to show their power.[84] As the battle continues with Gray on the ropes, Mavis looks on[85] but breathes a sigh of relief when Gray ultimately comes out the winner,[86] referring to his victory as “splendid.”[87]

Mavis' reaction to her wrong prediction

Mavis’ prediction is incorrect

Later, Mavis clenches her dress tightly as Makarov remembers his written apologies.[88] Soon after, while the Fairy Tail Mages continue advancing, Mavis watches as Sherria attacks Juvia, just as she had predicted. Though the others say Sherria can’t be beaten due to her healing ability, Mavis states it doesn’t matter since Juvia can hold her off while Erza fights Minerva.[89] However, to Mavis’ surprise, Erza encounters Kagurainstead. As the two battle, Mavis begins crying as she wonders where her calculations went wrong[90] and continues crying as Minerva later joins the fight.[91] Her tears soon cease though as she watches the three powerful women begin their assault on one another, clasping her hands together tensely as the three fight.[92]When Minerva later begins to use her Magic to its full extent, Mavis recognizes it and can only stare open-mouthed at the spells she casts.[93]

Mavis' words of encouragement

Mavis encourages Fairy Tail

Later, while Gajeel is mentioning Mavis failing in her predictions, she is seen still crying over this.[94] Some time later, Mavis shows excitement after witnessing Erza’s miraculous comeback from a seemingly one sided fight.[95] Later, during Gajeel’s battle against Rogue, Mavis watches the battle with interest as she notes Rogue to have been possessed by an evil Magic, one which she does not recognize.[96] After Gajeel wins the fight, Mavis is still wondering about the dark Magic that even she is unaware of.[97] Mavis then silently watches as the Grand Magic Games proceeds,[98] and is shocked to see Jura easily defeating Orga.[99] As Jura then turns on Laxus, Mavis watches from beside Makarov as the two clash, smiling when Laxus manages to land some blows.[100] When Makarov appears shocked by Laxus’ abilities, Mavis comments that he didn’t expect him to be so strong, his expression whilst watching the fight giving this fact away.[101] Continuing to see Laxus make use of some powerful attacks, Mavis comments that all of the youth in the guild are growing up. Urging them forward like the wind in their battles, Mavis states that their blood, sweat and tears are a beautiful thing, and that they should show no fear, whilst in Crocus, the Mages of Fairy Tail all stand and push themselves forward in their fights.[102]

Mavis senses something

Mavis senses something off during Fairy Tail’s victory

With Team Fairy Tail now confronting Sting, Mavis waits for the outcome while Team Fairy Tail stands defiantly against Sting. After Sting caves in and surrenders to Fairy Tail, Mavis, along with the rest of her guild, cheer in delight as they claim the title of the strongest guild.[103] Mavis then smiles as Sting and Lector reunite with each other. However, the moment of happiness is short lived as Mavis notices something around the city of Crocus.[104] Later, Mavis is seen celebrating and rejoicing with the guild, playfully claiming the results were just as she calculated.[105]

Mavis sad Dragons weren't defeated

Mavis comments the result of the battle

Mavis is then present at Crocus as the 7 Dragons controlled by Future Rogue attack Fiore’s Mages. When Laxus, with the support of the Thunder God Tribe, decides to fight Atlas Flame on his own, she supports the plan, agreeing with Natsu that only a Dragon Slayer can hurt a Dragon and tells Gajeel to intercept another Dragon. She then guides the rest of the Fairy Tail members to attack the monsters that were hatched from Motherglare‘s eggs.[106]

Later, after the battle is over and the Dragons return to their own time, Mavis is seen looking at the town from above, noting with saddened expression that not even a single Dragon Slayer managed to defeat any of the Dragons.[107]

During the royal ball at the Mercurius Castle, Mavis appears behind Wendy and states, drooling at a piece of jello, that it does indeed look delicious, surprising the Sky Dragon Slayer. Still mesmerized by the food, Mavis states that she wishes to try some, but Wendy asks her to show some restraint, as she is a ghost, much to Sherria’s confusion. Wendy then asks Mavis if she has seen Natsu, to which she replies that she hasn’t. Also stating that Natsu’s absence is uncharacteristic of him, Sherria feels Mavis’ presence behind her, and asks Wendy to help her.[108]

Mavis threatens Zeref

Mavis threatening Zeref

As Fairy Tail celebrates their victory in the Grand Magic Games after returning to Magnolia, Mavis goes to a nearby forest where she greets Zeref, stating that she knew the Black Wizard was watching the games. Zeref tells Mavis that though he cannot see or hear her, he knows she is there. Acknowledging that they were both close to one another seven years ago, Mavis asks if Zeref is still looking for a place to die, to which he states that it has been decided. Zeref tells her he has seen many atrocities in his life but always hoped a new era would eliminate them, wondering how many times people will continue making the same mistakes. Mavis states that they are just living, but Zeref disagrees, stating that what they are doing is not truly living and that “humans” are already dead. Mavis asks if he has stopped waiting, to which Zeref replies that if the world rejects him, he will deny it as well. Mavis states that Fairy Tail accepts the world, but Zeref argues that what he is doing will be the gift of harmony and regeneration. When the First Master asks if there will be fighting, Zeref, with his eyes flaring, exclaims that there will instead be a one-sided annihilation as everyone will die. Mavis then puts on a similar expression and tells the Black Wizard that her guild will stop and annihilate him in turn as the two legendary Mages stare at one another.[109]

Tartaros arc

Prior to the activation of Face, Mavis’ body is revealed to be encased in a Lacrima in Fairy Tail’s basement. Stated to be Lumen Histoire by Makarov, the Fairy Tail master claims it to be their ultimate weapon.[9] However, Lumen Histoire ends up not being unleashed and Makarov weeps that he did not have to courage to do so. Mavis then appears, claiming that it simply means it is not the time yet.[110]

Alvarez Empire arc

Mavis appears to talk about Fairy Heart

Mavis reveals the truth behind Fairy Heart

Mavis returns to the Fairy Tail Guild when Marakov tries to tell his Mages about Fairy Heart. She interrupts him, saying it’s her responsibility to tell them, and explains that Fairy Heart is Fairy Tail’s most guarded secret, but that the members have a right to know why Zeref wants it. She then begins to recount her own sin, her past with Zeref as well as their pursuit of The One Magic.[111]

After explaining everything about her ties with Zeref, Precht’s experiments on her body and the birth of Fairy Heart, Mavis goes on to say that Fairy Heart is in fact an infinite source of Magic Power, with the potential of firing the Etherion nonstop. When the Mages wonder what use Zeref could have for that kind of power, Mavis speculates that he wishes to defeat Acnologia, who has been thwarting his plans for a long time now. After Fairy Tail decides to protect her body no matter the cost, Mavis is upset about herself causing so much trouble, but the other Mages lift her spirits. When she declares her will to stop Zeref at all costs, Mavis is shocked to see Natsu saying that he has a way to put an end to him under his right arm.[112] Mavis agrees to trust Natsu, but says that she also has a few plans of her own. After Makarov finishes providing the information he gathered about the 12 Spriggans in Alvarez, Mavis gives a speech and tells everyone to prepare themselves for the war with Zeref.[113]

Later, Mavis flies around Magnolia and checks on the guild members’ morale; when she returns to the strategy meeting regarding the impending Alvarez invasion. When she tells Makarov that they appear to be unafraid of the fight to come, Makarov tells her that she is wrong, and that they are all extremely fearful and are clinging to each other for support, which he adds that they do because their parent is afraid. After hearing him finish with stating that it is a parent’s job to stand firm for their children even in the face of fear, Mavis commends his speech, but it is then that a fleet of fifty Alvarez airships led by Ajeel of the Spriggan 12 appears above Magnolia, prepared to attack.[114] Upon sighting the ambush, Mavis signals the plan[115] and looks on as Freed halts an attack with his Jutsu Shiki. Remaining confident in the fact that Alvarez has miscalculated the number of units to send for the ambush, Mavis commands Warren to initiate Plan D, where Mavis believes in Bisca to pull through.[116] As soon as the dragon slayers land on the ship, they fall ill from motion sickness, which Mavis had completely forgotten about when planning the counterattack.[117]

Mavis orders to close the doors

Mavis orders everyone to close the doors

Mavis then proceeds to watch as Erza comes face-to-face with Ajeel, declaring that they need to put faith in her ability to win.[118] Later, Mavis learns that Freed’s Jutsu Shiki barrier has been pierced, and hypothesizes that the enemy has someone who can nullify barriers amidst their ranks. Upon learning that this person is another of the Spriggan 12, Mavis orders for members to intercept him.[119] Much to her horror, Mavis learns from Warren that from the other three cardinal directions, the other nine Spriggan 12 members are on their way with forces that, combined, total over one million, leaving her unable to predict any way in which they come out of this war alive.[120] Later, noticing that Erza is still having trouble with Ajeel, Mavis tries to contact Bisca to see how long until Jupiter recharges, but Warren, in a state of total disarray, does not patch her through despite her protests. After Max talks some sense into him, her orders are relayed, and Mavis inwardly monologues that if they give up, then they are finished, and that she needs to come up with some sort of plan to deal with Alvarez.[121] As sand, originated from Ajeel’s Sand World spell, pours in from all directions, Mavis orders everyone to close the doors to the guild to protect themselves.[122] Later, Mavis celebrates the guild’s victories against Wall Eehto and Brandish.[123]

After the brief celebration of the defeat of Brandish and Wall the Fairy Tail Mages congregated within the Guild Hall become utterly shocked when Warren picks up a new force heading straight for them at an astonishing pace. Initially, Makarov questions if it is a new enemy to which Mavis corrects him, believing it to be a single long range attack. With the prospect of the entire guild being destroyed, Mavis urgently calls for Freed to recast his Jutsu Shiki barrier, unaware of his current unconscious state.[124]

Laxus disappointed in Mavis's perspective

Mavis disappointed other guilds are joining

As the second day of the war begins, despite her guild’s euphoria from the previous day’s victories, Mavis bemoans the prospect of other guilds joining the fray against the Alvarez Empire, stating that the entire conflict is Fairy Tail’s responsibility, much to the disagreement of Laxus and Makarov, who both claim that the war involves all of Ishgar. After this, she orders a status report from Warren.[125] When it is revealed that the invading forces to the north and south are being intercepted by two guilds each, respectively, Romeo, with the backing of Jet and Droy, insists that they should go and assist them, to which Mavis wholeheartedly concurs. She goes on to dispatch two teams to assist with the defense against the invaders: deploying a teams to assist Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus in the north, and Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale in the south, whilst ordering Lucy and Cana to keep watch over the imprisoned Brandish, and for the rest of the guild to remain on standby. Upon Makarov asking what they shall do about the eastern and western forces, Mavis reveals that Zeref is likely at the center of the western forces, and that the guilds of Ishgar will have to converge upon his position after defeating the other three invading forces first. With all but the plan to combat the eastern flank seemingly considered, upon being addressed regarding what to do, Mavis reveals that the remaining Four Gods of Ishgar and Jura have been dispatched to take care of the force numbering over one million, citing that if they fall, then no one would be able to repel what came from that direction; she then internally rests her hopes on Warrod.[126]

With Natsu’s rash plan to intercept Zeref himself sending the guild into a frenzy, in particular causing Gray and Erza to argue about how Mavis’ plan should be amended. Mirajane prompts the First Master to intervene, to which she states she agrees with Erza, reminding Gray that they should have faith in Natsu and his secret plan. She goes on to explain that whilst the Fire Dragon Slayer’s actions may at first appear reckless, his rationale based off of the current situation determined that defeating Zeref swiftly would be the quickest solution to ending the war.[127] During the ensuing conflict, Mavis senses Warrod’s potential murder at the hands of God Serena and expresses shock.[128] Hearing the news that Jura and the other Wizard Saints were probably defeated, Mavis visibly shows sadness and, upon being asked for help, decides to have some time to think before making her move.[129]

Mavis in pain

Mavis is tortured by Jacob

Later, following Dimaria‘s defeat, Mavis watches the guild members rejoice at lowering the count of active Spriggans to seven, but expresses worry to Makarov over the unmoving markers of the two Spriggans in the east. At that moment, Jacob Lessio enters the guildhall, revealing that the Magic King August detected that they were being monitored and camouflaged their actual locations; he requests alcohol, but when he is refused some, he uses his Magic to erase everyone in the guild, except the ethereal Mavis. Her friends gone, Mavis calls out for them, but she is shocked when Jacob can recognize her presence, and is then promptly tortured as the man quickly and correctly deduces that she is Fairy Heart. As she is repeatedly hurt, her real body, as well as the Lacrima encasing it, is damaged; Jacob reveals that the guild members are alive, but on the brink of death, and offers their safe return in exchange for Fairy Heart. Mavis struggles with this decision, but she is saved by Lucy, who attacks Jacob and reveals that she, Natsu and Happy escaped Jacob’s Magic thanks to Horologium. Jacob, amused, tells Mavis that their conditions have changed, and that if she doesn’t give Fairy Heart to him, then he is going to mutilate Lucy, but as she watches Jacob throw knives at Lucy, Natsu, now fully healed from his battle with Zeref, saves her, much to Mavis’ joy.[130]

Mavis gets an idea

Mavis figures out a way to defeat Zeref

Mavis then jovially watches as Natsu engages Jacob in battle, but after the Spriggan repeatedly disappears from sight and attacks Natsu, Mavis deduces that it’s due to his Magic: Stealth. She is then hit by Jacob, who reveals that his Magic not only grants him total camouflage, but the ability to see the unseen, such as her. Mavis then watches Lucy and Natsu unsuccessfully stand again Jacob, and then bears shameful witness to Jacob render Lucy’s Leo Star Dress invisible, thus exposing her undergarments. Mavis then takes note of Jacob refusing to look at Lucy’s indecent nature, and watches as Natsu and Lucy manage to trick him into thinking that Lucy is taking off more of her clothes. After Mavis watches them both land kicks on him, and greatly anger him, Mavis internally monologues that she’s discovered the way to beat Zeref.[131]

Mavis then watches the entire fight between Natsu, Lucy and Jacob unfold, but when Jacob declares that he’s going to kill all their friends, Mavis pleads for him not to. However, when Lucy points out that Brandish was captured by him as well, Jacob releases both her and Marin; Mavis then looks on curiously as a second Marin appears, but when it is revealed to be Gemini copying his form, Mavis explains to Happy that she didn’t copy Brandish because she is too strong to transform into, which afterwards Lucy proceeds to use Marin’s Rules of the Area to dispel Jacob’s Transport, returning all of their lost guildmates. Mavis commends Lucy, but looks on in embarrassment when Makarov punches Jacob out of the guild, declaring that on “Respect for the Aged Day,” the person he should be respecting most is Mavis. Mavis then watches as Makarov throws Natsu out of the guild as well so he can defeat Jacob, and happily smiles when he does so.[132]

Mavis' plan to revive her body

Mavis wants Cana to destroy her “body”

After the victory against yet another Shield of Spriggan, Mavis takes Cana to the basement of the building, exposing her the appearance of Fairy Heart. With Cana witnessing such a phenomenon, Mavis unfolds her strategy to Cana: freeing her living body by obliterating her Thought Projection via Cana’s usage of Fairy Glitter. Cana clearly objects for such an act, but Mavis makes it clear that they have no choice, as it could be the only way to defeat their enemy.[133] In spite of Mavis’s insistence, Cana states that she simply cannot kill Mavis. Mavis notices that Cana’s hairstyle looks similar to her deceased friend, Zera, and tells a surprised Cana that she likes to think that had Zera survived, she would have grown up like Cana. Remembering the latter’s drinking habits, Mavis then quickly tells Cana to forget what she had said. Mavis then assures Cana that she will not be harming her by casting Fairy Glitter, but saving her.[134]

After much effort, Mavis is finally freed from her Lacrima prison and her ethereal body is destroyed; her body falls to the ground, where Cana catches her. Mavis wakes up nearly immediately and weakly inform Cana that her muscles have atrophied.[135] Soon after, Mavis and Cana are caught in the light emitted from Irene Belserion‘s Universe One;[136] she awakens in the wreckage of the guild’s basement searching for Cana, but after failing to locate her, Mavis creates illusory clothes and goes to the guild’s top level only to find Zeref waiting for her in an empty guildhall. At first, Mavis believes that everyone disappearing was Zeref’s doing, but when he denies this, she asks him what he’s doing in the guild.[137] Mavis then learns of Irene and her Universe One, and that Fiore itself has been reduced to one-twentieth of its original size, as well as of the randomization of peoples’ locations. After deducing that it was done to shorten the length of the war, Mavis stares Zeref, who has come to claim Fairy Heart, down.[138]

Irene removing Fairy Heart

Mavis’s magic drained by Irene

Mavis and Zeref then converse, with Mavis telling Zeref that it has been ninety-five years, not one hundred, since they last were able to talk, and listens in silence when he says that he was still able to feel her presence when she was a spirit. She then thinks to herself about her plan to defeat Zeref and how she needed her body, and then begins to think about the rather difficult second stage, but is frozen solid by Invel; at Zeref’s request, she is unfrozen, but is affixed with a collar that renders her unable to form a cognitive thought. Unable to resist, she follows Zeref outside, where she sees all of Alvarez’s forces gathered in front of the guild and the entirety of the Spriggan 12 reconvene. During the gathering, she takes particular note of August, Larcade and Irene’s Magic Powers, and listens in shock as Zeref reveals that Irene is an enchantress skilled enough to rip Fairy Heart from her body.[139]

Mavis then lays upon a table in the guild, still subject to Invel’s Ice Slave, writhing in pain as Irene makes the effort to rip Fairy Heart from her body. When Zeref enters the room, Mavis gives him tearful looks of agony which go unrecognized.[140] Mavis briefly regains a bit of mental clarity and silently begs for someone to defeat Invel before she loses what remains of her mind.[141]

Zera's Last Goodbye

Zera and Mavis reunite for the last time

Once Invel is defeated, Mavis uses that to her advantage, creating an illusion of Zeref to ask Irene to release Mavis just briefly in order to have a last talk with her. Even though the trickery doesn’t last long, it buys Mavis some time to escape the building. As she is trying to climb down and think of a way to evade enemy forces, Mest arrives just in time to teleport her to a safer location.[142] Once there, she is informed about a mysterious girl’s voice only members of Fairy Tail were able to hear, which Mavis realizes was Zera’s. As such, being a mere illusion of Mavis’ subconscious, Zera starts disappearing before her eyes. The two share final words before Zera vanishes entirely.[143] Telling Mest of Zera’s departure, Mavis quickly gets serious and proclaims it’s time to return to their home.[144]

Mavis encourages Ishgar

Mavis guides Ishgar to victory

Eventually, with Irene in search of her via her giant eye (complete with loud, battlefield-projected verbal taunts), Mavis responds by projecting her voice back onto the battlefield in kind, creating a giant illusion of herself that tells Irene that she is neither running nor hiding, as well as threaten the Alvarez Empire with sure defeat and rally the dwindling morale of the Fairy Tail troops.[145]

Mavis ultimately appears on the battlefield in person when Makarov is about to cast Fairy Law and tries to dissuade him from doing so, as the Magic shaves away one’s life in proportion to the number of targets they have and will, without doubt, kill him. Makarov refuses to stop; Mavis claims she has a plan to ensure their victory, but Makarov angrily tells her to be silent, claiming that regardless of whether her plan will save them, he can’t watch his children be hurt any longer. Mavis listens as he delivers parting words unto all present before casting Fairy Law, which eliminates a good number of Alvarez soldiers,[146]leaving to fall to the ground, heartbroken and sadly recall the day when Makarov was born and she named him. However, Laxus arrives and comforts her, saying that she needs to be strong and lead them for not just their sake, but Makarov’s sake as well.[147] Not long after, tries to figure out the workings of the enemy’s Magic as it works its way across the battlefield, Mavis tries to figure out why it affects some and not others, but ultimately succumbs to its effects as well.[148][5]

A bit later, due to Irene’s death, Universe One is undone, and as the light envelops the land and Fiore is returned to normal, Mavis instructs all close to her to grab the hand of the person nearest to them to prevent separation.[149] When the light clears, Mavis and many other guildmates find themselves in Fiore, but as they are besieged by Alvarez soldiers, at Freed’s behest, Mavis comes up with a plan: protect the vulnerable areas and scout for rear enemy reinforcements.[150] Mavis then proceeds to continue handing out commands as her guildmates fight around her.[151]

Magic & Abilities

Mavis summoning Heavenly Wolf

Mavis summons a wolf

Illusion Magic (幻影魔法, Genei Mahō): During her time at Tenrou Island, Mavis was self-taught Illusion Magic. Her illusions are so detailed that they appear to be truly life-like, and Mavis has used them on occasion to intimidate people, such as by creating fearsome beasts that look deadly[152] and summoning an army of knights.[153]

  • Heavenly Wolf (天狼 Tenrō): Mavis raises her arms above her head and creates an illusion of a humongous wolf. The wolf’s frightening face and forelegs appear to be covered in a dark flame pattern, and its paws sprout saplings similar to the ones seen on Tenrou Island.[154]
The Tenrou Soldiers

Mavis summons an army

  • Tenrou Soldier (天狼兵 Tenrōhei): Mavis raises her arms above her head and creates an illusion of a whole army. All of the “knights” wield a sword, shield with an insignia of wings, and wear armor.[153]However, the Guild Master of Blue Skull could see through the illusion, causing it to dissipate.[155]
  • Guardian Eagle: Mavis summons a massive eagle-like creature with big wings, with spouted saplings on his shoulders and claws, resembling those on the Tenrou Island. The illusion is noted to appear as being incredibly life-like.[156]

Fairy Glitter (妖精の輝きフェアリーグリッター Fearī Gurittā): Fairy Glitter is one of the Three Great Magics of Fairy Tail. It is a Magic that rivals Fairy Law and is a radiance of merciless light that rejects the presence of any foes.[157] It is also an exceedingly complex and unfathomably intricate spell that collects and concentrates the light of the sun, the moon and the stars.[158] Mavis transferred this Magic to Cana Alberona temporarily.[159]

Fairy Sphere

Fairy Sphere

Fairy Sphere (妖精の球フェアリースフィア Fearī Sufia): Mavis used this Magic by converting the Fairy Tail members’ bonds and faith into Magic Power. It is a Magic that will protect the Guild from any evil; an absolute defense Magic. However, Fairy Sphere also acts as a stasis chamber, and anyone trapped inside will not age.[160] It’s powerful enough to protect Tenrou Island and everyone on it from Acnologia‘s Dragon’s Roar, and to keep it sealed for seven years.[14]

Fairy Law (妖精の法律フェアリーロウ Fearī Rō): The first of the Three Great Magics of Fairy Tail. Rivaling the power of Fairy Glitter, this Magic emits a bright light that envelops the area and inflicts heavy damage on whoever the Caster perceives from their heart as an enemy, leaving friends and bystanders completely unharmed.[161] After using Law, Mavis eventually modified and improved Law by removing its side effect whenever it is used, setting it as the basis for Fairy Law.[162]

Mavis casting Law

Mavis casting Law

Law (ロウ ): Mavis was taught of this style of Black Magic from Zeref. This Magic emits a bright light that envelops the area and inflicts heavy damage on the caster’s target. When Mavis used it, it was powerful enough to counteract the effects of the Tenrou Jade.[163] Zeref taught Mavis this form of Magic in order to protect her friends and fend for herself.[164] It’s stated it takes 10 years to completely master this Magic and can cause repercussions on the user when done incompletely.[165]

Black Arts (黒魔法 Kuro Mahō): Mavis was cursed by this Magic after casting an incomplete Law.

  • Ankhseram Black Magic (アンクセラムの黒魔術 Ankuseramu no Kuro Majutsu): Mavis used an incomplete version of Law to save Yuri Dreyar,[166] which as a result, cursed her, making her unable to age or mature.[167] This black art is known for its killing propensity, causing death to those the user holds precious to them and cares for deeply.[168]
    • Death Predation (死の捕食 Shi no Hoshoku): This usage of this spell creates a dark wave that kills everything in the user’s immediate vicinity.[169]

Thought Projection (思念体 Shinentai): Due the young girl’s real body being in a comatose state inside of Fairy Heart, she is able to create an apparition of herself through this Magic, which she uses to communicate and perform ordinary tasks.[53] However, her specific Thought Projection is unique that she can only be seen and heard by people who bear the Fairy Tail insignia,[170] while also whenever her ethereal body is actually damaged, the corresponding effect damages her actual body in the same area/place in conjunction.[171]

Telepathy (念話テレパシー Terepashī): Mavis has been shown to communicate with people in her nearby perimeter through this Magic.[172]

Ethereal Prowess: Mavis can fly[173] at will, as well as walk on water.[174]

Immortality: By being afflicted with the Curse of Ankhseram, Mavis became immortal as was demonstrated when she explained to Zeref Dragneelthat she had starved herself for the previous six months without any ill-effect to her physical health.[175] Her immortality was eventually contracted when she and Zeref shared an intimate moment.[176]

Mavis's Tactical Brilliance

Mavis’s Tactical Brilliance

Master Strategist: Mavis has shown herself to be highly intellectual as she was able to memorize all the abilities of the participants, along with their fighting styles and patterns, and then run countless battle scenarios to come up with the most appropriate strategy for her guild, the incredible accuracy of which making it seem as if she was predicting the future, thus earning the alias – The Fairy Tactician.[177] However, despite this incredible feat, Mavis’ strategies aren’t always perfect, as seen when instead of Erza facing off against Minerva as she initially predicted, she instead faced off against Kagura and then Minerva, greatly upsetting the First Master to the point of tears.[178]


Magic Diving Equipment: Mavis has shown to don this equipment, allowing to travel underwater without repercussions.[179]

Appearances in Other Media


Fairies’ Training Camp

Mavis in vacation

Mavis at the beach

Mavis is shown to be bored staying alone on Tenrou Island, so she decides to visit the guild. However, seeing that most of the members are going out for training, Mavis decides to tag along with one of the groups which is Natsu’s group. Later on, Mavis can be seen watching over the members playing in the beach while treating herself to a glass of tropical punch. She even tries to use Magic when Natsu and Gray decide to make some trouble, but quickly holds herself back, saying that she cannot do so. At night, when all the girls get drunk, Mavis is seen watching the group from the ceiling having herself a bottle of liquor as well. At the end, Mavis finally take a dip at the hot spring herself while saying the current Fairy Tail is so much fun and she will root for them at the Grand Magic Games.[180]

The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land

Laxus and Makarov accompany Mavis

Mavis playing at the pool

On the evening of the third day of the X791 Grand Magic Games, Mavis visits the water-themed park Ryuzetsu Land, along with Makarov and Laxus Dreyar, who babysit her. Coincidentally, other Mages from Fairy Tail and other guilds also happen to be there at the same time, so Lucy and Erza run into Mavis while she is swimming in the pool. However, she gets out of the water, saying that she forgot to warm up first, and so begins warming up, soon followed by Makarov and Laxus, as well as Freed and Bickslow, who try to imitate the latter. After a while, Mavis exclaims that she’s cold and attempts to reach for the towel that Laxus offers her. Soon, the combined powers of NatsuGray and Lyon Vastia end up destroying the water park, and once again Fairy Tail ends up in debt, which causes Mavis and Makarov to burst into tears.[181]


  • Originally, Mavis was supposed to be a old-grandpa male. However, after Mashima found out that Mavis is a female name, he immediately redesigned Mavis to be a girl. Her being a small child was also something he wanted to be “unexpected” to the readers.[182]
  • Mavis being more incorporated in the story was due to the unexpected popularity from the readers’ impressions.[183]
    • In Hiro Mashima’s unofficial “ranking of characters that defied his popularity expectations” Mavis came in 1st place.[183]

Makarov Dreyar

Makarov Dreyar (マカロフ・ドレアー Makarofu Doreā) is the 3rd, 6th and 8th Guild Masterof the Fairy Tail Guild,[6] as well as one of the Ten Wizard Saints.[7]

Makarov Mugshot

Makarov Dreyar




Makarofu Doreā


Master Makarov







88 (X784)[2]


Hair Color

Blond (youth)

Eye Color


Professional Status


Fairy Tail symbol Fairy Tail
The Wizard Saint Mark Ten Wizard Saints
Province Guild Master League

Guild Mark Location

Center Chest

Previous Team

Personal Status




Yuri Dreyar (Father; Deceased)
Rita (Mother; Deceased)
Ivan Dreyar (Son)
Laxus Dreyar (Grandson)
Mavis Vermilion (Godmother; Deceased)[4]




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Makarov when he was first introduced

Makarov’s first appearance

Makarov is an extremely short, elderly man. He has black eyes and is growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair.[3] He also has a thick white mustache. He has a black stamp of the Fairy Tail guild mark that covers his entire chest area.[6] On his first appearance, he was shown dressed in a casual manner, with an attire consisting of a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. His attire was completed with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat.[3]

Later on, following the Phantom Lord assault he was shown with a more formal attire, with him wearing a white tunic with the Fairy Tail symbol on the left collar, and black pants, all in which was covered by a formal white coat with white fur around the edges and with the Ten Wizard Saints‘ symbol on the back.[8] During the Battle of Fairy Tail arc he was again shown having a less formal attire, which consisted of a white shirt with a red vest over it and black pants. Instead of his Wizard Saints’ robe, he wore a more casual high collared cape.[9]

Makarov is one of the characters who changes his attire frequently. He once dressed only in a Hawaiian Shirt and black shorts.[10] Although he changed his attire from time to time, he’s still frequently shown wearing his Wizard Saints’ attire.

In X792, Makarov, in addition to his mustache, has grown a white beard that covers his entire chin.[11]


Makarov moved by Laxus' words

Makarov moved by Laxus’ words during the latter’s childhood

Makarov is a person who is able to love and believe in people, which is the reason Precht chose him to be his successor and take the position of Guild Master of Fairy Tail.[12] He also dislikes being called a kid by Master Precht for someone his age.

Makarov's Fire Magic

Makarov burns complaints from the Council

Makarov shows extreme dislike for the Magic Council and all the rules they try to impose on guilds, believing that the skills and Magic of his guild members will not be able to grow if he makes them conform to the rules of the Council. He frequently attempts to balance reprimands from the council and the eccentricity of his guild. Despite this, at times he has to grow to his giant form to stop the insane reveling and destruction of the guild, and acts as a parent to the guild members, looking after them and encouraging or inspiring them. This parent attribute is noticeable when he worries over the destruction that the guild members may cause and tells them to try tone it down.[13] This trait is especially obvious when he is disinterested in revenge for the damage caused to the guild by Phantom Lord, but grows enraged and vengeful when he finds three of his “children” have been hurt.[14] However, one can say this love for the guild takes priority over his own family as he has excommunicated both his son and grandson, Ivan Dreyar and Laxus Dreyar, for being a threat to the guild.[15][16] He appears to hold little qualms over the age, strength or history of a prospective member as seen when he lets Gajeel Redfox and Juvia Lockser join despite them being former members of Phantom Lord.[17][18]

Makarov caught watching photo spreads

Makarov caught watching photo spreads

He also has his own eccentric side, wearing an unusual hat or doing insane poses. Another trait is his docile perverted nature, an example being when he hit Natsu DragneelHappy and Gray Fullbuster on the head for doing an S-class mission without permission, but spanked Lucy Heartfilia, and spanked her again, even though it was Natsu he was telling off.[19] He also worries over the excessive damages caused by the guild members particularly Natsu, Gray, and Erza and even more so when they are grouped together.

Although, he is shown to be wise and has a calm personality. It has been shown that in his younger years, Makarov was quite an impatient man who did not hesitate to pick a fight with his other guildmates. A rather implicit traits that could be seen on the Guild‘s members.[20]

Magic and Abilities

Titan Makarov

Makarov in Giant form

Giant (巨人ジヤイアント Jiyaianto): Makarov’s signature Magic that makes up for his small size, Giant’, as the name suggests, allows him to enlarge his body to gigantic proportions.[2] Such enlarging power is immense, even allowing Makarov to grow himself to the size of Tenrou Island.[21] Additionally, it can also be employed on selective parts of Makarov’s body, elongating them and making it look like he possesses elastic properties of sort, coming in as a very versatile Magic.[22] Giant’s effects can also be transferred to other people aside from Makarov himself, as shown when he could use it to grow Reedus Jonah‘s chest to the latter’s request, in order for his Pict Magic to work better.[23] When he employs his complete Giant form, Makarov’s muscles bulge in size, with prominent veins becoming visible (though, when he first employed it, he instead gained a slender figure[24]),[21] and his mustache becomes wilder, pointing upwards. He’s also shown to emit light from his eyes, possibly a result of his Light Magic.[25] His physical prowess is enhanced exponentially while in this state, allowing him to partially destroy a large airship with a single punch,[26] subsequently damaging it further by lifting a gigantic wave with a kick.[27] He was also able to easily crush Natsu to the ground[22] and punch him around, breaking down a tree in the process, with only his enlarged arms.[28] Even when heavily injured, he managed to stop Acnologia’s charge and hold the Dragon at bay.[29] His great physical resistance is also immensely increased while in his gigantic form, allowing him to take the blast from Grimoire Heart’s Jupiter cannon head on with only a moderate burn on his arm.[30] He was also shown capable of enduring some of Acnologia’s attacks despite all of the grievous injuries he had sustained from battling Hades.[31]

Maximum Defense Seal (最大防御魔法陣 Saidai Bōgyo Mahōjin): Makarov releases several magical seals, which float around him and seemingly inhibit another seal-based attack performed against him, acting as a defense.[32] Makarov has also been known to perform hand gestures and create seals in the air while on the verge of being struck on other instances, using them to shield himself from incoming magical attacks.[33]

Three Pillar Gods

Three Pillar Gods

  • Three Pillar Gods (三柱神 Sanchūshin): Apparently a powerful defense spell, Makarov crosses his arms before him with the fists clenched. This prompts three ethereal pillars composed of dark seals to appear, two before Makarov, at his sides, and one behind him. This spell is strong enough to protect Makarov from the effects of Hades’ Amaterasu Formula 100, which engulfed a large part of Tenrou Island in an explosion, with Fairy Tail’s Master receiving only minor injuries; even Hades himself went on to praise Makarov for his use of such a spell.[32]

Light Magic (光魔法 Hikari Mahō): A type of Elemental Magic which relies around the use of light. Makarov is known for being capable of manifesting his immense Magic Power in the form of light,[34] as well as to use it to attack opponents.[35] During his fight with Jose Porla, he was shown drawing ethereal spheres of light in the air, joined together by beams reminiscent of constellations, to perform unseen spells.[36]

  • Giant Wrath (巨人の逆鱗 Kyojin no Gekirin): Makarov exudes a constant surge of destructive light energy that surrounds him, which shakes the surrounding environment and destroys everything within the vicinity. Used when Makarov goes to find Jose Porla, during Fairy Tail’s raid on Phantom Lord.[34]
  • Rain of Light: Makarov creates his Magic Seal in front of himself, from which multiples light blasts are generated and sent flying at his opponents.[20]
Fairy Law

Fairy Law

Fairy Law (妖精の法律フェアリーロウ Fearī Rō): One of the three legendary Magics exclusive to Fairy Tail, Fairy Law is described as Makarov’s most powerful Magic: when activated, a bright light envelops a wide aura around him and inflicts heavy damage on whoever he perceives from his heart as an enemy, leaving friends and bystanders completely unharmed. Makarov’s mastery over such Magic is so great that he defeated Jose Porla, Phantom Lord’s Guild Master and a fellow Wizard Saint, in a single blow.[37][38]

Fire Magic (火の魔法 Hi no Mahō): Makarov is able to use this type of Magic,[39] generating fire around his hand to burn some documents he received from the Magic Council, subsequently throwing the burning sheets at Natsu, who ate them.[40]

Wind Magic (風の魔法 Kaze no Mahō): Makarov has been said to possess Wind Magic, a form of Magic which, as the name implies, allows the user to generate, manipulate and control wind. It’s as of yet unknown, however, which spells he’s capable of using.[2]

Ice Magic (氷の魔法 Kōri no Mahō): Makarov is known for being capable of employing different types of Magic, among which is Ice Magic’.[2]

Makarov's Requip

Makarov’s Requip

Requip (換装 Kansō): Makarov has been shown capable of using this type of Spatial Magic, summoning his Ten Wizard Saints robe and boots after being attacked by Hades.[41]

Dispel (解除魔法ディスペル Disuperu): Makarov has been shown capable of dispelling certain and advanced spells with relative ease such as shown dispelling Macao’s Transformation Magic[42] and Alive in a Dark Mages’ village.[43]

Telepathy (念話テレパシー Terepashī): Makarov has shown the ability to be able to communicate telepathically with others.[44]

Flight: Makarov has shown capable of flight or rather levitating in the air such as shown during his battle with Jose Porla who also possess the same ability.[45]

Master Sensor: Makarov possesses great skill in sensing and discerning the nature of Magic Power. He could read through Macao’s attempt to impersonate Natsu without effort, while all of the other members were fooled by his transformation.[46] He was also able to find out about Grimoire Heart’s presence near Tenrou Island before the Dark Guild managed to land, sensing the Magic Power of its members from far away.[47]

Master Acrobatic Skills: During his first appearance, Makarov was shown performing an astonishing acrobatic feat, jumping from Fairy Tail’s first floor to the balustrade above him with a series of fast somersaults, covering several meters of flight in midair (despite the maneuver failing in the end, with Fairy Tail Master hitting the banister in a comedic way, but nonetheless managing to remain on the second floor) and demonstrating at the same time a considerable lower body strength and great acrobatic prowess, with the entire feat made greater by his small build.[39]

Immense Durability: In spite of his advanced age and small build, Makarov has proven himself to be considerably durable: despite all the damage dealt to him by Hades during their battle and his own critical state of health, he was still able to speak freely and even help Natsu in combat against Zancrow, enduring the black fire from the latter’s Fire God Slayer Magic burning his arm, a feat which was noted by the member of the Seven Kin himself.[48]

Immense Magic Power: Makarov is known for possessing a monstrous amount of Magic Power. By manifesting it in the form of light, something which is known as Giant Wrath, he can destroy the area around him and make it shake prominently.[34] Most notably, a battle between him and his fellow Wizard Saint Jose Porla was described as capable of causing extraordinary natural occurrences, and their real clash had actually alter the surrounding environment in a wide radius: clouds focused around the place of their confrontation, lightning was produced, and high waves were raised.[49]


  • Hiro Mashima gave him the name “Makarov” because he wanted his name to sound Russian.[50] While Precht wanted to name him Pippoko, Mavis eventually named Makarov based on the name of a kind king whom she had read about.[51]
  • In the anime, Makarov’s magical seal has a design almost identical to the Fairy Tail Guild‘s insignia in the center.[45]
  • When he’s asked by the reporter from Weekly Sorcerer about the guild’s ambition, he states that it is to let love and justice fill in people’s minds, though Lucy noted it was clearly a lie.[52]
  • Makarov was ranked second in “Meredy’s Most Important People to Kill” list.[53]

Cana Alberona

Cana Alberona (カナ・アルベローナ Kana Aruberōna) is a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, and is a potential S-Class Mage. She is a heavy drinker, but hardly ever gets drunk, no matter how much she drinks.[1] She is also the daughter of Gildarts Clive.[2]

Cana Alberona posing

Cana Alberona




Kana Aruberōna







18 (X784)[1]


Hair Color


Eye Color

Brown (Manga)
Purple (Anime)

Professional Status


Guild Mark Location

Left Waist


Previous Partner(s)

Personal Status




Cornelia (Mother; Deceased)
Gildarts Clive (Father)




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Cana first anime

Cana, as she first appeared in the anime

Cana is a tall, slim, young woman with an ample bust and tan skin. She has long, mid-back length brown hair with varying shades of color, having been seen as bright brown,[3] black,[4] and, ultimately, plain brown.[5]Two shoulder-length strands of hair frame her face, with the left one starting from a prominent, high fringe.[3] Her hair is curlier in the manga than in the anime, in which it appears more thick and wavy. After the S-Class Trial, Cana was momentarily shown with her hair tied in a high ponytail.[6] Cana has large brown eyes[3] and visibly long eyelashes; Cana’s face is noticeably sharper in the manga compared to her appearance in the anime.[7] She possesses a very voluptuous figure, with large breasts and curvy hips, which, over time, steadily become more defined.[8] Her black Fairy Tail stamp is located on the lower left part of her abdomen, right above her hips. Cana’s fingernails, while usually shown to be cut back and uncolored,[1] are sometimes kept long and adorned by nail polish of different colors.[3]

Cana’s shapely upper body is usually left largely exposed, with most of her attires being distinctively scanty: her standard outfit consists of a light blue bikini top which features a camouflage pattern, a pair of capri pants, with two bands hanging from each leg and a light belt covered in heart motifs loosely tied around the waist. She completes her general outfit by wearing a pair of high-heeled sandals. She also had a pair of metal bracelets adorning her biceps, bearing an incision composed of many “A“s, and three simple, round metal bracelets on her right wrist.[1][3]

Cana and Lucy after first trial

Cana’s outfit during the S-Class Trials

Around the time of the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, Cana wore a new outfit very similar to her standard one, but slightly more concealing: she sported a white shirt, which left her abdomen and forearms exposed, held closed by a band below her collar, which was decorated by a wavy blue motif, and tied in a knot below her chest, which was exposed by the shirt and covered in a dark bikini top, with white edges flanked by wavy, protruding hollowed trimmings.[9] Her black capri pants were held up by a tighter-fitting, lavender belt adorned by red hearts,[10][11] and her high-heeled sandals were replaced by short-heeled ones, secured to her feet by many striped bands, which end mid-calf.[12] While in this outfit, she had no visible jewelry. During the very beginning of the trial, she wore a dark, revealing bikini paired with light-colored flip-flops.[13]

After the war with Grimoire Heart was over, Cana once again changed her outfit, with the new one being noticeably different, consisting of a short-sleeved light shirt with dark inner edges, revealing much of her neckline, a dark, pleated miniskirt, distinctive tights covered in a leopard pattern, and dark boots.[14] After the return from Tenrou Island, Cana is shown donning an outfit highly reminiscent of her standard one, however, with subtle differences: she initially dons a bikini top covered in dark polygons together with the pants and belt from the S-Class Trial,[15]and short-heeled, dark sandals. She also added three more metal bracelets, that circle her left wrist, to her standard jewelry.[16]

Cana always carries around a shoulder bag, with the plain brown strap passing over her left shoulder and diagonally crossing her chest, which is covered and completely obscured by a mass of very long and massive feathers,[17] which are lavender,[11] and occasionally light blue, in color.


Drunk Cana

Cana drunk

Cana has a great love for alcoholic beverages-and a strong alcoholic resistance- such that it borders on addiction. Oftentimes, she is often seen drinking directly from a large beer barrel.[17] She started drinking at the age of thirteen, two years before the legal age, and the frequency of her drinking has grown to the point where thirty percent of Fairy Tail’s liquor budget goes down her throat.[1]Despite her drinking and somewhat laid-back attitude, Cana is one of the more serious members of the guild: she hardly ever goofs off (except when she’s drinking), unlike the majority of the other members.[18] She is very focused on the situation at hand. She seems to harbor some romantic feelings for Macao Conbolt, her drinking buddy, as when he suggested she cut down a bit she did so. But when she discovered he had a new girlfriend she returned to drinking and even doubled her quantity.[1] In the guild itself, Cana often assumes leadership in dire situations, such as during the fight against Phantom Lord, and assesses situations in a logical manner.[19] She is extremely loyal to the guild and its members, regardless of how new they are or what their background may be.[20] In addition, Cana always stands up for her dreams (to become an S-Class Mage) and is rather tenacious, as shown when she attacked Freed, despite being unable to defeat him in the past, without hesitation during their S-Class Mage Promotion Trial battle.[21]However, the S-Class exam showed another side of her. She demonstrated a very selfish side, one which was willing to betray her teammates to become an S-Class Mage. This goal and selfishness of hers caused her to even put her own guildmates in peril.[22] This desperation actually stemmed from her desire to confess to her father.[23] However, upon realizing her mistake she became deeply depressed and tried to rectify her mistake.[24] In addition, Cana easily harbors guilt over harming a fellow guild member, this was shown when Mavis asked her to destroy her ethereal body. Despite the fact Cana knew that it was for the greater good, she showed hesitance throughout the process, and had to be reminded by Mavis that it could change the outcome of the war.[25]

As a child, she didn’t have much interest in drinking and she was much more mature than the other young members of the guild, acting like an older sister figure to them.[26]

Magic and Abilities

Card Magic

Cana using Magic Card

Magic Card (魔法の札マジックカード Majikku Kādo): A type of Holder Magic which revolves around the use of Magic Cards, which can produce a variety of effects,[1] such as generating both abiotic[27] and biotic things.[28] Cana’s cards can be used for offense, with her fighting style having been described as “all-round”: she can employ them as long-range weapons by throwing them at her enemies,[1] and has displayed considerable accuracy in doing so;[29] she is also said to be capable of combining her cards to generate particular effects (something which was extensively shown in the anime[30]).[1] Aside from combat, Magic Card seems to possess other avenues for usage: Cana apparently can track down people to some degree through the cards’ use, as shown when she placed several of them on the ground in an attempt to pinpoint Mystogan‘s location, but to no effect, leaving the effectiveness and the conditions of the cards’ tracking power unknown.[31] In addition, the cards can reproduce the effects from a variety of different forms of Magic, such as Water Magic[27] or Sleep Magic,[22] coming in as very versatile, if used the right way. Cana’s cards can also be linked to specific individuals, allowing her to gain information about their status[32] and location,[33] as well as to communicate with them.[34]

  • Shuriken Cards: Cana is capable of throwing cards as projectiles at her enemies.[1] These thrown cards seem to possess cutting power, being shown piercing targets as if they were shuriken. Cana tends to throw several of them at the same time, likely to strike a larger area or to increase the chance to hit.[29] (Unnamed)
  • Cards Volley: An enhanced ranged attack, in which Cana throws several cards at once at her target in an arched formation. The barrage was redirected by Bluenote Stinger, so its full effects are unknown. However, the deflected cards hit the ground with enough strength to shatter it, lifting up a cloud of debris, implying that either possesses great blunt power or explosive properties.[35] (Unnamed)
  • Cards Wardrobe: By having a large amount of her cards float around her and hide her upper body from sight, Cana was shown capable of changing outfits in mere moments, highly reminiscent of Requip.[36]
  • Sexy Lady Card (セクシーお姉さんカード Sekushī Oneesan Kādo): One of Cana’s single card attacks. She throws a card portraying a curvaceous woman in a skimpy bikini at her target. This will prompt said woman, among others, to come to life from the card, all sporting similar curves and attires. These women will then surround the target and proceed to hug them and rub themselves against them. Opponents who are either attracted by beautiful women or shy when confronted with them are likely to be frozen in place, becoming unable to react properly.[28] In the anime, the generated amount of women is much greater than the manga counterpart.[37]
    • Woman Wall: The amount of beautiful women produced by this card is enough for them to create a living wall by stacking themselves one on the other’s shoulders, surrounding the target and multiplying the primary seduction effect. While this might be ineffective as a serious form of defense, someone not willing to hurt women might be seriously hindered by it.[37] (Unnamed)
Cana Fountain

The Prayer’s Fountain being used

  • The Prayer’s Fountain (祈り子の噴水 Īnoriko no Funsui): A single card spell, Cana places a card on the ground, summoning forth several beams of water from it, which strike in all directions. Cana warned Lucy Heartfilia that the water produced by this card is dangerous to touch, but the effects of touching it are unknown. However, water-based Celestial Spirits may be summoned within it without apparent consequences, as the water was shown acting as a medium for Aquarius. As the name itself suggests, in the manga the card bears the drawing of a fountain on it;[38] in the anime, however, this was replaced with an abstract drawing, portraying a watery entity with its face appearing from many currents.[37]
  • Sleep Card: Another single card spell, Cana pulls out a card portraying a cartoonish, sleeping ram, together with the word “Sleep“, and activates it with her Magic. Such an action immediately put Lucy Heartfilia to sleep.[22] The specific mechanics that are behind the card’s usage are unknown, as well as how it works in detail or if there are limitations to its usage, but its basics seem to be the same as Sleep Magic. (Unnamed)
  • Help Lucy Card: A card adorned by a cartoonish drawing of a distressed Lucy Heartfilia, plus the word “Help” on the top and “Lucy” on the lower part. The card visibly shines if Lucy finds herself in danger[32] and, if need be, a prominent arrow can appear from the card, pointing in Lucy’s direction, and thus allowing Cana to pinpoint her location.[33] (Unnamed)
  • Call Card: A Magic Card bearing a stylized picture of a specific person, which will allow its bearer to communicate with said person. (Unnamed)
  • Call Gildarts Card: A card which Cana was entrusted with by Mirajane on her father Gildarts Clive’s behalf. This card, bearing the picture of a cartoonish Gildarts together with the words “Call” and “Gildarts“, is said to be linked to another card which Gildarts carries around, and to possess the ability to “send it Cana’s wishes“, allowing her to somehow remain in contact with Gildarts and, if need be, call for his assistance. It was swiftly destroyed by Cana.[34] (Unnamed)
  • Call Cana Card: Cana gave this card to Wendy Marvell for communication purposes.[39]
  • Call Warren Card: Cana gave this card to Elfman Strauss for communication purposes.[40]
Card Dimension

Cana using Card Dimension

  • Card Dimension: A spell learned from Shô,[41] Cana uses her cards to trap others in another dimension inside the cards themselves and can free them at will whenever she sees fit. This spell was strong enough to imprison various strong Fairy Tail members in it, Makarov Dreyar included, when an explosion was about to eradicate Fairy Tail.[42] (Unnamed)
  • Thunderbolt’s Fate (落雷の運命 Rakurai no Unmei): One of Cana’s multiple card spells, she places three of her cards, the “Lightning” (which has multiple, yellow and green lightning on it), “Reverse Tower” (drawn as an orange and blue tower, on bright light sky, with yellow clouds) and “Lovers” (with black and white cats hugging, and a red heart between them) together in her hand. Those cards interact with each other, striking multiple opponents around her with massive bolts of lightning.[43]
  • Summoned Lightning: A multiple card spell, Cana combines three of her cards, “Heaven” (a blue and purple card, with a picture resembles mustache man, with a sky circle on his head), “Reverse Death” (red, white and black human silhouette drawing on it) and “Mountain” (a landscape drawing with multiple green mountains on the blue sky), in her hand, after which green lightning bolts are fired towards her opponent in an arched trajectory.[44] This spell can be used as a trap-oriented version, in which several cards are left on the ground in a circular formation. Everyone who steps foot inside said formation will be electrocuted by green lightning.[37]
  • Explosion Cards: Cana’s multiple, long distance card spell. She has several unnamed cards seemingly float before her in a curved line. This formation prompts a burst of flames to appear, which is sent flying in her target’s direction.[45]
  • Wind Edge: Cana’s multiple, long distance card spell. She pulls out two cards: “Heaven” and one unnamed (with a green, wind-like drawing on it) and combines them in one hand, and with the other one, when she waves it in the direction of the spell, it activates. This action generates an ascending air blast from the ground several meters away from her, which can strike multiple opponents at the same time.[46] (Unnamed)
  • Sun’s Strength (太陽の力 Taiyō no Chikara): Cana’s multiple, long distance card spell. She throws a few of the same, unnamed Magic Cards, each with a flame-like drawing on each of them. These cards, after being thrown, change into flame covered bullets which explode upon contact.[47]
  • Icicle: Cana’s multiple, long distance card spell. She uses three unnamed cards, combines them in her hand, and waves them at her opponent. This creates multiple ice bullets that closely resemble icicles, which both hit and freeze the target.[47]
Improved Fairy Glitter

Fairy Glitter being used

Fairy Glitter (妖精の輝きフェアリーグリッター Fearī Gurittā): One of Fairy Tail’s three great Magics, which was momentarily bestowed upon Cana by Mavis Vermilion.[48] Cana’s ability to use this spell was manifested by a dark tattoo imprinted on her right forearm, consisting of Fairy Tail’s symbol surrounded by a sharp, concave design, resembling an arrowhead, or a slender triangular shield.[49] To activate it, Cana first gathers light around her right arm, her tattoo shining as she does so. She then proceeds to chant the incantation: “Gather! O river of light that guides the fairies! Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil! Fairy Glitter!“. This prompts a large, bright halo of light to surround the target, which rapidly constricts around and heavily damages them.

Cana tells Gray his future

Cana tells Gray the future

Fortune Telling: Using the very same cards she employs for her Magic Card, Cana seems capable of reading fortunes, similar to real forms of fortune-telling performed through tarot cards, and appears to be fairly skilled at it, having foreseen Lucy Heartfilia would met a special person, something which did happen.[50] Cana started developing this peculiar ability during her younger days in Fairy Tail, when she desperately longed to confess to Gildarts Clive that she was his daughter, but was stopped by his continuous absences from the guild and by her own shyness: in order to know when Gildarts would be back, she started practicing fortune-telling, something which eventually led her to take up Magic Card as her primary Magic.[51]

Alcohol Tolerance: Cana is known for possessing immense alcohol tolerance: she is shown remaining sober after drinking entire barrels of alcohol by herself,[17] and she’s also responsible for 30% Fairy Tail’s yearly alcohol consumption.[1] So far, the only instances in which she actually got drunk was at the beginning of the Tenrou Island arc, in which depression, together with several bottles of alcohol, led to her collapsing in an alleyway and almost dying, had it not been for Lucy’s intervention, and when she entered a drinking contest with Bacchus during the Grand Magic Games.[10]

Enhanced Strength: Cana seems to possess deceptively high physical strength, being shown lifting large barrels full of alcohol above her head with just her hands without apparent effort.[17]

Immense Magic Power: As noted by Mavis, Cana possesses high amounts of latent Magic Power. When using Fairy Glitter on the Magic Power Finder, she was capable of surpassing Jura Neekis’ own score, overloading the device with her power as she did so.[52] More testament to her power is when she was able to use Fairy Glitter multiple amount of times in attempt and succeeded in freeing Mavis’ body from a Lacrima.[53]


Cana Alberona

Cana holding some of her cards

Magic Cards: Cana always carries around with her a deck of cards, which she uses to perform her Magic Card.[1] The back of all these cards bears a dark cross with heart-shaped arms (reminiscent of Heart Kreuz‘s logo) surrounded by an intricate motif,[54] while the front part houses a different image for each of them, reminiscent of those found on real-life tarot cards, of which they are based upon.[55]

Artificial Keys:


  • According to her guild card, she likes alcoholic drinks and dislikes non-alcoholic drinks.[1]
  • From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, the best quality of Fairy Tail according to Cana is that the alcoholic drinks from the guild taste really good. The most difficult job she has taken involved taking a stroll in the desert; quoting “For a second there, I thought I was going to die in that desert because there were no alcoholic drinks.“. She wishes to be a mistress in a bar in the future. She has a good relationship with Gray and Macao.[57]
  • Cana’s name came from Arcana of the tarot cards.[58]


Wendy Marvell

Wendy Marvell (ウェンディ・マーベル Wendi Māberu) is a young female Sky Dragon Slayer. She was one of the orphans chosen to be a Dragon Slayer four hundred years prior to X777, serving as her foster mother‘s vessel to travel to X777 through the Eclipse Gate as a part of the plan to exterminate Acnologia.[5] Formerly belonging to the Cait Shelter Guild,[6]she officially joins the Fairy Tail Guild after the events surrounding Nirvana unfold.[7] Following the disbandment of Fairy Tail, Wendy, along with Carla, joined Lamia Scale.[8] Subsequent to the conclusion of the war between Orochi’s Fin and Lamia Scale,[9] Wendy leaves Lamia Scale and helps Natsu[10] resurrect Fairy Tail.[11]

Wendy's image

Wendy Marvell




Wendi Māberu


Sky Sorceress (天空の巫女 Tenkū no Miko)







12 (X784)[1]

Hair Color

Dark Blue
Pink (Dragon Force)[2]

Eye Color

Pink (Dragon Force)[2]

Professional Status


Previous Affiliation

Guild Mark Location

Right Shoulder



Previous Partner(s)

Base of Operations

Personal Status




Grandeeney (Foster Mother; Deceased)




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Wendy Anime S5

Wendy’s general appearance

Wendy is a petite girl with fair skin. As of her introduction, she has long, dark blue hair that reaches down to her waist, with two bangs framing her face which reach down to her chest alongside her brown eyes.[12] She later cuts her hair down to a bob cut during her battle with Tartaros though Cancer later styled it back into the long hair she usually has after the battle.[13] Like all Dragon Slayers, she has elongated canine teeth.[14] At first, she wears a simple dress with two wavy stripes running across the dress and ending in small pointed edges at the bottom. Around her arms and legs she wears wing like attachments. Wendy’s Cait Shelter Guild stamp was located on her right shoulder, but after the Guild disbanded and she joined Fairy Tail, the stamp was replaced by Fairy Tail’s Guild stamp.[12]

During her time in Edolas, Wendy wears her hair up in pigtails held together by two animal ear like attachments. Two strands of hair hang down on each side of her face. She wears a long sleeved top with two buttons in the center and an ascot around her neck. The top is adorned with a small pattern around the shoulders and a small trim around the upturned cuffs. She wears a frilled skirt with a small trim running around right above the end. She also wears thigh high socks.[15]

While on Tenrou Island, Wendy wears several different outfits. At first, she wears a flowing dress with a triangular pattern near the top and crossing pattern around the rest of the dress. She wears a thick band around each of her arms and ankle tied sandals on her feet.[16] Later, Wendy receives new clothing from the Celestial Spirit World. It is a simple kimono with a black waistband and small tie over it. She wears thigh high socks and wing like attachments in her hair to keep it up in pigtails.[17] After being saved from Hades’ attack, Horologium gives Wendy new clothes. They are a suit like top with a light trim and large cuffs and dress shirt with tie. She wears a small skirt with a large sash holding the top and skirt together. Her hair is let down and she wears dark stockings.[18]

During the Grand Magic Games, Wendy wears her team colors in a long sleeved dress with a flower pattern adorning the sleeves. She has a small tie with ribbons holding her hair in pigtails and stockings.[19]


Wendy cry

Wendy’s shy personality

Wendy is a very shy and polite girl.[20] She is always accompanied by her Exceed companion, Carla, as they have a very close relationship.[21] She is very eager to try and make friends.[12] Wendy also cares greatly for her guild members, and even suggested going to the home-town of the Exceed to try and get them to evacuate when they were under threat.[22]She’s initially portrayed as insecure, doubting of both her ability to help her allies and appearance (eg, the sizes of her breasts), however Wendy has become more confident and brave as time goes on, and she always tries to be of help wherever she can.[23] She is intelligent and has a very honest personality, is “direct and open with her emotions”, and is easily swayed by the people around her. However, this also causes her to be “very romantic”. She can be spontaneous and “very ditzy”.[24] Unlike the other Dragon Slayers, Wendy doesn’t enjoy fighting, preferring to avoid it as much as possible. If, however, it’s for the sake of her guild or friends, Wendy will fight without hesitation. However, after Doranbolt saved her and Carla from dying, with the destruction on one Face, Wendy cut her hair, deciding she would no longer cry and whine, and would continue to fight as long as her friends are fighting as well.[13]

As a Dragon Slayer, Wendy suffers from motion sickness when riding on any form of transportation. Her condition started during the one year period between Fairy Tail’s disbandment and reestablishment. Due to practically being unable to move and think properly in this state, Wendy can’t cast healing spells like Troia on herself to counter it.[25]

Magic and Abilities

Sky Dragon Slayer Magic (天の滅竜魔法 Ten no Metsuryū Mahō): Wendy is the Sky Dragon Slayer, which means that she has the same type of Magic as Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox, but with the ability to manipulate air. Her Magic also allows her to heal people with the gravest of injuries, even those caused by a Dragon. Her proficiency in healing allows her to use even just a kiss to heal other people and she can counteract other Magic. Her Magic also has support spells, which can increase attack power and speed, to both herself and her others.[26] As stated by Carla, Wendy can eat air, but can’t heal as well in polluted areas.[27] Her Magic also allows her to sense air currents, which can be used to predict the weather.

Sky Dragon's Roar

Sky Dragon’s Roar

  • Sky Dragon’s Roar (天龍の咆哮 Tenryū no Hōkō): A version of Dragon’s Roar. When using this attack, Wendy breathes a hurricane-like blast at her target. It has been shown to be powerful enough to destroy one of Nirvana’s Lacrima crystals, and then match Sherria‘s Sky God’s Bellow after having her Second Origin unlocked.[28]
    • Sky Dragon’s Roar + Cure: A variation of Sky Dragon’s Roar with the additional power of Wendy’s healing Magic. This spell is unique in its coincidental offensive and healing properties, such that Wendy was able to cure Erigor’s memory block, which released the Magic bestowed upon him and rendered him unable to battle.[29]
  • Sky Dragon’s Healing Spell: A type of healing Magic which is powerful and believed to be long-lost where the user manipulates clean air, to perform various feats, such as draining poison from an infected victim.[30] and can even revive people that are in a near-death state.[31] Wendy used this spell to heal Erza of her poisoning, after she was bitten and poisoned by Cubellios, during her battle with Cobra.[32] (Unnamed)
  • Troia (トロイア Toroia): A type of healing Magic shaped in the form of a ball which Wendy used to heal Natsu’s motion sickness.[33] The effects of the spell are temporary, and, if continuously used, the spell becomes useless.[34]
  • Body Anomaly Reversal Magic, Raise (状態異常回復魔法レーゼ Jōtai Ijō Kaifuku Mahō Rēze): By using this spell, Wendy can negate the effects of Magic used on herself or other people, as seen when she used it to cancel Kamika’s binding spell.[35]
  • Sky Dragon’s Wing Attack (天龍の翼撃 Tenryū no Yokugeki): This Magic features Wendy expelling a whirlwind of air from her arms to attack her surroundings. This Magic is a mimic of Natsu’s Fire Dragon’s Wing Attack.[36]
  • Sky Dragon’s Claw (天竜の鉤爪 Tenryū no Kagizume): Wendy jumps and lifts her feet and unleashes large winds the moment the leg is swung down at the target.[37]
  • Sky Dragon’s Crushing Fang (天竜の砕牙 Tenryū no Saiga): Wendy charges and swipes the target with her fingers leaving a wake of wind behind as she does so.[38]
  • Sky Dragon’s Wave Wind (天竜の波颪 Tenryū no Namioroshi): Wendy swings her hand and subsequently generates a large and very powerful tornado.[39]
  • First Sky Arrow (天空甲矢 Tenkū Haya): The user cloaks one of their legs in a whirlwind of a Sky Dragon’s air, thrusting it at their target.[40]
  • Enchantment (付加術 Fukajutsu): A large portion of the spells in Wendy’s possession are enchantments, which allow her to attach her Magic Power to someone or something (including herself) to boost their natural parameters. Being capable of such a feat makes Wendy, by default, in addition to being a Dragon Slayer, an “Enchanter” (付加術士エンチャンター Enchantā). However, not all enchantments she possesses are associated with Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.[41] It has been noted that Wendy’s aptitude for enchantments is exceptionally great, with her being able to cast enchantments on a level comparable to a High Enchanter’s.[42] Additionally, when her body was under Irene’s control, Irene was able to cast enchantments with power comparable to her own, noting that Wendy’s magical aptitude was much higher than she anticipated.[43]
Sky Dragon Slayer Enchantments

  • Vernier (瞬足バニーア Banīa): A spell that speeds up the movement of the target, including the caster themselves, for a short period of time.[44] Incantation of this Magic: “Fast wind that run the heaven… VERNIER…”[23]
  • Ile Vernier (速度倍化イルバニーア Iru Banīa): By chanting “Ile Vernier”, Wendy is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the speed-increasing capabilities of Vernier.[45]


  • Arms (剛腕アームズ Āmuzu): After reciting an enchantment, the Caster then targets a region of the body in which to increase damage output, such as the arms, for a short period of time. Incantation of this Magic: “Power of the stout arms that tears heaven… ARMS..”[46]
  • Ile Arms (攻撃力倍化イルアームズ Iru Āmuzu): By chanting “Ile Arms”, Wendy is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the offense-increasing capabilities of Arms.[45]
  • Armor (アーマー Āmā): A spell that enhances the defense power of the target, including the Caster themself, for a short period of time.
  • Ile Armor (防御力倍化イルアーマー Iru Āmā): By chanting “Ile Armor”, Wendy is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the defense-increasing capabilities of Armor.[45]
  • Anomaly Resistance Enchant: Re-Raise (状態異常耐性付加エンチャントリレーゼ Jōtai Ijō Taisei Enchanto Rirēze): A supportive spell that will protect Wendy from any anomaly effect Magic targeted towards her.[47]
Basic Enchantments

  • Deus Corona (神の王冠デウスコロナ Deusu Korona): By chanting “Elemental resistances rise!“, Wendy is able to temporarily increase her defensive capabilities quite significantly.[48] However, against powerful enough attacks, the resistances added onto her can be broken through.[49]
  • Deus Eques (神の騎士デウスエクエス Deusu Ekuesu): By chanting “Physical ability rise!“, Wendy is able to temporarily increase her general physical capabilities.[48]
Advanced Enchantments

  • Deus Zero (神の無加デウスゼロ Deusu Zero): Wendy is capable of casting this advanced enchantment, which allows one to extract Magic and other enchantments from people, and used it to negate the casting of Irene Belserion‘s own Deus Zero.[50] In Irene’s body, she also later proved herself to be able to, because of the vast difference in strength between her then-current form and original body, completely extract Irene’s personality from her body and put them back where they belonged.[51]
  • Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art (滅竜奥義 Metsuryū Ōgi): Through the aid of Porlyusica, Wendy was able to learn two secret arts that her foster Dragon mother, Grandeeney, failed to teach to her.[52]
  • Shattering Light: Sky Drill (照破・天空穿 Shōha Tenkūsen): A special spell where Wendy forms a fast wind barrier with her arms spread out, and by moving them in a counter-clockwise direction, causes the barrier to contract inwards towards her opponent.[53]
  • Milky Way (ミルキーウェイ Mirukī Wei): It is a Magic that can be used to materialize the soul of a deceased Dragon, which can then be conversed with.[54] Although, to be able to summon the Dragon’s soul, the soul itself has to be inside the range of the spell. The caster is not able to materialise souls whose magic has vanished from this world.[55] As noted by Wendy, it takes a strong will for one’s soul to persist after death, though the state of the soul can be affected and damaged by powerful magic.[56]
Wendy's Dragon Force

Wendy’s enhanced abilities in her Dragon Force mode

Dragon Force (ドラゴンフォース Doragon Fōsu): By consuming air with high concentration of Ethernano, Wendy has been shown to be able to enter Dragon Force. This ability is said to be the final and most powerful state a Dragon Slayer can attain, and it has been said that their power becomes comparable to that of a real Dragon’s.[57] Wendy gains pink eyes together with longer hair, now pink instead of blue, that curves and points upwards. The Dragon Slayer also has white scales, similar to that of Grandeeney’s, that spring out of her back, and smaller ones on her hands and feet.[2] After the one year time skip, while fighting the Avatar army, Wendy was shown to be able to enter Dragon Force at will.[58]

  • Enhanced Speed: Through the use of Dragon Force, Wendy was shown to have improved her speed as she was able to evade Ezel’s attack and appear right behind the Demon, allowing her to attack.[59]
  • Enhanced Endurance: With the help of Dragon Force, Wendy was also shown to have greater physical stamina. The Dragon Slayer was still able to fight back, even though she already suffered a lot of major damage from Ezel.[59]
Unison Raid of the Sky and the Earth

Lucy and Wendy’s Unison Raid

Unison Raid (合体魔法ユニゾンレイド Yunizon Reido): An ability which allows two Mages to unite their Magic into a single, combined and stronger attack. Wendy has shown herself to be able to combine her Magic with Lucy’s, creating powerful attacks.[60]

Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite preferring to avoid combat, and especially close-range confrontations, Wendy can combine unarmed attacks with her Sky Dragon Slayer Magic in order to make up for her reduced size, making the blows she lands stronger and increasing their range with the wind currents characteristic to her Magic; a fighting style not unlike Sherria Blendy’s, whom Wendy engaged in a melee confrontation near the end of their battle in the Grand Magic Games Tournament.[61]

Enhanced Durability: Wendy possesses good physical resilience. She was shown being struck by a God Slayer Magic attack while taking little damage and was able to counter-attack immediately.[62] Wendy also engaged Sherria using melee combat, trading hit for hit while they used Sky Dragon Slayer Magic and Sky God Slayer Magic respectively[61] to bolster their blows. By the battle’s conclusion, Wendy had only sustained moderate injuries.[63]

Enhanced Smell: Wendy, like all Dragon Slayers, has a very keen sense of smell. Her nose is capable of identifying people by their scent, as she demonstrated with Jellal and Porlyusica. She was also capable of pinpointing Drake‘s position, tens of meters away from her, on a cliff, through the smell of the gunpowder used by his rifle’s bullets.[64]

Enhanced Hearing: Wendy has shown extremely fine hearing, able to hear the voices of the Alvarez soldiers searching for a spy from way out at sea.[65]

Enhanced Endurance: Wendy, despite her frail build, possesses great physical stamina. She has been shown, various times, using numerous Sky Dragon Slayer Magic spells in quick succession, showing little to no fatigue afterwards, best exemplified throughout her battle with Sherria during the Grand Magic Games. Wendy used powerful techniques, sustaining multiple injuries after each successive attack, while still mustering the strength to perform a Sky Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art,[66] and, in the end, still having the strength to draw with said opponent, if only through hand-to-hand combat.[61]

Enhanced Reflexes: Wendy’s reflexes are shown to be rather sharp, allowing her to move Lucy out of Drake’s firing trajectory in an instant, causing the sniper to miss a shot which could otherwise be lethal. The Sylph Labyrinth member himself went on to praise the duo’s dodge.[67]


Air Shatter Cannon (空裂砲 Kūretsu Hō): During the time Wendy couldn’t use her Magic in Edolas, she fought with this Magical weapon. When she opens it, it releases a strong tornado.[68]

Artificial Keys:


Wendy & Carla's concept

Original Concept of Wendy and Carla

  • The original concept of Wendy showed her possessing a wand, and her Cait Shelter tattoo was located on her left shoulder instead of her right.
  • The anime had Wendy cameo in episodes before her actual debut in the manga.[70]
  • Wendy was originally going to be a older female Dragon Slayer but Hiro Mashima wanted to implant his plan of adding a “cute, little warrior” eventually, surmising it to be in Wendy’s character.[71]
  • Wendy was originally set to be the Water Dragon Slayer.[72]
  • Wendy’s name started while she was set to be the Water Dragon Slayer, starting with the kanji for water “水”, to the Japanese word for Wednesday “水曜日”, to the rōmaji of Wednesday in English (ウェンズデイ Wenzudei), to Wendy (ウェンディ Wendi)[72]
  • Wendy dislikes Umeboshi (pickled plums)[1] to an extent where she can be influenced at the sight of others eating them.[73]

Panther Lily

Panther Lily (パンサー・リリー Pansā Rirī) is an Exceed that originally worked for the kingdom of Edolas as the Magic Militia’s First Division Commander of the Royal Army.[3] He is a member of the Fairy Tail Guild and is Gajeel Redfox‘s companion. During the time Fairy Tail was disbanded he was a member of the Magic Council. However, he rejoined Fairy Tail after the guild returned.[6]

Lily prop 2

Panther Lily




Pansā Rirī


Lily (リリー Rirī)





Hair Color

Black Coat

Eye Color


Professional Status


Previous Affiliation

Guild Mark Location



Previous Occupation

Member of the Custody Enforcement Unit[1]
Royal Army Captain of the 1st Magic War Division[3]

Previous Team

Royal Army Captains[3]


Previous Partner(s)

Personal Status






Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice

Rick Keeling


His head is that of a black panther’s, but he has a tall, muscular build similar to that of a human’s. Later, this body is called his battle form. He has a white muzzle, small red eyes, and a scar running down across his left eye. Like his fellow commanders (except Hughes), he wore a personal set of battle armor with a long cape draped around his body, as well as a helmet vaguely similar to that of Lyon Vastia.[3]

Lily's mark

Panther Lily’s guild mark

However, when he reached Earth Land, he took a form which is more typical for Exceeds, as a small, bipedal black cat with round ears. His facial features are retained, albeit in a very deformed manner. Although he can return to his former form, he can only do so for a very limited amount of time. His guild tattoo is on his back in the same place as Happy and Carla‘s,[4] and is gray in color.


Panther Lily seems to have a grumpy disposition and detests noisy people. He first appears by demanding that Byro and the hyperactive Hughes quiet down (although Sugarboy noted that Panther Lily was in a nastier mood than usual).[7] He also seemed to have reservations about Operation ETD, unlike the other commanders.[8] This was presumably because he did not want his own race to be destroyed, despite the fact that he had also said that Extalia was a fake country, one he discarded a long time ago.[2] However, Panther Lily is on good terms with Mystogan as he saved the young prince from death when he was a small child. Panther Lily does not discriminate against Exceeds or humans and treats them as equals, unlike the Exceeds in Edolas who viewed themselves as superior to the humans.[9]

Panther Lily likes kiwi fruits, even singing their praises.[10] Despite his tough attitude, he is frightened of thunder.[11] He also seems to have a penchant for oversized weapons, as shown from his handling of the Bustermarm and his liking for the Musica Sword.[12]


Pantherlily's betrayal

Panther Lily’s “betrayal”

Panther Lily was once an Exceed that lived in Extaliaand worked for Extalia’s army. One day he saved the Prince of Edolas from certain danger. However, his act of bringing the young prince to Extalia was considered as an act of treason by the elders, who labelled Panther Lily as a “Fallen”, a traitor, and exiled him from Extalia immediately and permanently.[9] After these events, Panther Lily went to live in the human world with Mystogan. He trained himself and joined the Royal Army of Edolas as the Royal Captain of the 1st Magic War Division.[11]


Edolas arc

Panther Lily is first seen with the rest of the Royal Army Captains. He tells Byro and Hughes to be quiet, as he dislikes noisy people. When Erza Knightwalker questions him about it, she speculates that a recent military issue has made him grumpier than usual.[7] Later, he is seen in a meeting with the rest of the Royal Staff, and Faust himself. As the meeting is dismissed, Panther Lily starts to voice his disapproval of a military agreement he is unhappy with, but stops and apologizes the moment he sees Faust’s stare growing even more unsettling than usual.[13]

Pantherlily arrives to protect the lacrima

Panther Lily arrives to fight with Gajeel

He later appears running towards Erza Knightwalker, yelling at her not to let the escaped Lucy Heartfilia and the “fallen” (Carla and Happy) get away.[14] When the two Exceed grab Lucy and fly away, Panther Lily is then seen staring upward at them from the ground with the rest of the Army Captains after they have been cornered from both sky and ground.[15] Later, when Faust orders the initiation of Code ETD, which involves the overthrowing of the Exceed and the destruction of their homeland Extalia, he shows intense rage upon learning about the military and King’s true plan.[8] However, this does not make him falter in his duty, as when Gajeel Redfox and Happy set out to destroy the giant Lacrima, a vital part of the King’s plans. Panther Lily uses his giant sword to slice away part of the floating island to prevent them from getting closer. As Gajeel tries to slash him, Panther Lily just flies away, before slamming down his massive sword and cutting away a bit more of the island along with it. He and Gajeel then prepare fight each other seriously.[16]

Gajeel and Panther Lily fighting

Panther Lily vs. Gajeel

Their fight starts to get intense when Gajeel’s iron scales allow him to withstand an attack from Panther Lily’s sword, but the giant Exceed refuses to give in, loudly exclaiming his personal history of being an exile of Extalia. Gajeel immediately takes a liking to him and tries to make him his cat companion. However, before deciding to make him his companion, Gajeel decides to show him who is stronger, and manages to break Lily’s sword, shocking the black Exceed. With his weapon destroyed, Panther Lily moves the fight to one of hand-to-hand combat.[17] Later on during their fight, Panther Lily and Gajeel observe the Dragon Chain Cannon being fired.[18][19] Seeing that Gajeel has run away from the fight to stop the Dragon Chain Cannon succeeding in its job, Panther Lily yells at him for running away, only to be stunned by what Gajeel has to say: “I’ll be back to get you, to bring you to my guild, and if you don’t come, I’ll beat you up and drag you there”. Panther Lily then notices that Coco is helping the enemy, and screams at her to get away.[20]

Exceed came to save their home

Panther Lily watches the Exceed come to protect their homeland

As he watches and yells at them that it is useless to try to stop the Lacrima, he notices that more and more Exceed are coming forward to push the Lacrima back, much to his surprise.[21] He himself remembers a crueller Extalia, one that banished him for his helping of an injured human child, and cannot believe that such a country would come together to help one another.[9] He then watches as the Queen falls from the sky due to her poor flying capabilities, and quickly rushes to her aid, asking her if she is finally finished with all of her lies. As the Queen apologizes, so does Panther Lily, stating that no matter how much he tried, he could never bring himself to hate Extalia, as it is his home country.[22] He then notices that the Lacrima Island is being pushed back due to the Exceeds valiant efforts, and watches as Mystogan arrives and sends the Lacrima back to Earth Land using the Anima.[23]

Mystogan watching Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy fight

Panther Lily watching Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy fighting Faust

Mystogan tells him that he was glad to have saved his country, causing Panther Lily to thank him and refer to Mystogan as the Prince of Edolas, who turns out to be the very child Panther Lily saved those many years ago. The reunion is cut short however when Erza Knightwalker appears and shoots Panther Lily through the stomach, declaring that the battle is far from over.[24] This angers Gajeel, who yells at Knightwalker for daring to touch his cat. Though badly wounded, Panther Lily survives the attack and watches the Dragon Slayers battle Faust with Mystogan, and is shocked when he realizes that Mystogan apparently faked being defeated by Faust to help treat his wounds.[25] He then follows Mystogan into the room that produces Anima, and is stunned when Mystogan reveals his plan to transfer all Magic in Edolas to Earth Land.[26]

Mystogan then carries out his plan, leaving the people of Edolas in distress as they watch their world begin to crumble.[27] Mystogan tells Panther Lily that for the people to be calmed the two of them must take on the roles of a villain and a hero, and once the people see that the villain has been defeated, they will gain their confidence once again and follow their new hero into the future. Mystogan tells Panther Lily to kill him, becoming the hero and the “King of the New World”.[28]

Mystogan and Pantherlily argue

Panther Lily refuses to kill Mystogan

Panther Lily refuses to kill him and instead offers to be the villain because they need to quell the chaos. Mystogan is adamant that Panther Lily has a happy life. They are interrupted by somebody who says that a riot is beginning to amass outside the palace, and Panther Lily follows the guard outside to help deal with them. When he asks how many people are involved, his subordinates reply that there are only 3 people, causing Panther Lily to become distraught at the soldiers inability to halt the mayhem caused by only a few trouble-makers; but the soldiers further reply that the perpetrators are rather powerful, and Panther Lily ultimately learns that the trio of rioters are none other than Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy.[29] Natsu claims to be the “Great Demon Lord Dragneel” and boasts that he has defeated the King and is now taking the world’s Magic power.[30]

Nadi explain

Panther Lily is informed about the situation

Mystogan tells Natsu to stop, but Natsu simply challenges him to beat him while revealing him as the Prince of Edolas.[31] As Mystogan and Panther Lily wonder how such events unfolded, Nadi reveals himself and tells the duo that he overheard their conversation and asked the Dragon Slayers to become the “villains” instead.[32] As the Anima starts to strengthen, Nadi tells Panther Lily to get ready for what they are gonna do next.[33] Panther Lily suddenly starts to glow, and realizes that the Anima will transfer all of the Exceed to Earth Land too, as the Exceed -unlike the humans in Edolas- possess Magic within their bodies. Before all the Exceeds are transferred to Earth Land, Panther Lily tells Mystogan that he can take his time in rebuilding the kingdom, and the two bid each other farewell one last time.[34]

Pantherlily chibi form

Panther Lily in Earth Land

Later, Panther Lily (with other Exceeds and Fairy Tail members) is transported to Earth Land.[35] After the Exceeds have left, Gajeel wonders aloud where Panther Lily has gotten too. Showing up in a normal Exceed-sized form, Panther Lily requests that he join the guild that the Prince was once a member of, asking Gajeel to keep his promise of letting him join. Gajeel could not be happier, and holds him tightly as he cries in happiness. Panther Lily then pulls the rope he has been holding the whole time and states that he had caught someone suspicious. As he pulls the person into view, everyone is left speechless by the fact that the person is Lisanna.[36] Lisanna asks Panther Lily if he is an Exceed, to which he replies by stating his name, and Gajeel angrily asks her if she is picking a fight with his cat.[37] When Lisanna reveals that she is actually the Lisanna from Earth Land who was sent to Edolas two years ago, Panther Lily alongside Natsu and the others helps Lisanna to return to her siblings.[38]

Tenrou Island arc

Back at Fairy Tail, everybody is acting hyper and rambunctious again. Panther Lily is surprised by how noisy everyone is, and finds it hard to believe they all have Magic Power inside of them. Erza explains that that is how Mages are in Earth Land, and also points out that the Magic is not important, but the hearts and the people who wield it. Panther Lily tells Erza that it is comforting to see a familiar face like hers, even though she is not the Erza he knew. When Gajeel propose a fight between the Dragon Slayer’s Exceeds, Panther Lily refuses, saying that picking a pointless fight only will get them hurt. He suggests that he get along with Happy and Carla, but everybody else in the Guild starts to fight anyway.[39] A while later, everyone finishes fighting and is sleeping from exhaustion, with Gajeel hugging Panther Lily with one arm.[40]

Lily practices with Erza

Panther Lily practices his swordsmanship abilities with Erza

Panther Lily is later seen having a brief sparring session against Erza in his large form. The match ends shortly after when Panther Lily can no longer sustain his Magic and reverts to his chibi form. He then notes that he can only remain in his true form under a set amount of time while he is in Earth Land. He nevertheless ends up being the object of Gajeel’s gloating -the studded Mage having apparently been overseeing the match- to Erza.[41] The next day, at the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial ceremony when Gajeel gets angry about the master not picking him, Panther Lily says Erza told him that the guild did not trust him.[42] Moments later he is seen pleased when Gajeel shows his good intentions by offering to help Levy become an S-Class Mage.[43]

Pantherlily confronts Mest

Panther Lily confronts Mest

A little while before the first trial reaches its end, Panther Lily and Carla fly towards Tenrou Island despite not being allowed to, though Carla defends their actions by saying that they are merely going to watch.[44] As they are flying, Panther Lily notes that there is something strange about Mest‘s relation to his Prince.[45] As they land on the beach, he states that Mystogan was a secluded person who would never socialize with anyone and would put everyone to sleep whenever he was around. He also finds it unlikely that Mystogan would take a disciple -the position Mest claims to fill- and ends his pondering by wondering whether Mest is really a member of Fairy Tail at all.[46]

He and Carla find and confront Mest just as the red attack signal flare is sent up into the air, and question his motives and identity. Panther Lily transforms into his Battle Mode and pins Mest against a rock, but Mest teleports out of his grip to save Wendy from Azuma‘s attack. Mest then explains that he is a member of the Council who infiltrated Fairy Tail to find information to disband them. He also reveals that he has a battle ship nearby that will arrest the guild members; Azuma however, destroys the battle ship and engages them in battle. Panther Lily tells everyone to stand back as he prepares for the upcoming fight.[47]


Panther Lily punches Azuma

Panther Lily then charges Azuma and immediately gets engulfed in an explosion. However, he presses on and successfully punches Azuma in the face. After that, the residue left behind from the previous explosion explodes, damaging him once more. Wishing that he had his sword, Panther Lily then is empowered by Wendy’s Arms X Vernier, which increases both his leg speed and his arm strength. He then proceeds to dodge Azuma’s explosions, and flies high into the sky after Carla tells him to, thus serving as a distraction for a surprise attack by Mest and Wendy. However, Azuma notices the attempt and summons an enormous column of flame, defeating all his opponents in one attack, including the airborne Panther Lily. On the ground, Panther Lily then reverts to his chibi form, unconscious.[48]

Lily defeats Grimoire Heart Mages

Panther Lily beats members of Grimoire Heart

He wakes up after Natsu and Happy arrive at the scene. Looking to the sky, he sees Caprico releasing numerous bubbles, from which Grimoire Heart members emerge to fight them.[49] As Natsu and Happy take out most of the members in their immediate vicinity, he notes that he does not even have enough Magic left to retain his Battle form. He looks on as Zancrow arrives to fight Natsu, and trembles in fear when he sees Zancrow incinerate his remaining allies. He then watched as the two do battle.[50] After Happy commentates too much on the fight, an annoyed Zancrow burns them as well.[51]

Wendy tries to heal Natsu

Panther Lily stands next to Wendy as she tries to heal Natsu

Sometime later, after Natsu and Makarov‘s fight with Zancrow has concluded, Wendy and the cats are seen next to the unconscious Natsu and barely conscious Makarov, with Wendy trying to heal them. Happy explains how Natsu’s scarf was turned black, which makes Panther Lily wonder if the mysterious Mage present on the island is really Zeref.[52] Some time later, Natsu wakes up and asks them where Makarov is, to which Panther Lily replies that he is right beside Natsu. Natsu then picks up a familiar scent of a former enemy that he fought on Galuna Island and runs off, despite the groups protests.[53]

Panther Lily is later seen appearing somewhat shocked when Doranbolt -revealed to be Mest’s real name- comes back to the island. After Doranbolt proposes to help get Fairy Tail off of Tenrou Island, Panther Lily, along with the others, refuses and states that Fairy Tail can take care of its own problems.[54]

Lily gets ready to fight Rusty

Panther Lily gets ready to fight Rusty

After arriving at the resting area, Panther Lily informs a worried Levy and Lisanna that Natsu and the rest of the group are on their way, and listens as Levy states that they need to unite against their foe. Soon after, Rustyrose shows up and challenges him along with Levy and Lisanna to battle.[55] He is later seen when he notices Bluenote‘s Magic.[56] When Freed and Bickslow arrive he is shocked to see them and marvels at the true power of the Thuder God Tribe.[57]

Panther Lily, along with Lisanna and Levy, warns Freed and Bickslow to be careful when Rustyrose attacks them with his spell, Ghost of the Britear.[58] He is later seen collapsing when Azuma uproots the tree on Tenrou Island that protects and gives power to Fairy Tail members.[59]

Team Natsu arrives at the airship

Panther Lily and the others reach Hades’ ship

After Rustyrose is defeated, Natsu and the others arrive at the camp. While Freed and Bickslow review the situation, Panther Lily informs them about the Grimoire Heart Battle Ship’s location and suggests that they split the group into two teams, and attack team and a defense team.[60] As Panther Lily waits at camp, it starts to thunder. Panther Lily covers his ears from the sound as Carla and Happy make fun of his fear. Shortly after, Natsu gets up and claims he is going to beat Hades. Panther Lily, along with Happy, Carla, Lucy, and Wendy join Natsu. As they head towards Hades’ battleship, they meet up with Erza and Gray. When they arrive at the battleship, Hades awaits them outside.[61] After Hades heads back into his ship, Natsu tells Panther Lily, Carla and Happy to search around the airship for its power source, to make sure the ship will not take flight during the battle.[62]

Angry Lily

Panther Lily’s anger when Happy suggests that he could be afraid

As the rest of the group battle Hades, the cats crawl through the vents in the ship. Whilst they crawl, Happy sees something in the room below them. Carla and Panther Lily take a peek too and are amazed to see that “it” is alive.[63] The cats drop down into the room below them and Panther Lily looks at the supposed power source and repeats the Dark Guild’s name, finally understanding it. Just then, Grimoire Heart members run into the room. Panther Lily says he will defend Happy and Carla as they try to stop the power source. As Panther Lily fights, he takes one of the swords a member was holding. It enlarges, and Panther Lily realizes the sword is exactly like his previous sword, Bustermarm, and proceeds to attack with it.[64] After Carla and Happy successfully destroy the power source, which turned out to be Hades’ real heart, Panther Lily looks back and smiles at them.[65] After the war with Grimoire Heart ends, Panther Lily goes to rest at Tenrou Island’s base with everyone else.

Makarov Charges

Panther Lily and the others run away from Acnologia

Everything is interrupted when Acnologia, the infamous Black Dragon, lands on Tenrou Island and starts attacking everyone. All of the Fairy Tail members start moving towards the ship to escape as the Dragon goes on its rampage.[66] To give them time to reach safety, Makarov enters full Giant mode and grabs Acnologia, holding it off from attacking the guild members. Everyone wishes to help Makarov, but he shouts for them not to disobey his final order.[67] When Makarov is overwhelmed by Acnologia, all of the members run back and go all out against the Dragon. As Acnologia, having shrugged off all the combined attacks from its assailants, flies high up into the sky and readies to fire a breath attack against Tenrou Island, the guild members join their hands in a circle. While promising they will return home to Fairy Tail, they are struck by Acnologia’s blast, which completely annihilates Tenrou Island, leaving nothing behind.[68]

X791 arc

Asuka and Lily

Panther Lily catches the eye of Asuka

Panther Lily, along with the rest of the members on Tenrou Island, is rescued by BiscaAlzackJetDroyMaxWarren and the Trimens from Blue Pegasus. He watches as Mavis Vermilion reveals that she was the one who saved them and then disappears. He, along with the other supposedly missing members, returns to Fairy Tail and is welcomed back by Romeo.[69]

After Romeo reveals that he has been learning Fire Magic from ex-Phantom Lord member Totomaru, Panther Lily happily watches as Gajeel expresses his joy at the news.[70]

Key of the Starry Sky arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Grand Magic Games arc

Whilst the guild members are talking about the current situation in Fiore, Panther Lily catches the eye of the young Asuka Connell, who strokes him with pleasure. He also comments about Happy’s feelings toward Carla.[91]

Gajeel and Lily look at the stars

Gajeel and Panther Lily training

When the guild decides to participate in the Grand Magic Games, the returned members separate into four teams, all heading to train in four different locations, and Panther Lily accompanies Gajeel for some secret training. Levy wants to go with them, but the two refuse her proposal.[92] After arriving at their training grounds, the two immediately begin training and collapse at dusk, exhausted but happy with their progress.[93]

Happy and Lily in the stands

Panther Lily, Macao and Happy watch the Grand Magic Games

The Grand Magic Games later begin and Panther Lily sits in the audience alongside the other nonparticipating members of Fairy Tail, bragging to Happy about how strong Gajeel has become.[94] Upon Sabertooth’s arrival, Panther Lily notices Lector and Frosch cheering for their guild and questions if the latter two are Exceeds.[95] He watches with interest as the first event of the tournament begins, and upon seeing Rufus Lore of Team Sabertooth take out all of his opposition in less than two moves, Panther Lily comments on the man’s incredible abilities.[96] When Lucy battles Flare and has her Urano Metria spell cancelled, Panther Lily critically notes that Flare made no attempt to cancel the Magic, heightening everyone’s feeling that someone outside the battle did so.[97] When the third battle of the first day is announced, Panther Lily remarks that they will finally get to see Sabertooth in battle, seeming intrigued to see how Fiore’s strongest guild is in a fight.[98] Orga unleashes a huge wave of black thunder at Warcry, prompting Panther Lily to become scared and try to cover his ears, shaking in fear.[99] When Jellal later appears to be choking on something during the final battle of day 1, Panther Lily can only watch in confusion.[100]

After Fairy Tail’s general failure in the first day, Panther Lily joins his guild in drinking at a local bar. Though most of the guild seem pretty downhearted, Gajeel and Panther Lily both express their excitement for the next two days, with Panther Lily commenting that they will finally get to see the results of his and Gajeel’s training.[101] After hearing Makarov’s encouraging speech, Panther Lily sits back to watch the antics that take place between the drunk members of the guild.[102]

When the event of day two begins, Panther Lily is seen to be utterly shocked at the Dragon Slayers’ poor performances.[103] Though not surprised by Natsu’s characteristic hatred of transport, Panther Lily cannot contain his shock that Gajeel is having similar issues.[104] Despite his confusion, he is seen smiling at Natsu and Gajeel’s stern willpower to complete the task, as well as their words to the Fairy Tail members who missed them for seven years.[105] During the battle portion of the day, after seeing Carla released from the sick bay, Panther Lily asks if she has fully recovered, and then he and Happy both express their slight embarrassment at Mirajane and Jenny‘s battle, which is taking place below.[106] He later wonders aloud if there was some sort of rule the two implemented to allow such a competition to take place.[107] Despite the odd contest though, Panther Lily is shown to be happy at Mirajane’s victory.[108]

Cheering Over Victory over RT

Panther Lily happy at Laxus’ victory

On the third day of the Grand Magic Games, Panther Lily, Happy and Carla discuss the day’s event and the different aspects that need to be taken into account to perform well.[109] However, when Erza disregards strategy altogether and wins despite challenging all 100 monsters in the event at the same time, Panther Lily is seen smiling at the pure recklessness and strength she displayed.[110] Mato then declares that a secondary event will have to take place for the other competitors, and upon seeing Obra step forward to compete, Panther Lily and his fellow Exceed comment on his attacking of Wendy with general looks of discomfort.[111]He is also seen to be very pleased with Cana‘s use of Fairy Glitter, the attack that wins her the secondary event.[112] Seeing the fight in which Laxus defeats all of Raven Tail participants by his lonesome, a proud Panther Lily smiles.[113] Later that day when Wendy represents Team Fairy Tail A in a battle against Sherria Blendy of Lamia Scale, Panther Lily is seen shocked at Wendy’s unleashing of Shattering Light: Sky Drill.[114]

Fun at the aquarium

Panther Lily in a cutout

After the third day’s events and battles, the Fairy Tail Mages head off to Ryuzetsu Land in order to relax after the day’s events. While there, Panther Lily enjoys some fresh Kiwi juice.[115] Later alongside Happy and Gajeel he sticks his head through a cutout appearing as an octopus.[116] Later in the day, the Fairy Tail members celebrate their victories by throwing a party and having fun. Panther Lily complements Wendy’s effort and the development she displayed during her awestruck fight against Sherria.[117][118]

Panther Lily, along with Carla and Happy, watches anxiously as Team Sabertooth confronts Team Fairy Tail A after Minerva drops Lucy.[119] He later watches as the new Fairy Tail team is announced and enters the arena.[120]

Happy's and Lily's surprise

Panther Lily shocked to see the identity of Rabbit

On the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games, a tag battle between Quatro Cerberus and Blue Pegasus takes place with participants Bacchus and Rocker versus Ichiya and the Rabbit. Panther Lily is seen eager to know the identity of this mysterious rabbit.[121] He is utterly shocked to see that the rabbit is his comrade from Extalia, Nichiya.[122] Later, the most anticipated tag battle;Fairy Tail versus Sabertooth involving Sting and Rogue versus Gajeel and Natsu is announced. Panther Lily is seen very concerned about this fight.[123]

Happy and Lily happy

Panther Lily smiles

Panther Lily watches the battle of the Dragon Slayers alongside the others.[124] During the climax of the battle, Panther Lily is shown smiling at Natsu’s and Gajeel’s extreme endurance, which has allowed them to continue fighting despite the grievous blows they have taken.[125] Panther Lily again smiles at the sight of Natsu overwhelming the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth with his attacks.[126] He later becomes shocked following the explosion created by Natsu, Sting and Rogue’s collision.[127]

Exceed Trio heading to Graveyard

Panther Lily going to the Dragon Graveyard

Later, Panther Lily and the other two Exceeds accompany the Dragons Slayers as Gajeel takes them to a location he has found. When they arrive, Panther Lily is shocked to discover that they’ve found a Dragon graveyard, making a remark that this confirms the existence of Dragons.[128]

The Exceeds learning of Acnologia's past

Panther Lily visibly shocked after learning about Acnologia’s past

Not long after, Wendy suggests that she uses the forbidden technique, Milky Way, allowing her to be able to summon a Dragon’s soul and learn the truth about the species’ massacre. When the actual process takes affect, Panther Lily shows surprise at the fact that a soul is being brought forth, let alone a Dragon’s. He then bears witness to the arrival of Zirconis‘ soul, showing great shock at the latter’s appearance. He regains enough composure though to explain that he and his guildmates want to know the truth about the Dragon’s. Despite some reluctance, Zirconis finally explains about the Dragons and Dragon Festival, adding additional information about Acnologia; the last piece of information visibly shocks Panther Lily.[129]

Darton kicks FT out

Panther Lily kicked out from the building

Soon after, the group is approached by Arcadios and Yukino Agria. Natsu shows immediate hostility towards the former, causing Happy and Panther Lily to remind him about Arcadios’ high-ranking status in Fiore. Arcadios brushes it off, however, and tells the Fairy Tail Mages to follow them to Mercurius, where he elaborates on the details of the Eclipse Plan. Soon after, members of the Fiore Guard surround the Mages, with Darton leading them. Darton kicks Panther Lily and his guildmates, save for Lucy, out of the building.[130]

Panther Lily then returns to the guild with his guildmates to discuss what to do about Lucy’s arrest. He wonders if the Kingdom let they know about the Eclipse Plant so they would eventually speak against Arcadios; Carla, however, says that they wouldn’t risk so much to achieve so little.[131] Makarov then makes up a plan to rescue Lucy: while a team competes in the Games to get an audience with the King, another team composed by Panther Lily, Happy, Carla, Wendy, Mirajane and Natsu goes to Mercurius to rescue Lucy directly.[132] While on their way to Mercurius and with the last battle of the games about to begin, the team wonder how they would enter the palace. Panther Lily listens to Happy and Carla talk about Happy’s ridiculous plan and when it is ultimately decided against, Mirajane suggests her own with Panther Lily wondering why Mirajane is still wearing the hockey mask Happy gave her.[133] Later, Mirajane sneaks the team into the palace under the disguise of a palace guard and while pretending to capture Natsu and Wendy with the Panther Lily and the other Exceeds hidden in her disguise.[134]

Rescue Team approached by Neppa

Panther Lily and the group are confronted by someone

Soon after, Panther Lily and the rest of group locates the cell Lucy and Yukino are locked in. After Natsu melts the bars and frees Lucy and Yukino the group stands outside the cell. Suddenly, the floor collapses beneath them sending Panther Lily and the rest of the group falling into the unknown. Soon, Panther Lily lands in an underground cavern where a strange voice tells him and the rest of the group they’re in “Abyss Palace”.[135]

Panther Lily then spends some time examining his surroundings, along with the other Mages,[136] later grumbling to himself that he would have drawn a map of the vicinity on his body had he known what was to become of his team. The Mages eventually find a way out from their pit and are lead into another, where they find a wounded Arcadios. Panther Lily studies him quietly when he and the others are suddenly attacked by the Garou Knights.[137]

Lily to the rescue

Panther Lily draws his sword to protect Yukino and Lucy

With the Garou Knights moving to attack, Panther Lily takes on his battle form and gets in front of Happy and Carla, telling the two to stand back.[138] As Mirajane, Wendy and Natsu fight off Kamika’s spells, Panther Lily notices a large group of vines rising from the ground to attack Yukino and Lucy, and quickly draws his sword to slash through them before either of the girls is harmed. Effectively destroying the onslaught, Panther Lily notices that the largest of the knights has come up behind him, and, as the giant man tries to crush him with both his large fists and acid Magic, just manages to avoid being hit by swiftly jumping backwards. Landing, Panther Lily is struck by one of Kamika’s attacks, becoming paralyzed as Cosmos summons a gigantic flower on the roof of the cave to suck them all in. As a result of Wendy’s healing Magic curing them of their binding, Panther Lily moves with Mirajane and Natsu to destroy the plant before it can consume them, the explosion of the three’s attack smashing the cavern walls and separating everyone in a landslide of earth.[139] Emerging and questioning where the rest of his comrades have disappeared to, Panther Lily is confronted once more by the largest member of the Garou Knights.[140]

Being attacked by the huge man, Panther Lily draws his sword as a flurry of acid begins to swirl towards him in a wave. Needing to move to evade the attack, Panther Lily comments on the difficulty of facing acid, as he cannot utilize his sword to stop the attacks.[141] As the battle proceeds, Panther Lily begins to remember the strenuous training he went through with Gajeel, which in turn gives him the strength to cut through the acid, defeating his opponent.[142]

Panther Lily and the other Mages then try to find a way out, discussing Arcadios’ health and Princess Hisui in the meanwhile. Soon, however, a hooded woman appears in front of the group, startling the Mages.[143] Panther Lily is shocked to see that the other woman is Lucy, who came from the future using the Eclipse Gate. When Happy asks what is going on, he admits that he has no idea. The group then decides to leave and shoot a signal, meaning that Lucy’s rescue was successful.[144]

Future Lucy wakes up

Panther Lily sees Future Lucy wake up

After the group becomes lost in the castle, Panther Lily notifies the group of the difficulty of contacting their guild in their current situation. After Lucy from the future awakens, he and the others learn of how she and her friends from her timeline were captured by the royal army, and why she came back to the past.[145] After hearing about the impending attack, Panther Lily notes Natsu’s loud reaction and also wonders whether it has anything to do with the events in the Dragon graveyard, as Wendy does.[146] Later, the future Lucy explains her story of coming back in time, unfortunately without a strategy, at which point she is comforted by Natsu, who says he will protect the future.[147] During their escape from the castle dungeons, and their subsequent battle with the castle knights, Panther Lily enters his Battle Form and protects Lucy, warning her to stay back, much to the latter’s protest.[148]

Neppa returns

Panther Lily faces Neppa one more time

During the battle, Panther Lily tells Happy and Carla to get behind him as he fights the army. However, he is attacked himself by acid from a member of the Garou Knights, whom he immediately recognizes. The other Garou Knights arrive as well, claiming they won’t let the rescue team leave the castle.[149] During the battle, Panther Lily reverts to his chibi form, much to his disappointment. As they fight, a shadow envelops the area and swallows the Fiore army as well as the Garou Knights.[150] As the shadow begins to dissipate, a man reveals himself. When he is recognized, he addresses Natsu, stating he came from the future and he is Rogue.[151] Panther Lily and co. recollect him as Rogue from Sabertooth abd ask about his return to the past.[152] Rogue simply reveals that he returned to open the gates, and continues on to explain the methods of which the Eclipse Gate may be utilized. Rogue reveals that a certain individual prevents the opening of the gates and he has come back in time to eliminate the person, to which Panther Lily says that killing is not necessarily essential with reasoning with others. After stating that words cannot remedy their situation and that the future is inevitable, Rogue reveals that the individual is Lucy Heartfilia, to which he lunges towards her with an assault. Before Rogue’s strike connects, Lucy’s future self defends Lucy with her own body and in turn, takes the assault from Rogue and loses her life. After Panther Lily and co.’s emotional parting, Rogue prepares for yet another assault, to which Natsu intervenes and strikes Rogue.[153]

Rescue Team arrives at Eclipse

Panther Lily and the others appear at the Eclipse Gate’s location

Natsu then tells Lucy to leave the place and despite her initial resistance, she is taken by Loke and together with Panther Lily, Happy, Carla and Wendy escape from the battle.[154] They then find themselves at the location of the Eclipse Cannon as Hisui approves of the start of the firing sequence. When Happy asks about Loke’s whereabouts, Panther Lily replies that he had to leave due to Eclipse’s power to drain Magic. Suddenly, they are found out by Arcadios who tells them to reveal themselves. When Hisui congratulates them for winning the Grand Magic Games, Panther Lily smiles, saying that it was to be expected. Arcadios then asks about Future Lucy’s location, to which Panther Lily replies that she’s been killed by another person from future, surprising both Hisui and Arcadios.[155] Afterwards, they watch, together, as the Eclipse Gate opens.[156] Feeling the pressure of the Magic power the Eclipse Gate contains, Panther Lily and his Exceed friends stand awestruck, Panther Lily shocked that such a vast amount of power can be confined to one space; the group no longer doubting the Gates ability to take on the incoming Dragons.[157] However, Lucy suddenly steps forward and demands that the Gate be shut. As Panther Lily wonders why on earth she wants such a thing to occur, the Gate fully opens and the ground begins to shake, Panther Lily gazing on open-mouthed as a humongous Dragon walks through it and into Crocus.[158] With the Dragon causing mayhem in it’s wake and sending everyone flying in all directions, Panther Lily quickly worries about Lucy when she rushes towards the Gate, trying desperately to close it.[159]

Angered Zirconis

Panther Lily faces Zirconis

As more Dragons begin to flood through the Eclipse Gate, Panther Lily grits he teeth worrying about how many are entering the city.[160] After Lucy and Yukino close the Eclipse Gate, Future Rogue arrives on the scene, commanding the Dragons to hunt down the Mages left in the city. Panther Lily questions how Rogue is able to make the Dragons do his bidding, to which he smirks telling him he has obtained Dragon Manipulating Magic and heads off to view the battle from above on a Dragon, leaving those stationed at the gate at the mercy of the Dragon Zirconis.[161] Panther Lily is then left speechless as Zirconis demonstrates his ability to rid people of their clothes.[162]

Panther Lily watches as Zirconis threatens to devour Lucy twice, but is halted by Wendy and Mirajane, who promise to defeat him, while Happy takes off to find and save Lucy. He and Yukino remain on the ground, watching those events.[163]

After Ultear’s noble sacrifice to turn back time allowing all the Mages in the vicinity to envision the subsequent minute, Panther Lily remains perturbed by the occurrence and questions whether it was Carla’s doing or not, despite Happy chiming in and receiving an apathetic retort from Panther Lily. Suddenly, Lucy runs in and joins Panther Lily and the rest of the Mages with important news. With her future counterpart’s diary at hand, Lucy reveals that they must destroy the Gates to prevent the catastrophe from occurring, with Panther Lily analyzing the situation and noting that they may rewrite the past in theory by disrupting Future Rogue’s means of travel.[164]

Thanks to Natsu, the gates are destroyed not long after. Hisui notes that in the future, they should no longer be usable, to which Panther Lily states that such should prevent Rogue will no longer have any means to come to the present.[165]

Mermaid Heel want Kagura

Panther Lily hugged by Millianna

Later, Panther Lily is present at the great banquet of the Grand Magic Games Mages. With Millianna still feeling down, Erza uses Panther Lily along with Happy and Carla to distract her. While Millianna hugs all three Exceed, Panther Lily states that they’re not stuffed animals.[166]

When Panther Lily and the other Fairy Tail Mages return back to Magnolia, the whole town celebrates their coming first in the Grand Magic Games, leaving Panther Lily visibly impressed.[167]

Eclipse Celestial Spirits arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Sun Village arc

Some time after returning, Panther Lily goes on a job alongside Gajeel. Forced to go alongside Jet and Droy, the group comes across a band of masked fighters who kidnap and tie up Jet and Droy. Preparing to fight, Panther Lily asks Gajeel why he brought the two of them, to which he is told that they simply followed him.[174]

Tartaros arc

Pantherlily prepares for the Tartaros war

Panther Lily and the others listen to Porlyusica’s plan

As Levy researches the Books of Zeref, Panther Lily questions Gajeel about the Demons from them, but Gajeel states he doesn’t know.[175] Later, standing beside Gajeel, Panther Lily sternly listens in as Makarov lies to a grievously wounded Freed about the village that was harmed by his, Laxus, Yajima and the Thunder God Tribe’s battle with Nine Demon Gates member Tempester, wherein he is informed that all the villagers escaped perfectly unharmed; a far cry from the truth.[176] After Loke appears and helps the Fairy Tail Mages track down some of the former Council members, Porlyusica tells Panther Lily and the other Mages that they should gather as much intel as possible from the Council members, as well as get a blood sample from the one who injured Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe.[177] Panther Lily then listens to Makarov’s inspiring speech about avenging the injuries that Laxus, Freed, Evergreen and Bickslow suffered.[178]

Panther Lily, accompanied by Gajeel and Shadow Gear, is assigned to protect former Council member Belno from Tartaros, however when they arrive at her home they find her already dead and are contacted by Makarov for a status report, wherein Panther Lily tells him that her death was most likely an assassination.[179] Later, with all their Lacrima connected, Panther Lily listen to Michello as he explains the necessary requirements to fire Etherion, one of the Council’s most powerful weapons, where he states after listening that with the murder of all the Council members, Etherion was successfully nullified. Michello then reluctantly explains what Face is: a Magic Pulse Bomb, one that nullifies all Magic across an entire continent, and upon hearing that Tartaros doesn’t use Magic, Panther Lily notes that with the dropping of Face, they would be able to do as they please with no resistance.[180]

Returning to the guild, Panther Lily hears from Lucy’s team that they lost Natsu and were not able to find Erza, Happy or Mirajane upon going to the ex-chairman’s house. Panther Lily asks Gajeel if he could find them via scent but the latter notes that if Wendy could not, neither can he. Suddenly, Happy stumbles into the guild and reveals that Natsu, Erza and Mirajane were taken prisoner by Tartaros and that the ex-chairman is a traitor. As he expresses sadness over not being able to save them, Panther Lily tells him not to dwell on it and asks about their hideout. Finding out that Tartaros has a mobile base, the guild prepares for an invasion just as Elfman suddenly arrives.[181]

The Exceed save Fairy Tail

Panther Lily helps to fly Fairy Tail to Cube

After Elfman explains that Lisanna got captured and Yuri was already dead when he found him, Panther Lily reassures the Mage, telling him that Levy has already began calculating the location of Tartaros’ headquarters.[182] After Levy manages to pinpoint Tartaros’ location, she reveals that it currently flies just above Magnolia, and Panther Lily along with the other Fairy Tail members prepares to fight Tartaros. However, as they get ready, a huge explosion suddenly goes off and destroys the guild, leaving the fate of its members unknown.[183]

Panther Lily and the rest of the guild manage to survive though due to the quick thinking of Cana, who used her Card Dimension to seal all of the members into a deck of cards. Handing the decks to Panther Lily, Carla and Happy, Cana requests that they quickly fly towards Cube, the Exceed doing so just as the guild explodes. As they approach the floating Tartaros headquarters, they are suddenly pulled towards the underside of the cube by some sort of gravity field, and realize their presence is known. Allowing Cana to free the guild from the cards, Panther Lily prepares to face Tartaros.[184] Exhausted from the fighting, Panther Lily worriedly states that while he and the other Mages tire themselves fighting the Tartaros army, Erza and the other prisoners are in danger.[185] He is then sucked into Cube and petrified due to Mard Geer‘s Curse, along with Gajeel and the rest of the guild.[186]

After being freed from Alegria, Panther Lily runs about the destroyed Cube and finds Happy, whose presence he finds relief in, as he lost sight of Gajeel. When he sees a mushroom on Happy’s head, however, Panther Lily becomes rather perturbed and unsuccessfully tries to pull it off his head. Giving up, the Exceed merely walks down the destroyed corridors with his companion.[187]

Happy and Lily under Seilah's control

Panther Lily and Happy are forced to choke themselves

Panther Lily and Happy soon reunite with Erza, as well as Lector, Frosch and a redeemed Minerva. After the latter swiftly removes the mushroom attached to Happy’s head, explaining that it actually is one of the Nine Demon Gates and thus can help them find the control room, Panther Lily congratulates Happy for his actions.[188] With the group now walking towards the control room, Panther Lily mentions that regardless of all the things that happened during the Grand Magic Games, it’s possible that those of Sabertooth are in fact good people; upon hearing from Lector that Minerva’s specialty is cooking, Panther Lily comments that she would make a fantastic wife. However, his daydreams are cut short by an intimidating Erza, whose gaze prompts him to continue to walk forth, though as he does so, he wonders about how Gajeel is fairing.[189] Later, Panther Lily and everyone else arrives at the control room, where he spots Crawford preparing Face for detonation. Before they can stop them, Kyôka and Seilah appear, and Panther Lily is forced to choke himself due to Seilah’s Macro; when Kyôka threatens Erza, Panther Lily tries to move, but curses his inability to do so. However, his movement is restored when Mirajane arrives and takes out Seilah, though his happiness quickly turns into fear when he realizes that Face is close to activating.[190]

Sternly, Panther Lily watches Erza and Kyôka fight;[191] he listens to Mirajane explain what happened to her after Alegria was dispelled, until he hears a roar and expresses his wonder at what could be making the noise.[192] Having learned that Acnologia is coming, Panther Lily looks on towards the sky with the other Exceed.[193] Panther Lily then watches as Kyôka performs an Organic Link with Face’s activation Lacrima, and wonders aloud as to what the markers that appear are, to which he is answered that they represent the number of Face bombs on the continent.[194]Panther Lily then watches as Kyôka breaks Erza’s armor, much to his surprise;[195] before long, however, he is beset with incredible amounts of pain, courtesy of Kyôka’s sensory manipulation. Watching the same fate befall Erza, Panther Lily grits his teeth in anger as Kyôka completely takes away all five of her senses.[196]

Happy and Lily watch Face activate

Happy and Panther Lily watch as Face activates

His anger turning into cheer as Erza fights back, Panther Lily speculates that Erza’s ability to continue to fight is due to her awakening a sixth or seventh sense, but then expresses bland surprise when Happy says that the reason is because she is simply Erza. Mere seconds later, with Happy calling out to Erza about Face’s timer rapidly accelerating, Panther Lily yells out that Erza cannot hear them, and soon comments that Kyôka’s strength keeps increasing whilst Erza’s sensitivity does the same.[197] Then, as Erza defeats Kyôka and Face’s timer continues to rapidly approach zero, Panther Lily calls out for Erza to deal the finishing blow, but even when Minerva does so in her stead, the timer reaches zero regardless and Face activates, leaving Panther Lily stunned.[198] Panther Lily watches on the projection as the Face bombs begin to go off all around Earth Land,[199] but not for long, as the Dragons return and take them down one by one.[200] When all of the Faces are destroyed, Pantherily is visibly relieved.[201] Panther Lily later stands by Gajeel in awe as the Dragons come to greet them.[202]

A week after Tartaros’ fall, Panther Lily watches Wendy as she has her hair returned to normal by Cancer. Curious, he asks Carla how Wendy has been, and when she returns the question to him about Gajeel, he urges her to look for herself at a silent and upset Gajeel. When Carla expresses worry over Natsu’s wellbeing, Panther Lily reminds her that he should be the least of her worries, because Happy is with him.[203]

Avatar arc

The Rune Knights arrive at Malba

Panther Lily arrives

Panther Lily stands by Gajeel as they prepare to raid Avatar HQ as the members of the Council’s Custody Enforcement Unit.[1] Later, Panther Lily sits with Gajeel and the rest of the Custody Enforcement Unit at their camp and tells Gajeel that someone is approaching their camp; Gajeel remarks to Panther Lily that he too can hear and smell the person, who is Levy. After Levy delivers her information and remarks that Gray appears to have sunk into the darkness, Panther Lily asks Gajeel whether he can strike down Gray, as they were friends, to which Gajeel replies that if their paths are different they are enemies and he will be defeated.[204]

Panther Lily and the other Custody Enforcement members eventually arrive at the battlefield to round up the defeated Avatar members, wherein he strikes down a resisting D-6. After, he is greeted by Natsu and clears up any confusion that surrounds Gajeel actually joining the Magic Council, and reveals that Gray is not actually in any trouble, as he was the one that led the Magic Council to Malba City to help stop the Ultimate Elimination. After this, Panther Lily and the others heed Erza’s request for a shout of victory, which he joins in upon, and then converses with his fellow Exceeds in his small, altered form, including a mysteriously arrived Frosch, who has strayed away from Rogue, before it is taken and cuddled by Gray and everyone else.[205]

After leaving their jobs with the Council to rejoin Fairy Tail, Gajeel states his disappointment, prompting Panther Lily to tell him to make it at least seem like he is joking.[206] Panther Lily then shows up at the actual revival of Fairy Tail, on Gajeel’s shoulder, and then stands beside Levy; he watches as Lucy catches up with everyone else in the guild and cries tears of joy at their reunion.[207]

Alvarez Empire arc

Carla and Panther Lily talk about the guild's revival

Carla and Panther Lily talk about the guild’s revival

During Fairy Tail’s reconstruction effort, Panther Lily tells Wendy and Carla that he, Gajeel and Levy have been laying the foundation for the day that Fairy Tail could be properly revived. When the topic of who will succeed Makarov arises, Panther Lily implies that anyone should do, as they would only be a temporary guild master.[208] Later, as Gajeel listens in on the conversation taking place between Mest Gryder and others underground, Panther Lily asks him if anything is wrong. Then, when Gajeel says he’s going to form the “B-Team,” and that they’re going to hunt down the one who uses lightning, the word “lightning” puts Panther Lily at unease.[209]

When the team reaches their destination, after Mirajane questions if they are doing the right thing by splitting the teams, Panther Lily states that this is an infiltration mission and thus it’s definitely right thing to do.[210]Later, Panther Lily and the others all head to the Pegasus Village hot springs to relax. While there, they meet up with Ichiya, who tells them that Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe have joined Blue Pegasus, and Panther Lily watches Gajeel get infuriated for not getting to reveal the information himself.[211] He later boards Christina along with the others, as they head towards the Alvarez Empire‘s capital of Vistarion. After rescuing their master and friends from Spriggan 12‘s Ajeel Ramal, Panther Lily informs the astounded Team Natsu, as well as Mest, that they are still in enemy territory.[212]

Exceeds converse on Natsu's secret

Lily figures Happy knows the secret

Back in the guild, after a short while of partying, Panther Lily listens to Makarov’s apology and smiles when Natsu states that no matter what happens, they will fight against Alvarez in order to survive. He then pays attention as Makarov begins talking about Fairy Heart, however, Mavis suddenly appears. Panther Lily listens as the First Master prepares to explain why Zeref is after Fairy Tail’s greatest secret.[213] After Mavis finishes her story, Panther Lily is shocked to learn that Fairy Heart is an infinite supply of Magic Power. The First Master then gets upset over dragging everyone into battle, but everyone agrees that it’s not her fault. Afterwards, the topic of Zeref’s immortality is brought up,[214] and Natsu mentions that his right arm is something that can do the job, but he refuses to tell what it is. Panther Lily immediately notices that Happy is aware of Natsu’s secret technique. Shortly after, he listens when Makarov goes over all the information he gathered about the Alvarez Empire.[215] Later, Lily sits outside as he notices Alvarez’s invasion beginning.[216]

With the attack in full force, Lily flies high with Gajeel as part of the Flying Dragon Squad. Using their swift speed and maneuverability, they are able to take out several of the Empire’s ships. After Ajeel knocks away the shot of the Magical Convergent Cannon: Jupiter, Lily is shocked anyone could do so, but Gajeel says they will just have to do things the old fashioned way and commandeer the ship. They then fly aboard Ajeel’s ship but the dragons slayers are quickly put down due to landing on transportation. Lily tells Wendy to cast Troia, but she is unable to.[217] After Erza bails out the dragon slayers, Natsu is hesitant to leave her behind, but Gajeel states that the have to and Lily replies that its Erza, so she will be fine.[218] After fighting the Empire’s ground force, Lily looks to the skies and states that they are still coming.[219] As Ajeel whips up a sandstorm that covers the entire town, Lily says he cannot see, but worries because more ships are coming.[220]

After Erza falls from the sky, injured after defeating Ajeel, Natsu and Wendy go to help her while Lily states that he and Gajeel have things handled.[221] As the Thunder God Tribe fights Wall Eehto, Lily stands with as Natsu announces that they have taken down most of the enemy forces.[222] A day after Alvarez’s initial assault, Lily, along with Gajeel and others are assigned to meet up with Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus in the north. Gajeel states he has wanted to arrest Sabertooth and Lily tells him to get his priorities straight.[223] Resting up before battle, Lily watches and smiles on from behind a rock as Gajeel and Levy have a tender moment.[224]

Pantherlily stops Levy

Lily holds Levy

Arriving in the north, Lily states they have found the enemy’s main forces as he transforms to prepare for battle; however, before the group can take action, the defeated members of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus are paraded before them on crosses, angering and shocking Lily.[225] They rush to battle, Lily picking up Hibiki and Eve as to carry them somewhere to receive proper treatment.[226] Soon after, the group prepares to battle three great enemies.[227] As Panther Lily and the others prepare to battle the enemy troops once more, he tells Gajeel that the enemy’s numbers are high and that there are too many of them to fight, which Gajeel says he heard the first time as he attacks the troops with a giant sword.[228] Later, following Gajeel’s fight with Bloodman and during his impending death, Panther Lily arrives on the scene and grabs Levy to stop her from approaching Gajeel and dying alongside him. Lily then painfully listens to Gajeel say his heartfelt goodbyes to Levy, and tearfully swears to Gajeel, when asked, that he will bring Levy back to the guild safely, before he disappears completely. His friend gone, Lily holds a sobbing Levy as she screams Gajeel’s name.[229]

Panther Lily Comes to Help Gajeel

Lily assists Gajeel

Some time later, Lily is caught in the light of Irene Belserion‘s Universe One,[230] and warped somewhere alongside Levy. In their new location, he hears the voice of Zera telepathically telling him and other Fairy Tail members to head towards the guild and protect Mavis.[231] Alongside the voice of Zera, Lily hears Gajeel’s voice as well, his being alive shocking the Exceed.[232] Not so long thereafter, Lily arrives to assist Gajeel in clearing a wave of enemy troops. After he, among others, witnesses Levy and the Dragon Slayer reunite, Lily hears the voice of Zera, who introduces herself in person to the group. Noticing her ethereal appearance, she explains how she’s merely an illusion of Mavis’ subconscious, explaining how she’ll disappear next time Mavis thinks of her.[233] And as predicted, the girl disappears very soon, earning nothing but gratitude from the Fairy Tail Mages for her help, Lily adding how they’ll all get to hear from Mavis about her adventures with Zera after their victory.[234] The group continues to fight; Lily and the others are caught in the light of Makarov’s final Fairy Law, which leaves them confused following its subsiding.[235]

A bit later, due to Irene’s death, Universe One is undone, and Panther Lily is caught in the light that returns the country to its original shape.[236]

Magic and Abilities

Pantherlily Chibi Aera v2

Panther Lily using Aera

Aera (エーラ Ēra): Panther Lily, like every other Exceed, is capable of sprouting feathery wings that grant him the ability to fly, at the same time neutralizing the weight of one possible passenger carried by him. In his original, massive form, these wings are much larger than those of normal-sized Exceeds.[237] Aera greatly helps Panther Lily out in battle, allowing him to remain out of reach of his enemies while he wields one of his large weapons to strike at them,[16] or to rapidly dodge their ranged attacks, granting him added maneuverability and speed.[238]

Battle Form

Panther Lily enlarging his body

Battle Mode Shift (戦闘モードシフト Sentō Mōdo Shifuto): While in Edolas, he was known for his huge size and mass, especially large when compared to a stereotypical Exceed. After being transported to Earth Land, Panther Lily has undergone major changes: his body has been drastically reduced in size, with him now being the same height as most of his fellow Exceeds. This is, according to his own words, because Earth Land “doesn’t fit well with his previous body”.[239] However, true to his role as a physical fighter, Panther Lily has developed the ability to temporarily transform back to his usual large size, regaining his original strength, stamina and power. This proves to be rather difficult, as he can only maintain his large size for a short period of time.[41]

Enhanced Durability: In his true form, Panther Lily displays great resistance against attacks, both physical and Magical in nature. He was shown being able to withstand Gajeel’s iron fists and roar,[240] as well as Azuma’s explosive Magic head-on, only to emerge relatively unscathed.[241]Whether or not the same could be said about him while assuming his reduced form is still in question.

Enhanced Strength: Panther Lily has shown outrageous brute strength, being capable of swinging a gigantic sword around freely, easily shattering rock without losing his balance or hampering his flying ability in any serious manner.[242] He is also shown able to punch a large rock and make a crack in it.[243] On top of this, he was also strong enough to cut through the acid produced by Neppa‘s Acid Magic, something which he himself noted to be extremely difficult to accomplish.[141][244] It’s unknown whether he retains such strength in his reduced form; however, he was shown capable of overwhelming and tying up Lisanna, who at the time was way larger than him, subsequently pulling her out of some bushes she was hidden in and onto her knees with a single hand movement (despite being subsequently pulled in the air by Lisanna rushing to hug Natsu Dragneel in a comedic way),[245][246] something implying that, at least to a certain, minor degree, he still does.

Keen Intellect: Panther Lily has shown to be considerably intelligent and analytical, having seemingly been the first member of Fairy Tail capable of reading through Doranbolt’s deception,[247] exposing him as someone not belonging to the guild and even managing to work out the mechanics behind his Memory Control Magic, imputing his ability to slip into the members’ memory to change or alter it.[248]

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Panther Lily has proven himself to be skilled in the use of hand-to-hand combat, supported by his high physical prowess. He was shown capable of fighting on even terms with a melee specialist of the caliber of Gajeel Redfox, with the two of them exchanging punches,[249] and could easily defeat several armed Grimoire Heart members who were coming at him without the aid of a weapon, subsequently disarming one of them in a single hand movement without much effort.[250]

Erza vs. Lily

Panther Lily displaying his swordsmanship against Erza

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Panther Lily is a master swordsman, with his swordplay being good enough for him to evenly match S-Class Mage Erza Scarlet, known for her great swordsmanship, in a mock battle. Despite his massive size, he has shown himself capable of performing slashes which are not only strong, but also extremely fast and accurate.[251] During his battle against Azuma, Panther Lily appeared confident that he might have been able to fight on even terms against the Grimoire Heart Mage, if only he had had a sword with him.[252] After obtaining the Musica Sword from a member of Grimoire Heart, he was shown making short work of many of his enemies with a single slash.[250]


Bustermarm Sword


Bustermarm (バスターマアム Basutā Maamu): A sword four times taller than Panther Lily[253] decorated in a way that resembles a monstrous cat’s face. This sword is able to easily cut earth with little force put behind it. It has two Lacrimas that glow red.[254] It is also capable of cutting through iron. However, as Gajeel pointed out, the Iron Dragon’s Scales that he manifests aren’t made of “ordinary iron”, and as such, proved resistant against the sword. It was later destroyed by Gajeel.[255]

  • Buster Bomb: The Bustermarm’s center glows in a reddish-orange color and a large explosion occurs when it strikes anything.
Musica sword

Musica Sword

Musica Sword (ムジカの剣 Mujika No Ken): While fending off Grimoire Heart’s lesser members, Panther Lily disarmed one enemy and started using his sword.[250] This was revealed to be a Musica Sword, a reference to Rave Master which was an apparently very expensive weapon capable of altering its size, something Panther Lily noted to be similar to his former Bustermarm, and which prompted him to choose it as his new weapon of choice.[12]

Appearances in Other Media


Whose Clothes Are These?

Panther Lily, Carla and Happy discuss changing clothes themselves when Happy suggests a swap to the other two after watching other members of their guild exchange outfits. Panther Lily is not keen on this idea after agreeing with Carla’s acknowledgement of Happy’s attire, consisting of a single backpack. However, the trio end up exchanging clothes with Panther Lily receiving Carla’s attire, much to his surprise.[256]

Welcome Back, Frosch

Walking with Gajeel through Magnolia, Panther Lily and his friend are stopped by RogueStingYukino and Lector, who question if they’ve seen Frosch. After correcting Rogue that Frosch is an Exceed, not a cat, he points them to the last place saw Frosch and is thanked by Yukino.[257]


The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land

Fun at the aquarium

Panther Lily and the others at the aquarium

On the evening of the third day of the X791 Grand Magic Games, the Fairy Tail Mages decide to spend the next day in a theme park called Ryuzetsu Land. Upon getting there, Carla, Happy, GajeelLevy and Panther Lily decide to visit a fish tank, while the latter drinks his kiwi juice. Panther Lily, along with Happy and Gajeel, puts his face in a cardboard drawing of a fish, which amuses Carla and Levy. Later, Panther Lily admires the fish in the aquarium, and also comments on Happy’s growing appetite when he looks at them, calling him a predator when he volunteers to feed the fish.[258]

Carla and Lily at the slide

On the slide with Carla

Panther Lily and the others decide to help Happy with the task, and Panther Lily comments on the convenient equipment used to feed the fish. Although he thinks that Happy is gathering the fish close to him to eat them, he is startled when some big ones appear attempting to eat Happy, Carla and himself. Panther Lily and Carla both swim away from the fish, until Gajeel beats them down, which triggers the “boss” of the aquarium to appear, a fish even bigger than the ones hunting the Exceeds, which sucks all the Fairy Tail Mages into a vortex and swallows them. Panther Lily somehow saves the two Exceeds after turning into his battle mode, but rages upon losing to a fish. Later, after Natsu comes flying towards his direction riding the sign of the Love Love Slide, Panther Lily and Carla both end up riding on the attraction, with Carla screaming and Panther Lily seeming both indifferent and slightly annoyed, causing Happy, however, to feel jealous of him. In the end, GrayLyon Vastia and Natsu destroy the theme park completely, which leaves both Panther Lily and Carla unconscious.[258]

Video Games

Fairy Tail: Zeref’s Awakening

Panther Lily appears as a mini-boss once in the PSP game, Fairy Tail: Zeref’s Awakening, and can be unlocked as a playable character later in the game. He is using the following spells:

  • Max Speed Attack: Cost 20 VP, Panther Lily is having that spell from the beginning.
  • Battle Mode Shift: Cost 0 VP, Panther Lily is having that spell from the beginning.
  • Flash Furoa: Cost 0 VP, Panther Lily is having that spell from the beginning.
  • Swing Attack: Cost 40 VP, Panther Lily must buy that spell in the shop.
  • Oneyu Clay: Cost 0 VP, Panther Lily must buy that spell in the shop.
  • Bustermarm: Cost 0 VP, Panther Lily must buy that spell in the shop.


  • While the rest of the Exceed have the usual pointed type cat-ears, Panther Lily has them rounded, like a real panther, in both his larger and his chibi form.
  • Panther Lily has a fear of thunder.[11]
  • Panther Lily’s Musica Sword is a legacy from Hiro Mashima‘s previous work Rave Master, in which Musica is a family known for its expert swordsmiths. It’s also worth noting that the Grimoire Heart member who owned the sword bears a striking resemblance to a minor Rave Mastercharacter, working under a villain who’s guilty for the slaughter of most of the Musica family itself.[259]
  • In the manga, when Panther Lily is seen the first time without his helmet on, he has what seems to be hair. This was however removed in all subsequent appearances.[260]
  • According to Hiro Mashima, Panther Lily’s name “was inspired by a famous character from a famous children’s story“.[261] The character in question is Tiger Lily from Peter Pan.
  • Panther Lily’s favorite food is kiwi fruit, but he eats them with the skin left on.
  • In Hiro Mashima’s unofficial “ranking of characters that defied his popularity expectations” Panther Lily came in 4th place.[262]


Carla (シャルル Sharuru) is an Exceed, the daughter of Queen Shagotte, and a close companion to Wendy Marvell. She and Wendy belonged to Cait Shelter before joining Fairy Tail. After the disbandment of Fairy Tail, Carla, along with Wendy, joined Lamia Scale.[3]












6 (X784)[1]


Hair Color

White Coat

Eye Color


Professional Status


Previous Affiliation

Guild Mark Location



Previous Team


Base of Operations

Personal Status




Shagotte (Mother)



Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Carla is a small, white Exceed with pink ears and brown eyes, which are smaller than Happy’s eyes. She also has two whiskers on each side of her face. Carla wears a pink bow near the end of her tail. Carla’s usual top consists of a mustard yellow and pink top with a pink bow tie. She wears a pink skirt with this top. Carla, like other characters, seems to switch outfits on a regular basis.[4][5][6] When Carla uses Magic, she sprouts two angel-like wings to fly. Her pink Guild Mark is located on her back.


Carla smiles once again

Carla smiles

Unlike the carefree Happy, Carla is very strict and serious most of the time, rarely showing emotions.[7]She cares about Wendy like a mother. She was at first very aloof, turning her nose up at seemingly everyone save for Wendy. She also tries to get Wendy to shy away from her timid personality, scolding her often for it (which is ironic considering she is not very sociable herself).[8]

As she learned about her mission as an Exceed, she was shocked and sad. She displayed a troubled look when she thought about her mission, which was later revealed to be a prophecy involving Extalia‘s demise due to her ability to see the future which she inherited from her mother.[9]

Carla and Happy

Carla’s initial attitude towards Happy

Happy instantly took a liking to her from the moment they met, but she, at first, despised him. Later, when they learned the “truth” of the mission, he defended her by saying they are Mages of Fairy Tail, not puppets. She started accepting him after seeing his determination to save their friends, as well as from seeing him showing a more serious and brave side, having earlier referred to him as male cat and ignored his gifts in the form of fish.[10] Happy saved Carla when they escaped, and she almost fell out of a wagon. She, in turn, saved him from the Edolas Royal Army soldiers by taking a direct blast aimed for him. She also had extreme confidence and no doubts when Happy flew off on his own. When Lily was mentioned as being the strongest out of their group, she put up a smirk and tempted Happy into having a match against him. Recently, she has smiled more (usually with Happy nearby), danced with him when he asked, and even laughed when Happy pointed out Lily’s cute side.[11][12]

She also has a fondness for Darjeeling Tea and does not like tomcats.[1]

Magic and Abilities


Carla utilizes Aera with her Magic Seal

Aera (エーラ Ēra): Much like Happy, Carla can also use Aera, allowing her to sprout wings on her back and fly.[13] She is strong enough to carry one person while in flight.[14]

  • Max Speed (MAXスピード Makkusu Supīdo): Just like her fellow Exceed, Happy, Carla can utilize considerable amounts of Magic Power in order for her to fly as fast as she can. Because of this, however, Carla experiences rapid loss of Magic Power, in relation how long the user uses this technique.[15]

Precognition (予知 Yochi): Carla has the same ability to predict what and when something will happen as her mother, Shagotte. She is the only other Exceed to have this ability.[16]

Carla transforms into her human form

Carla using her Transformation Magic

Transformation Magic (変身魔法 Henshin Mahō): After one year, Carla has trained herself to able to transform into a human. This transformation gives her a childlike appearance. She keeps her tail with its red ribbon and has shoulder length hair with cat ears on top. In this form Carla’s Magic is increased by a bit. As a result her precognitive abilities are enhanced as well.[17]

Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Carla has been shown to use swift and powerful kicks in her human form.

  • White Moon (ホワイトムーン Howaito Mūn): Carla cartwheels into a drop kick on top of her opponent’s head. Her kick is strong enough to bring down a member of Orochi’s Fin.[18]


  • Throughout translated media of Fairy Tail, there have been some confusion regarding whether the correct romanization of her name is “Charle/Charles” or “Carla“. However, both versions can be considered correct, as according to the author, Hiro Mashima, “I think it was the name of a princess from a book that I have read a long time ago. However, in the West, there are a lot of countries in which the Charle is a masculine name, thus in some countries her name may be different“.[19]


Happy (ハッピー Happī) is an Exceed from Extalia, and member of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein he is a member of Team Natsu.[6]

Happy Anime S2














6 (X784)[2]


Hair Color

Blue coat with white belly[3]

Eye Color


Professional Status


Guild Mark Location




Personal Status




Lucky (Father)[5]
Marl (Mother)[5]



Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Happy Green Mark

Happy’s green guild mark

Happy is a small blue Exceed with a white stomach. He has a rectangular head, with pink ears, big black eyes with small, thin eyebrows, and light blue cheek marks near to his tiny whiskers (two on each side of his face). Happy has a triangular nose that leads to semi-round upper lips on the sides. His body is rectangular too,[3]and being an Exceed, it has a structure that allows him to walk erect unlike normal cats. Despite having no thumbs, Happy is able to hold things.[7] He has a long, white-tipped tail; and the other parts of his tail are blue. Additionally, Happy is able to use his tail to hold onto objects.[3][8] Happy is usually seen carrying around a green backpack, where he keeps food and items that can be used in battle.[3] This backpack also covers his green Guild Mark that is on his back.[4][9] When using his Magic, he can grow a pair of large, feathered, angel-like wings that allow him to fly around and carry others. Happy usually does not wear clothes, the only few times being during the Fantasia Parade,[10] to disguise himself in Edolas,[11] and when his parents gave him clothes, again in Edolas.[12]


Happy scary

Happy’s dark side

Despite his small stature and eccentric appearance, Happy is very loyal to his teammates and fellow guild members and has a fairly significant amount of knowledge of the Magic world, in some cases, more than Lucy and Natsu. Given that he has been around Natsu Dragneel since his own birth, Happy often emulates Natsu in his actions and responses. He is quick-witted and cheeky, especially to Lucy Heartfilia; however, Happy sometimes shows little bits of a darker side of himself, for example when making a comment on the devastating aspects of the Magic of his comrades.

He loves fish more than anything else, and he doesn’t like dogs (except for Plue).[2] He offers a comic relief with his catchphrase, “Aye!” or “Aye Sir!”. He holds a respect and admiration to Exceed like himself and drools on Loke’s shoulder when he finds out that Loke is the celestial spirit of Leo the Lion. Happy has also developed a strong affection towards Carla, another Exceed who at first blows him off, but then begins to like and respect him.

Magic and Abilities

Happy uses Max Speed to catch Erigor

Happy using Max Speed while carrying Natsu

Aera (エーラ Ēra): Happy is able to sprout angelic wings that give him the ability to fly and carry objects or one person at a a time for a specific amount of time.[13]

  • Max Speed (スピード Makkusu Supīdo): Happy utilizes a considerable amount of Magic Power to fly as fast as he can. This speed can be used to dodge incoming attacks or to attack the enemy. A disadvantage of this technique would be rapid loss of Magic Power, in relation to how long Happy uses this technique.[14]
    • Max Speed Attack (スピードアタック Makkusu Supīdo Atakku): While using Max Speed, Happy flies as fast as he can, and then strikes the opponent with his own head. This attack was powerful enough to destroy a Thunder Palace Lacrima, which was about two or more times the size of Happy.[15]

Transformation Magic (変身魔法 Henshin Mahō): Mirajane taught Happy, Natsu and Lucy basic spells of Transformation Magic.[16] However, Happy is only able to transform into a super deformed version of Lucy. Unfortunately, his attempt was a failure and in Lucy’s words, “creepy”.[17]

Fire Magic (火の魔法 Hi no Mahō): Happy can use this Magic to breathe fire.[18]

Enhanced Durability: Despite his small and seemingly frail stature, Happy has proven to possess incredible durability by surviving a city-wide explosion caused by Jackal, one of the Nine Demon Gates, despite being in the center of the explosion when it occurred.[19]

Former Magic and Abilities

Lucy Fire

Lucy Fire

Ushi no Koku Mairi (丑の刻参り Ushi no Koku Mairi): During their fight against Kain, he catches the Mr. Cursey doll Natsu threw to him. While flying he used it, while it had Lucy’s hair, delivered an attack on him.[20]

  • Secret Attack: Lucy Fire (必殺・ルーシィファイア Hissatsu : Rūshi Faia): While he was controlling Mr. Cursey and after Natsu had ignited Lucy, Happy used Max Speed to make Lucy’s whole body catch on fire, and had her deliver a brutal kick to Kain Hikaru.[20]


Happy fish fight

Happy fights using two big fish

Backpack: A small green backpack that Happy uses to carry snacks.[21]

Fish (or other food products): Happy is constantly seen using fish or fruits in battle. He uses them as blunt weapons, and also as swords. His range of “weapons” varies from fish to octopi to crabs.[22]


  • Hiro Mashima was originally going to name Happy “Freyr” after the Norse god but didn’t think it would suit his character.[23]
  • From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, the best quality of Fairy Tail according to Happy was that “Fairy Tail made the best fish entrees”! He wants to see Igneel in the future. Has a good relationship with Natsu and Lucy. The hardest job Happy ever took was fishing for the Winged Fishes, which tasted horrible.[24]

Mirajane Strauss

Mirajane Strauss (ミラジェーン・ストラウス Mirajēn Sutorausu) is an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, as well as its “drawing card”,[7] and is often a model for the Sorcerer Magazine.[6] She is the older sister of Elfman and Lisanna.

Mirajane proposal

Mirajane Strauss




Mirajēn Sutorausu


The Demon (魔人 Majin)
Mira (ミラ Mira)







19 (X784)[1]


Hair Color


Eye Color


Professional Status


Guild Mark Location

Left Thigh


Previous Occupation


Previous Team

Personal Status




Elfman Strauss (Younger Brother)
Lisanna Strauss (Younger Sister)
Parents (Deceased)[5]




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Mirajane serving drinks

Mirajane in her usual outfit

Mirajane is a slim young woman of below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle’s most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. Due to her always adopting such fashion, her hair seems to have adapted to it, with the hair on her forehead remaining pointed upwards even when not tied.[2][8] She has large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. Her white Fairy Tail Stamp is located on her left thigh.[2][9] Mirajane is widely known for her beauty, being Fairy Tail’s drawing card and having posed many times for the Sorcerer Magazine.[6]

Mirajane’s most commonly seen attire is a sleeveless, ankle-length maroon dress with a pleated skirt. The chest is adorned by a large, pink bow, and similarly colored trimmings frame the rather ample neckline, acting as straps, and circle around the waist.[2][3] Mirajane also wears high-heeled shoes that match her dress, and accessorizes with a small chain necklace with a blue oval gem attached to it, and a bracelet made of white flowers circling her right wrist.[10]

When performing one of her songs after Team Natsu’s return from the Tower of Heaven, she was shown donning a leopard print dress with plain inners, a slashed skirt, a plain ribbon in the same place as the one in her standard outfit, a similarly plain, large sash tied around her waist, with its two large edges hanging down on both of her sides, and thin straps holding up the dress above her chest. On her feet, she wore sandals with the front straps being crossed in an “X” shape.[11] Later, she switched to a more casual and skimpy attire to perform different music, this being a leather band covering her breasts, a matching leather miniskirt and fishnet stockings held up by suspenders.[12] Later, when she was bound, gagged and stored away by Gajeel Redfox so that he could sing in her place and make friends with his new guildmates, she donned the attire of a Fairy Tail waitress, consisting of a dark, short and revealing strapless one-piece dress with lighter edges, bearing the writing “Fairy” on a lighter stripe going down from her right breast to her upper left hip, plus a light-colored symbol of Fairy Tail on the front right part of her waist. She also wore a small, light collar with a thin ribbon holding it up, light-colored boots reaching up above her thighs, and similarly long gloves, almost reaching up to her shoulders. Both the boots and the gloves had belt-like upper edges each closed by a button.[13]

On Tenrou Island, she adopted a more casual style, with her usual dress being replaced by a much shorter, plain and light-colored one, whose only particular feature was a very small, dark ribbon occupying the same place as the one on her maroon dress, paired with some dark stitchings around the neckline. She was also shown wearing light flip-flops on her feet, and didn’t sport her accessories anymore.[14] After this attire was torn as a result of her fight with Azuma, she replaced it with a new one, a towel-like dress held up by two straps circling her neck. She also had most of her body wrapped in bandages due to her injuries.[8]

Cooking Mira in Natsu's imagination

Mirajane in X782

In her younger years, Mirajane wore a gothic-looking, overly revealing outfit matching the tomboyish personality she had at the time. She donned a dark, skimpy sleeveless shirt adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest, a pair of leather shorts held up by a studded belt with a demonic-looking buckle and thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, each bearing a skull adorned by a flower on their upper front parts. She also sported a bracelet shaped like a demonic arm around her right wrist, a ring on the same hand’s middle finger, and dark nail polish. She didn’t have her front ponytail, instead letting a large strand cover her forehead freely, and had most of her hair tied in a high, larger ponytail on the back of her head by a massive dark ribbon.[15]


Young Erza vs. Young Mirajane

Mirajane vs. Erza

In her younger years, Mirajane was known as “The Demon” (魔人 Majin), and before Lisanna‘s pseudo-death, she used to be a very feared person, infamous amongst guilds and criminals alike. She dressed in a punk-gothic style, and was rather temperamental and bad-mouthed everyone, especially Erza, whom she had quite a rivalry with from when they were kids. Despite this, she had initially been very withdrawn and held reservations about who she was due to her Demon-like powers. Even though Makarov assured her that it was just a type of Magic, Mirajane questioned whether she was even human. Before she could throw herself away, though, her brother and sister were able to connect with her once again by learning their own Take OverMagic.

Due to a past incident involving the apparent death of her younger sister, Lisanna, Mirajane somehow lost much of her magical ability and her will to fight (both of which have since returned), and her personality changed drastically.

Now, Mirajane is a loving and caring person who treats her friends, and even strangers, with kindness. Mirajane plays a motherly role within the guild, and is often seen running the bar at the guild hall. She has rarely been shown to be in a bad mood, and can tolerate all of the guild’s eccentricities. However, there have been a couple events that have disturbed Mirajane, including her discovery of the theft of an S-Class job by Natsu DragneelHappy and Lucy Heartfilia, and her later conflict with Laxus Dreyar following the destruction of the guild building.

In keeping with her motherly role, Mirajane is very determined to protect her comrades. She has gone so far as to change her appearance, in order to fool the Phantom Lord Guild into thinking she was Lucy, whom they were trying to capture. Along with running a bar, Mirajane shows great talent not only in modeling, but playing the guitar and singing. She is very popular, not only among the Fairy Tail members, but also with many people outside of the guild. She likes cooking[1] and has since her younger, tomboyish years. Mirajane was described by Lisanna as being a good cook, preparing food alongside Elfman for the three Take Over Siblings.[16] She dislikes cockroaches.[1] She is sensitive to being called stupid, as shown when she cried due to Gray unknowingly calling her an idiot.[17]


Young Demon Mirajane

Mirajane moved to tears by her siblings’ dedication

In her younger years, Mirajane’s parents died[18] and she and her siblings lived alone after that. At around the age of 13, Mirajane helped the townspeople by defeating a Demon that had taken over the church. However, being unaware of her magical abilities at the time, she took on some of the said creature’s appearance, being scorned by the townspeople and believing herself to be a monster. With no choice but to leave, she and her siblings then happened upon Fairy Tail, and, learning that she was not possessed, agreed to join the guild. Despite this though, Mirajane still believed herself to be a monster, and attempted to leave Magnolia; however, she was stopped by Elfman and Lisanna, who had learned their own versions of Take-Over so that their older sister wouldn’t be alone.[19][20]

Mirajane bullying Macao and Wakaba

Mirajane bullying Macao and Wakaba

When she was younger, she was always in brawls with her rival of the time, Erza Scarlet.[21] She even intimidated many of the older members, due to her punkish attitude and bullying tendencies.[22] Despite teasing Natsu endlessly, she always had a soft spot for him, finding him to be cute when he cries.[23] As she grew older, her abilities increased tremendously, and in the year X781, at the age of 16, she became an S-Class Mage, being the second youngest Mage in Fairy Tail to do so; only Erza was younger when she achieved the same honor.[24]

One year after the promotion, during a mission with her younger siblings, Elfman and Lisanna, Lisanna was supposedly killed by Elfman, due to him losing control when he tried to take over “The Beast”.[25] The shock of Lisanna’s loss caused Mirajane’s personality to shift dramatically; she abandoned her bullying tendencies and became the sweet and motherly figure beloved by the guild today. She also lost her will to fight and the vast majority of her Magic Power.[26]


Macao arc

Mirajane knocked down

Mirajane after being hit

Mirajane greets Lucy Heartfilia when she first arrives at the Fairy Tail Guild and a large scale brawl begins due to Natsu Dragneel. Lucy asks Mirajane if she is supposed to stop it, and Mirajane replies that it happens all the time. When she is hit on the head by a bottle, she starts to bleed but is otherwise unfazed, stating that it’s more fun like this, much to the shock of Lucy.[27] Later, Mirajane explains Natsu’s past to Lucy, and the pain that all Mages in Fairy Tail share.[28]

Daybreak arc

Mirajane is seen briefly when she is informing LevyJet, and Droy, that Natsu, Lucy, and Happy had already taken the job at Everlue Mansion.[29]

Lullaby arc

Mirajane explains to Lucy about the regular meeting of the Guild Masters of different provinces, and about Dark Guilds.[30] Later, when Erza arrives and tells Natsu and Gray that they are going on a mission with her, Mirajane welcomes Erza back and remarks that theirs could very well be the strongest team in Fairy Tail.[31] However, she is worried that the three are incapable of working together without arguing, so asks Lucy to tag along as a mediator.[32] Later, Mirajane sends Makarov a letter informing him about the newly formed team, much to Makarov’s dismay.[33]

Galuna Island arc

Mirajane's Demon Eyes

Mirajane’s “Demon Persona”

Mirajane helps explain to Lucy about the S-Class Mages and the Guild’s rule regarding the second floor.[34]Later, she is visibly upset when she finds that Happy stole an S-Class mission during the night. She soon learns that Laxus did nothing to stop him and she gives him a frightful glare which, as he hints, is more befitting her former ‘Demon’ persona.[35]

Phantom Lord arc

When Team Natsu returns to the guild hall after a job and discovers the building in disarray, Mirajane escorts them down to the basement as she explains that Phantom Lord attacked the guild during the night.[36] She then tells an inebriated Makarov to behave as he starts to spank Lucy for taking a S-Class mission, despite only giving Natsu and Gray a smack on the head.[37]

Mirajane compressed by Phantom Lord giant

Mirajane captured by the Giant

Later, after Makarov loses his power, Mirajane and Cana Alberona try to call Mystogan and Laxus back to the guild to assist the war effort. However, as Laxus badmouths the guild and starts to harass her, Mirajane loses her patience with him and destroys the Communication Lacrima with one punch, questioning aloud how someone in Fairy Tail can be so cruel.[38] As Phantom Lord descends, she declares she can’t battle and instead transforms into Lucy.[39] However, she is captured and taken as a hostage.[40]

Mirajane after being saved by Elfman

Mirajane after being saved by Elfman

Her capture helps Elfman regain his lost Magic, Full Body Take Over, and gives him the ability to defeat Element 4‘s Sol.[41][42] After defeating Sol, Elfman makes his way to Mirajane, freeing her and apologizing to her for again taking the form that killed their sister. However, Mirajane comforts him and figures out how to stop the Abyss Break.[43] They later catch up to Gray, who has just defeated Juvia, and explain the details to him, then join up with Erza who has just defeated AriaMaster Josethen arrives, complimenting them before taking Elfman and Gray out instantly.[44] She is later seen waking, and retreating when Master Makarov arrives.[45] After the Guild War ends, she is later seen celebrating the Guild’s victory.[46]

Loke arc

Mirajane provides Lucy with a “special job” that she has been saving. Mirajane, along with Makarov, Bob, Goldmine and Yajima, goes to watch Team Natsu as they perform.[47][48] She is later seen explaining to Elfman about Natsu and Gray’s pillow fight, and why they were arguing about it. Mirajane then has to inform all of Loke‘s girlfriends that she doesn’t know his whereabouts.[49]

Battle of Fairy Tail arc

Mirajane, Erza, Cana, Juvia, Levy, and Bisca turned to stone

Mirajane and the other contestants turned to stone

Mirajane plays a beautiful ballad for everyone when Team Natsu returns from Tower of Heaven, and as Natsu starts a huge fight, she switches to a rock song, complete with wardrobe change.[50] The next day, she is apprehended by Gajeel Redfox so he can perform his own song.[51] Later, she performs as the returning champion in the “Miss Fairy Tail” pageant. She apparently shoots down all hopes of winning as she turns her head into Happy and Gajeel’s, turning into the latter in retaliation for apprehending her the other day.[52] She is then turned to stone by Evergreen, along with the other girls.[53] Once Erza defeats Evergreen in battle, Mirajane and the other participants in the Miss Fairy Tail contest return to normal.[54]

Mirajane's Satan Soul

Mirajane finally unleashing her true power, Satan Soul

She is later seen after Freed defeats Cana. Elfman tries to fight Freed, but is easily defeated. Freed then keeps attacking Elfman even after he’s no longer able to fight, making Mirajane beg for him to stop. When Freed attempts to kill Elfman with his Magic, Mirajane finally snaps. The clouds part as she lets out a scream and a huge burst of Magic Power destroys the terrain around her. She activates her Magic, Take Over: Satan Soul.[55] As she and Freed begin to battle, she completely overwhelms him in both power and speed.[56][57] As their battle progresses, Freed remarks that the only way to beat a Demon is with a Demon, and he uses his Dark Écriture: Darkness which turns him into a Demon, but even then, Mirajane continues to easily overpower him.[58] Just as she is about to finish Freed off, she has a vision of her younger sister Lisanna, and decides to spare his life. She then begins talking to Freed about the guild members, making Freed cry. The battle ends as a draw, since Freed was defeated and Mirajane had lost her will to fight.[59]

Later, she is seen on Fantasia Parade, along with her brother, Elfman, where she appears from a rose and then transforms herself into a giant gecko-like animal.[60]

Oración Seis arc

Mirajane explains to everyone about the Dark Guilds, and greets Makarov when he tells everyone about the plan to destroy Oración Seis.[61]Makarov and Mirajane speak a little bit about Oración Seis and their connection with Jellal. After the battle and when Wendy joins the Fairy Tail Guild, Mirajane is seen explaining Gildarts’ history to Lucy as he returns.[62][63]

Daphne arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Edolas arc

When Team Natsu, Wendy, and Carla return to the guild, she warmly welcomes the latter two, and asks what kind of Magic they use.[68] Later, when Gildarts comes back, he is surprised to see how much Mirajane has grown and how much she has changed.[69]

Take Over siblings reunited

The Take Over Siblings reunited

When Anima is about to absorb Fairy Tail and Magnolia Town, Mirajane is shown going out to church with Elfman, even in the heavy rain, for Lisanna’s death anniversary.[70] Following the events in Edolas, she and Elfman continue on to the graveyard, and offer their prayers for the anniversary of Lisanna’s death. Elfman says that they should leave, but she says she wants to stay a little bit longer. Just then, they hear a voice calling out to them, and turn around to see Lisanna running towards them. Immediately left speechless, they can’t believe their eyes, but then become filled with joy when they reunite with a hug.[71]

Tenrou Island arc

Elf, Mira, Lisa

Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna

After the welcome party for Lisanna, Mirajane is seen sleeping on the floor with Lisanna, Elfman, Jet, and Droy.[72] Later, she talks to Lucy about Cana’s claim that she was thinking about leaving the guild.[73] At the announcement of the S-Class Trial, after all the rules were explained, it was then revealed that Erza, Gildarts and Mirajane would also be participating in the trial as well, though their main role is to hinder the participants from progressing further into the trial in any way they possibly can.[74]

Elfman and Evergreen meets Mirajane

Mirajane confronts Elfman and Evergreen

She is later revealed to be in path A, waiting for her opponents, Elfman and Evergreen, with her Take Over Satan Soul activated.[75] Later, Elfman and Evergreen, being overwhelmed by Mirajane, barely pass the exam; it is revealed that they told Mirajane that they are getting married, which shocked her and gave them an opening to defeat her.[76] She believes that they lied to beat her, but then imagines them having a very ugly child, which causes her to cry.

Similar to everyone else when thinking about Mest, Mirajane can’t exactly recall him entering the guild.[77]Later, after Grimoire Heart lands on Tenrou Island, she and Lisanna fight off some members of Grimoire Heart without much effort.[78][79] Azuma then confronts them, and Mirajane tells Lisanna to get back.[80]

Mirajane and Lisanna encounter Azuma

Mirajane and Lisanna vs. Azuma

Azuma starts using his Great Tree Arc, so Lisanna recommends that Mirajane use Satan Soul to defeat Azuma, but she says she can’t use the spell over and over again so much. Azuma then realizes he is fighting “the Demon Mirajane,” and requests a serious match against her Demon form. She doesn’t respond and tells Lisanna to run away, because she can tell Azuma is very strong. Since she doesn’t respond to Azuma’s request, he traps Lisanna in a ticking time bomb. As Mirajane panics, Azuma tells her that the bomb will go off in three minutes, and that is the time she has to defeat him. She calls him a coward, but he says he will do anything to face the Demon. Without a choice, she uses Satan Soul, even though she knows she won’t be able to retain it for long.[81]

Mirajane protects Lisanna

Mirajane saves Lisanna from the explosion

After she and Azuma battle for a while, Mirajane realizes she doesn’t have enough time to defeat him, so she flies over to Lisanna, and deactivates Satan Soul.[82] She apologizes to Lisanna, telling her that she is unable to defeat him due to the lack of time left, but she believes there is someone in the guild who can. She then tells her she’s going to forfeit, but not to worry, because Lisanna was the one person she would not let die. The bomb goes off with her hugging Lisanna. After the explosion, Mirajane’s heavily damaged body covers Lisanna, saving her from the blast. Her sister calls her name, but she gives no response. Azuma, disappointed, walks away.[83] She is later seen recovering alongside Gajeel, with Lisanna and Levy by her side.[84]

The Injured FT returns

Mirajane and the others intervene

Later, after Hades is defeated, a few Grimoire Heart Guild members attempt to attack all the Fairy Tail members that fought Hades, but Mirajane intervenes, along with the Thunder God Tribe, Gajeel, Levy, Cana, Lisanna, Elfman, and Makarov.[8] When Grimoire Heart finally leaves Tenrou Island, she and the rest of the Fairy Tail members go rest at their camp.[85]

Let's Join Hands

Fairy Tail attempting to block Acnologia’s attack

Their rest, however, is cut short when Acnologia arrives and attacks the guild members. Mirajane is horrified when Makarov holds the beast off, and tells his guild members that his final order is for them to escape. She heeds his order and attempts to flee Tenrou Island;[86] however, like the rest of Fairy Tail, she comes back. She activates Satan Soul and attempts to fight Acnologia. When Acnologia flies into the air and prepares to use some sort of Dragon Breath, the Fairy Tail members hold hands and give all their Magic Power to Freed in an attempt to negate the attack, but they fail and Tenrou Island is destroyed.[87]

X791 arc

Mirajane, along with the others, returns to the Fairy Tail Guild after being found by BiscaAlzack, Jet, Droy, MaxWarren and the Trimens from Blue Pegasus. The returning Fairy Tail members are warmly welcomed back by Romeo.[88] Later, Mirajane and Erza accompany Makarov to the Twilight Ogre Guild to pay them back, though it isn’t for money. The three of them proceed to fight the entire guild.[89]

Key of the Starry Sky arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Grand Magic Games arc

Fairy Tail Team B

Team Fairy Tail B

After the guild decides to join the Grand Magic Games, Mirajane, together with her teammates Elfman, Lisanna and Cana, hike out to the mountain to train and enhance their power.[103] Upon returning from this training, Mirajane is chosen by Makarov to be part of Fairy Tail’s Team B, along with Laxus, Gajeel, Juvia and Jellal Fernandes (disguised as Mystogan). She accepts after the offer prompts her to imagine Erza obeying her.[104] The team ultimately bests Fairy Tail’s Team A and places second in the preliminary rounds, defeated only by Team Sabertooth.[105]

As the Grand Magic Games start, the first event, Hidden, is announced. Gray enters the event and loses, and when the battles start, both Lucy and Jellal lose as well. Later, Mirajane, along with the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild, heads to a local bar to celebrate Fairy Tail’s terrible loss on the first day of the Grand Magic Games, and she and Erza each promise each other to do their best.[106]

During the events of the second day, Chariot, everyone notices Natsu, Gajeel and Sting experiencing motion sickness as they’re Dragon slayers. Mirajane wonders if Laxus also experiences such problems, to which he tells her not to say anything.[107] As Natsu proclaims their entrance in the game is for their comrades, and as he and Gajeel win points for their teams, Mirajane smiles at them.[108]

During the second match of the day’s battle portion, when Elfman is called to battle Bacchus, Mirajane is shocked. She feels uneasy upon hearing Bacchus’ wager in his and Elfman’s bet.[109] But upon her brother’s victory, she expresses relief and happiness.[110]

Mirajane Posing

Mirajane posing in a swimsuit

In the next match, Mirajane is selected to fight against Team Blue Pegasus’ reserve member, Jenny Realight.[111] The match begins but it quickly turns into a swimsuit contest much to the delight of the males in the stadium.[112]

Sitri's Fury

Mirajane defeats Jenny

After modeling for a short while, the two talk and Mirajane suggests that they end their match peacefully. They do several more poses and both gain tying points in their contest. Jenny then makes a bet: the loser will have to appear nude in the next Sorcerer Magazine, which Mirajane accepts. When Jenny enters her battle mode, Mirajane responds by transforming into Satan Soul: Sitri and quickly defeats her, gaining 10 points for her team. She then tells an upset Jenny that she’ll be looking forward to seeing her in her birthday suit.[113] After the match, Mirajane says that she felt a bit embarrassed, while her teammates congratulate her, with Natsu (in his corner) saying that she is as strong as she was before.[114]

During the third day’s battle portion, Mirajane is extremely surprised to see what seems to be Laxus getting beaten around by “Alexei.”[115] She later expresses shock when she sees Laxus disappear and another Laxus popping up out of nowhere, with Raven Tail’s members defeated and “Alexei” exposed as Ivan Dreyar. When Laxus is declared the winner, she is visibly pleased.[116]

After Laxus’s victory over Raven Tail, Wendy and Sherria‘s match begins. At some point during the battle, Wendy succeeds in countering Sherria’s powerful Heavenly Gathering of Clouds, and Mirajane explains Sherria’s Magic effect; she says that Sherria has the ability to heal her own injuries but cannot recover from her fatigue. Carla continues the explanation, saying that Wendy has the ability to recover fatigue and so she boosted Sherria’s stamina to change the course of Sherria’s attack.[117]

Mirajane loses her top

Jenny pulls off Mirajane’s top

Later that day the other Fairy Tail members are seen partying at a local bar for their successful day.[118] She smiles as she watches Lisanna being forced by Natsu to barrel surf.[119] Later, Mirajane and the other Fairy Tail members head off to Ryuzetsu Land.[120] While there, she is confronted by Blue Pegasus member Jenny who proceeds to rip off the top of Mirajane’s bathing suit, as revenge for beating her in their previous battle. Mirajane retaliates by pulling down the bottom of Jenny’s bathing suit.[121]

During the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games, Mirajane is seen asking how Juvia got pushed out of the water sphere when she got distracted.[122] Later, Mirajane and Juvia come to the infirmary to check on Lucy. She guesses that Lucy has fallen asleep while hugging her keys. When Makarov arrives and says that they have to combine Team A and B, Mirajane asks why, to which he replies that since Team Raven Tail was disqualified, the guilds are uneven.[123] When the new Fairy Tail team comes out, Mirajane says that this is the real meaning of the strongest team.[124]

Exceeds and FT Cheerleading Squad

Mirajane watches the fight

As Natsu and Gajeel from the newly formed Team Fairy Tail enter the arena to battle Sabertooth’s Sting and Rogue, Mirajane, alongside her guild mates, watches the match with confidence.[125] The fierce battle between the Dragon Slayers takes place with both sides intensely fighting for the win. When Sting uses his Holy Nova, Mirajane is shocked by the impact the explosion causes.[126]

As the battle continues, Mirajane is shocked to hear Sting say to Rogue that he alone is enough to beat both Natsu and Gajeel.[127] Later, she anxiously watches with the rest of the guild to see the outcome of Natsu’s battle.[128] Mirajane is filled with joy when Natsu defeats Sabertooth’s Sting and Rogue, placing team Fairy Tail in the lead with 45 points.[129]

After hearing about Lucy’s arrest by the Fiore Army, Mirajane listens as the Mages discuss the situation.[130] While wondering about Lucy’s arrest, Erza questions why the kingdom only arrested her and not the others, to which Mirajane replies that it’d be suspicious if they, as participants in the games, were arrested and didn’t appear. As Makarov gives his take on the situation, Mirajane listens in.[131] The next day, while Team Fairy Tail heads out for the final day of the games, Mirajane goes with Natsu, Wendy, Happy, Carla and Panther Lily on a mission to rescue Lucy.[132]

Sneaking into Mercurius

Mirajane gets the others into the castle

On the way to Mercurius, Mirajane notes that the last fight of the games is about to start. While wondering about how to get into the castle unnoticed, the group puts on costumes as envisioned by Happy to disguise themselves. Mirajane considers the idea and puts on a hockey mask, but this is ultimately discarded.[133]Some time later, Mirajane disguises herself as a palace guard and “captures” Wendy and Natsu, effectively sneaking all of them into the palace under the guise of putting them in the dungeon.[134] Eventually, Mirajane and the others locate Lucy and Yukino in one of the cells. Upon finding them Natsu breaks down the door to free them both. Outside the cell, the floor collapses beneath Mirajane and the others, sending them down into an underground cavern known as “Abyss Palace.”[135] They begin looking around the place, searching for a way out.[136]

Mirajane compares Yukino to Lisanna

Mirajane notices how Yukino resembles Lisanna

As the Exceed try finding a way out, Mirajane comments on how the kingdom captured them as they came to rescue their captured friend. As the others discuss the events, Mirajane points out to Lucy how Yukinoresembles Lisanna, while telling Yukino that Lisanna is her sister.[137] As a passage is found, Mirajane squeezes through and comes across a wounded Arcadios, who tells her and the rest to escape as they are attacked by a large shadowy figure. As more figures appear, Arcadios identifies them as the Garou Knights, executors working with the kingdom.[138] Mirajane and her friends prepare to fight.

Kamika appears at Mirajane's location

Mirajane alone with Kamika

Despite Natsu’s laughter and lack of worry, Mirajane hears Arcadios warn the team that the Magic the knights use is created for killing people. As the team prepares to battle the knights, Mirajane notes it to be an opportunity to have them reveal the exit when they win. Once the battle begins, Mirajane activates her Satan Soul: Sitri and saves Wendy, who is targeted and nearly swallowed up by Cosmos‘ plant technique.[139] Soon after, Cosmos and Kamika activate their combination attack, which nearly sucks the Mages inside. Working together, Mirajane, Panther Lily and Natsu use their Magic to destroy the technique, creating a large explosion as a result.[140] In the aftermath, Mirajane finds herself separated from everybody else. Calling out worriedly for Lucy and Yukino, Mirajane is told by Kamika, who ended up in the same area as her, that she shouldn’t look away from her.[141]

Mirajane powers up

Mirajane getting power during battle

As they begin fighting, Mirajane is attacked by Kamika’s Paper Blizzard: Green Dance. Though she tries holding her breath as it surrounds her, Kamika reveals that the green paper is the God of poison, causing Mirajane to fully realize that the knights truly are trying to kill them.[142] As she continues to struggle, Kamika suggests that Mirajane simply end it by dying. Mirajane replies by stating Magic shouldn’t be used to kill people, though it is needed to protect others. She then explains that when people are looking, she holds back, but that when she’s alone, she can release her full power. To Kamika’s surprise, Mirajane then inhales the poison, which she calls a treat for a Demon such as herself.[143] Going forward, Mirajane attacks Kamika, sending her crashing through the walls of the underground and eventually to the same place where the other defeated knights lay. With this, Mirajane also reunites with the rest of the rescue team.[144]

Girls see Future Lucy

Mirajane meets future Lucy

With the knights beaten, the team tries finding a way out of Abyss Palace. As they walk, Mirajane asks Loke how he came, to which he states he jumped. Soon after, Mirajane looks on as the group comes across a door which opens as they walk towards it. Suspecting it to be a trap, Mirajane and the rest stay back as a hooded figure appears.[145] Natsu asks the figure who they are, at which point the figure begins crying and apologizing, asking for strength. Curious, Mirajane stays back before the figure reveals herself[146] The figure is shown to be Lucy from the future, greatly surprising Mirajane. As she begins to talk about something that will happen to the country, she suddenly collapses. Mirajane talks to the Lucy of the present, who expresses feelings of being creeped out by another of her.[147] Later, while trying to find a way out of the castle, Mirajane and the others end up getting lost. She cheerfully comments on how bothersome it is, before reminding her Guildmates that they need to maintain a good outlook with their King, since they’re still in the Games. Soon after, the future Lucy awakens after having collapsed earlier and she begins to explain her situation with everyone.[148]

Mira runs back

Mirajane leaves to look for Yukino

Mirajane becomes worried as the Lucy from the future reveals that a herd of ten thousand Dragons will attack the country. She listens as the present Lucy doubts that the others will believe this, and Natsu assures her that they won’t. When the future Lucy expresses hesitation at Carla’s question about the future, Mirajane is stunned to think that they will die. When asked about the Eclipse, she reveals that she arrived on the fourth of July, and Mirajane states that she thought the Eclipse could take a person further back in time. The future Lucy tells them to meet Jellal by using an underground passage, as he should be thinking of a strategy. As she apologizes for not having one, Mirajane looks on as Natsu comes close to future Lucy’s face and thanks for the information.[149] While going through the underground, the group is confronted by the army. Rather than fight, Mirajane leaves to look for Arcadios and Yukino when she notices the latter is missing, telling everyone to be careful as she runs off.[150]

Mirajane hugs Yukino

Mirajane comforting Yukino

Desperate, Mirajane begins to look for Yukino all over the spacious castle.[151] She eventually finds the former Sabertooth Mage leaning up against a wall, demanding at first to know what she was doing there, before beckoning for Yukino to come with her. As Yukino tearfully replies that she can’t, as no matter who she travels with, misfortune is always one step behind her, Mirajane kindly replies that none of her friends at Fairy Tail ever blame others for their troubles, and embraces the former Sabertooth Mage. She tells her that it is okay, as everyone exists for a reason, and that no matter how small Yukino’s might be, she still has one.[152]

Later, as Lucy attempts to close the Eclipse Gate in order to get rid of the Dragons, Mirajane and Yukino arrive, with the latter combining her keys with Lucy and summoning all 12 Zodiac Spirits to close the door. Mirajane then notices Future Rogue, who arrives to the place noting that there are 7 Dragons present. When he announces the beginning of the Dragon age, Mirajane questions his motives, but receives no real reply.[153]

Mira's reaction

Mirajane witnesses Zirconis’ Magic

Mirajane and those near the castle are confronted by Zirconis, a Dragon whose soul was met by several Fairy Tail Mages previously. Wendy attempts to talk to him but the beast uses a breath attack which Mirajane protects her from by getting her down to the ground. Mirajane and the rest are shocked to see that the attack did not hurt anyone, rather, it vaporized the clothes of the soldiers and several others, with Mirajane referring to it as the first time she’s seen something so pitiful.[154]

Wendy and Mirajane prepare to fight

Mirajane and Wendy confront Zirconis

With Lucy’s clothes being vaporized as well, Zirconis laughs at Wendy’s resolve to defeat him. As he kidnaps Lucy, Mirajane readies to attack, supported by Wendy’s Arms X Vernier, however, they are thrown away by Zirconis’ shock wave. She then transforms into her Satan Soul: Sitri form and attacks Zirconis. Her attack is proven to be ineffective, however, it works as a diversion as Wendy is able to land a hit with her Sky Dragon’s Roar. Annoyed, Zirconis then throws Lucy into the air, and while Happy flies after her, Mirajane and Wendy claim that they will deal with Zirconis,[155] and the two Mages stay and face him in an aerial battle.[156]

Later, after Ultear uses Last Ages to rewind the time, Mirajane is seen fighting Motherglare‘s Hatchlings, when she suddenly states that she has just seen a glimpse of the future, with Evergreen claiming that she has also had such sensation.[157] After the gate’s destruction, Mirajane remains bewildered by her vicinity alongside the Thunder God Tribe, looking on as the Hatchlings and the Dragons disappear from their timeline.[158]

The Grand Ball

Mirajane arrives at the Great Banquet

Several days after the battle with the Dragons, Mirajane, in a dressing room with Lucy, Wendy, Lisanna and Yukino, consoles an embarrassed Yukino about her appearance, stating that she looks gorgeous in her dress.[159] Shortly thereafter, Mirajane and the others leave the dressing room and arrive at the Royal Palace where they are greeted by Elfman; Mirajane and her two siblings then converse at a nearby table.[160] Mirajane then later accompanies Yukino as she approaches Sting and Rogue and looks at her with concern when she tries to leave after they notice her presence. Curious, Mirajane listens as Sting apologizes to Yukino for the way he and Sabertooth treated her; her curiosity turns to shock when Sting asks for Yukino to rejoin their guild, and even more so when an extremely drunk Kagura comes over to the group, demanding for Yukino to join Mermaid Heel instead.[161]

Mirajane smiling at Yukino

Mirajane smiles at Yukino

All the teams from the Grand Magic Games soon speak up about Yukino joining their respective guilds and get into a fight, causing the young girl to break down in tears. Seeing this, Mirajane consoles the Celestial Spirit Mage, asking her not to cry; Yukino turns her head and smiles at Mirajane in spite of the tears streaming down her face, proclaiming herself to be happy, prompting Mirajane to smile back at Yukino, stating that she’s glad that Yukino was finally able to smile and that she now has many different places to call home.[162] Afterwards, everyone returns to their guilds. When Fairy Tail arrives to Magnolia, they are greeted by a mass of people happy with their victory in the Games. As Mirajane walks through the crowd waving and smiling at the people, they call her name.[163]

Eclipse Celestial Spirits arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Sun Village arc

Mirajane and Lisanna take a bath

Mirajane takes a bath with the girls

Following their return, Mirajane sings as she takes a bath with the Fairy Tail girls. She comments on the recent increase of job requests Fairy Tail has received since their victory over at the Grand Magic Games, revealing that she is completely busy and does not know where to start. She then reassures Lisanna when she finds it odd that Natsu and Gray went out on a mission together, claiming that they started to treat themselves better recently. She keeps on bathing as Flare enters their bath-house and reveals to the crowd of girls that Raven Tail is no more.[177]

Tartaros arc

Team Mira and Erza

Mirajane and Erza head out

After Team Natsu, along with Wendy and Carla, returns to Fairy Tail, Mirajane is asked by Macao and the others to bring out the alcohol.[178] She, in conjunction with several Fairy Tail Mages, stares in amazement at the gates when a frantically screaming Jet walks in claiming to bring with him terrible news.[179] Mirajane, with the rest of the guild, later watches as Porlyusica walks out of the infirmary and informs them that the defeated Laxus, Yajima and Thunder God Tribe are in critical condition and may not make a full recovery. She then holds Lisanna close to her as Makarov lies to Freed about the casualties involving the village they fought Tempester in.[180]

Soon after the locations of several former council member are made known, the Fairy Tail Mages head out to become their protection. As preparations are made, Mirajane looks over Laxus as he rests in bed. Having heard what he did from Freed, she tells Laxus that he cares a great deal for his friends and they will remember his courage.[181] After discovering the former chairman’s address, Mirajane and Erza quickly head to his location on top of a reindeer.[182] They shortly stop on their way to take a break, with Mirajane mentioning that Jellal is surely a target as well. Erza, however, states that Jellal can defend himself on his own.[183]

Mirajane defeats Tartaros troops

Mirajane fights the intruders

The two eventually reach the home of Crawford Seam, the former chairman of Magic Council. Mirajane enjoys herself with a cup of tea before the ex-chairman questions their purpose for coming. Mirajane apologizes for the guild looking for him and his address and Crawford proceeds to recall the past when he used to deal with Fairy Tail. Mirajane interrupts this and Crawford eventually reveals that nor himself neither the three ex-councilors that are supposed to protect the Face know of its location. Suddenly, Mirajane and Erza notice someone’s presence and knowing it’s the attackers, they tell Crawford to return to his room while they face the intruders, with Mirajane using Satan Soul to battle them. The two, fighting as a team for the first time, eventually defeat the enemies, although they find it odd that no strong opponent was sent to kill the former chairman. At that moment, Mirajane and Erza fall down unconscious and Crawford proceeds to take them, while announcing to Kyôka that two subjects have been captured.[184] Mirajane and Erza are then taken to the Tartaros HQ and while the latter is tortured for information, Mirajane is forced to undergo Kyôka‘s transformation process in order to become the Demon’s slave, much to Erza’s horror.[185]

Mirajane is revived

Mirajane wakes up

Mirajane, unconscious, later appears in one of Kyôka’s facilities. Lamy, a Demon from Kyôka’s squad, states that even though she doesn’t care about girls, she might modify Mirajane’s body and proceeds to threaten her, claiming that her pretty face will be no more after she’s done with her.[186] As she is about to do so, Mirajane regains consciousness and breaks from the facility, much to Lamy’s shock and horror. Mirajane reveals that she already possesses Demon Particles and Lamy trying to insert them into her body just caused her to wake up.[187]

As she wanders around, Mirajane is found by Lisanna, who quickly rushes to her side and hugs her. Questioning what Lisanna is doing in Tartaros, Mirajane is shocked to hear that both she and Elfman were captured. Before the duo can act, both women are approached by Seilah, who states that Elfman was possessed and made to blow up the Fairy Tail Guild; however, before they can stress, the Demon continues that she miscalculated, as Elfman failed to kill anyone at all. With Mirajane and Lisanna relaxing to hear that their friends are safe, Seilah suddenly becomes glaringly angry, stating that she will take Mirajane’s life as compensation for her embarrassment. Realizing Seilah is the one who harmed her siblings, Mirajane glares straight back demonically.[188] Mirajane and Seilah then engage each-other in combat, and Mirajane is impressed by Seilah’s strength.[189] Mirajane is continuously struck down by Seilah’s books, leading her to ponder if this is the power of a true Demon.[190]

Seilah involves Lamy and Lisanna in the battle

Mirajane is thrown into Lamy and Lisanna

With neither Mirajane nor Seilah managing to get the upper-hand in their battle, Seilah pauses to question Mirajane’s abilities, commenting that her Macro seems to not be working on the Fairy Tail Mage. Not understanding, Mirajane is hastily informed by Lisanna about Seilah’s Curse, and how the Demon has the ability to manipulate the bodies of those she chooses, Seilah herself adding that she doesn’t even need to be present to control those she has taken over. Before they can continue, both women are interrupted by Ezel, who appears in one of the tanks surrounding them. Cursing someone profusely, the Demon demands that Seilah revive him at once, though Seilah refuses, asking him to wait until she is finished in her battle. Questioning what Ezel is doing at their location, Mirajane listens as Lamy explains that they are currently standing in Hell’s Core, a laboratory where the members of Tartaros can be revived if they are ever injured and lose their bodies. Mirajane then decides that her top priority should be destroying the lab, surprising Seilah, who questions her abilities. However, at that very moment all of the test tubes in the lab explode, Mirajane revealing that due to her Take-Over Magic’s properties, she was able to take control of the tentacle-like Demon connected to all of the tanks, using it to destroy them all. Now understanding Mirajane’s Magic, Seilah reasons that that must be why her Curse doesn’t seem to work; Mirajane too comments that she cannot seem to use Take-Over on Seilah’s body. Recognising the nature of their battle now, both women relent to having a fist fight instead. Mirajane uses Satan Soul: Sitri, though Seilah shocks her by using her Curse on own body, commanding it to release her strongest form. Taking on a fearsome appearance, Seilah surges forward, catching Mirajane off guard and hurtling her into Lisanna and Lamy before blasting them with a surge of energy. Down and forced out of her Satan Soul form, Mirajane struggles to get up once more.[191]

Seilah attacking Mirajane

Mirajane is assaulted further by Seilah

Unable to compete with Seilah in terms of power, Mirajane once again attempts to use her Take Over Magic to control the Demon. Seilah comments on the futility of her actions, and activates her Macro to tear apart Mirajane’s body, the Fairy Tail Mage screaming in pain as the Demon assaults her. Thinking back to the event where she had acquired Take Over, Mirajane reminds herself of the dedication she and her siblings have with one another. Motivated to fight back, she grabs onto Seilah’s leg and successfully applies her Take Over ability on the Demon, gaining Seilah’s Macro ability and using it to command Elfman to come to the aid of his family.[192] Later, it turns out that Mirajane and her siblings are joined by Jet, Droy and Warren, with the Telepathy Mage informing the rest of the Fairy Tail Mages about this. However, Mard Geer soon puts his Curse into effect and Mirajane, along with the rest of the Mages, ends up being caught by the transformed Cube.[193] Mirajane is later seen to be released from Alegria, the dispelling courtesy of the Celestial Spirit King.[194] However, she, along with a few more Mages, are then attacked by Lamy’s clones, which Seilah takes advantage of to flee into the control room. While Elfman, Lisanna, Jet, Droy and Warren deal with the clones, Mirajane pursues the Demon.[195]

Mirajane strikes Seilah

Mirajane strikes Seilah

Some time later, Mirajane appears in Tartaros’ control room. At great speed and in her Satan Soul mode, she grabs Seilah’s face and throws her onto a wall, releasing Erza and others from the Demon’s Macro. Having used all of her Magic, Mirajane reverts to her human form and, lying on the ground, watches in horror as Kyôka exclaims that Face will soon activate. She begs Erza to destroy the weapon and Titania dons her Armadura Fairy to fulfill this plea.[196] As the battle continues, Happy questions Lisanna’s whereabouts and Mirajane explains that they are dealing with an army of Lamy’s models. She, as well as everyone else in the ruins of Cube, then notice a sound signifying the arrival of the Dragon King, Acnologia.[197] She watches in disbelief, still completely exhausted, as the Dragon causes mass destruction.[198]

Mirajane's reaction to the activation of Face

Mirajane watches the Face timer

Later, as the battle between Erza and Kyôka progresses, Mirajane is hit by the Demon’s Curse, causing her to be blown away.[199] After the battle is over, an exhausted Mirajane witnesses the timer of Face reaching zero with a worried expression.[200] She then watches as all the Face devices across the continent begin to activate, noting that the Magic will now disappear.[201] However, the Dragons appear to destroy all Faces, to which Mirajane reacts with a happy expression.[202] After the war ends, Mirajane locates the dying Seilah’s body and completely takes her over, saving her life, but robbing her of her body and granting Mirajane complete access to her appearance and Macro ability.[203]

Eventually, the returning Dragons regroup near the befuddled Mages, Mirajane standing next to the others as the Dragons commend them for their efforts and reveal that their time on Earth Land will soon come to an end.[204] She later watches as the Dragons ascend into the skies and bid farewell, claiming that they will always watch over the humans.[205] One week later, Mirajane stands in front of the ruins of their guild and asks if Makarov is not going to rebuild the guild this time, to which Makarov confirms.[206]

Avatar arc

After receiving a letter from Lucy, Mirajane, along with her siblings, shows up in Magnolia Town to meet with her former guildmates. When she sees Lucy, she welcomes her “home,” something which brings Lucy to tears.[207]

Alvarez Empire arc

Mirajane watches the brawl

Mirajane watches the brawl

When Levy convinces Wendy and the others that there are no legal loose ends when it comes to the guild’s revival, but instead expresses her concerns about the next master, Mirajane optimistically tells her not to worry.[208] When the reconstruction effort turns into an open guild brawl, Mirajane thinks to herself that she is happy no one blames Elfman for destroying the guild, as that is the reason he became strong. However, a bottle comes flying in her direction and hits her on the head, interrupting her train of thought.[209] Later, Mirajane listens as Gajeel tells her, CanaJuvia, and Panther Lily that they are forming a “B-Team” in order to find Laxus. She joins up with the rest, although she is seen confused about the team’s purpose.[210]

Team B on their way to Laxus

Mirajane joins the team to look for Laxus

Going in search of the other members, the group arrives at their intended location. Mirajane questions if there was a point in splitting the teams, while Gajeel states they wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight and that he is not even sure an infiltration mission will succeed. Levy then arrives, stating that they need separate teams to raise their chance of success, before asking how they could leave her behind.[211] Later, they all head to the Pegasus Village hot springs to relax. There they meet up with Ichiya, who tells them that Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe have joined Blue Pegasus, this information greatly shocking Mirajane.[212]

Mirajane and Lisanna have been training

Mirajane claims that she has gotten stronger

Inside the airship of Christina, Mirajane and the B-team greet the rescue team after they are teleported inside by Mest. Lisanna says to Gray that their group has done work on their own, in order to save their master, while Mirajane remarks that a part of that work was finding Laxus. Along with her fellow Mages, Mirajane then watches as Makarov tears up over seeing his family reunited.[213] Once Makarov is back at the guild and resumes his role as Master, saying that this will kill him, Mirajane reminds him that he also said that in the past.[214] When Erza asks for some star mangoes, Mirajane admits that she’s never heard of them.[215] Mirajane then agrees once Natsu says that they must defeat Alvarez if they want to survive and still be together as a guild.[216] As they all prepare for the unavoidable battle, Mira reveals that she has been training and getting stronger this last year, shocking Macaoand Wakaba, in the process. Suddenly, they are interrupted by Mavis, who intends to reveal to Mirajane and the other Mages the secrets of Fairy HeartThe One Magic as well as her relationship with Zeref.[217]

Mirajane Seilah

Mirajane unveils her acquisition from the battle against Tartaros

After Mavis finishes her story, Mirajane is shocked to learn that Fairy Heart is an infinite supply of Magic Power. The First Master then gets upset over dragging everyone into battle, but everyone agrees that it’s not her fault. Afterwards, the topic of Zeref’s immortality is brought up,[218] and Natsu mentions that his right arm is something that can do the job, but he refuses to tell what it is. When Makarov goes over all the information he gathered about the Alvarez Empire, Mirajane is shocked to hear that August‘s knowledge in Magic may be greater than that of Zeref.[219] Standing with her sister, Mirajane is alerted to the arrival of Alvarez as the Empire commences their attack.[220] Later, sensing that Alvarez has broken through Freed’s Jutsu Shikibarrier, Mirajane and her siblings run to the source of the infiltration.[221] Very quickly, the three arrive, and Mirajane unveils a new Satan Soul: Mirajane Seilah; having revealed to have taken over Seilah after the Tartaros war to save her life. She then uses the power of Macro to put most of the oncoming forces to sleep; those that were able to resist her power she remarks have to be dealt with by force.[222] As Ajeel Ramalutilizes his strongest spell, Sand World, completely surrounding the town of Magnolia with masses of sand, Mirajane covers herself up so as to shield herself from the raging sandstorm.[223]

Mirajane weakness

Mirajane’s true weakness is revealed

As the sandstorm dissipates, Mirajane and the others notice five mechanical beings standing before them. Mirajane is punched repeatedly by one, but does not retaliate as it is donning the face of her little brother, Elfman. Her comrades face similar trouble as they one by one realize that their foe is specifically designed to exploit their weaknesses. As Mirajane and the others wonder how this is possible, Wall Eehto explains that exploiting his opponent’s weaknesses is the ability of his Magic, Weakness.[224] However, Mirajane and the others determine that to defeat the robots all they have to do is switch opponents, so Mirajane takes on Lisanna’s “brute strength” robot and easily defeats it. Afterwards, she asks after Erza’s condition, and is told that the knight requires rest.[225]Suddenly, the group is surprised by a huge explosion in Kardia Cathedral and they begin to wonder about the safety of Freed’s team.[226]

Fairy Tail arrives to Northern Fiore

Mirajane gets ready for battle

In the brief respite after the victory in their first battle, Mirajane and the other Fairy Tail members lay their plans for the upcoming skirmishes. Mirajane is part of the group meant to support Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus, who are moving to intercept the army to the north.[227] When the Guild obtains news of Natsu’s lone charge at Zeref, Mirajane asks Mavis for orders, calmly listening as the First Master refuses to change their original stratagem.[228] Mirajane then heads out to reinforce their allies on the northern front, stopping only to sleep for the night.[229] She prepares to fight alongside her guildmates the next day, but is devastated by the sight that awaits them as Alvarez have vanquished Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth, carrying the unconscious Mages on huge, vertical wooden crosses as trophies. Numb with shock, she weakly utters Yukino’s name.[230]Immediately regaining her faculties, Mirajane rescues and tends to Yukino. Although surprised by the abrupt change of the frozen battlefield to one resembling a field of blooms, she stands firm against the enemy’s assault[231] and soon engages the Empire’s soldiers in melee combat alongside her siblings.[232] However, she ceases fighting as a strange luminescence on the horizon catches her eye,[233]startled to later discover herself transported to an unknown beach alongside her guildmates who were supposedly back in Magnolia. She tries to explain the occurrence when Alzack announces the approach of enemy troops;[234] when they come, she subsequently helps ward them off.[235]

August pierces Mirajane

Mirajane is shot by August

When the Fairy Tail forces begin to head north after receiving Zera’s telepathic message, Mirajane wonders about Elfman’s whereabouts, but is reassured by Lisanna that their brother would also be heading for the Guild. Suddenly, they are attacked by Heine and Juliet of the Irene Squad, the elder Strauss opting to defeat the girls while her guildmates continue north.[236] Although she realizes that she has underestimated her opponents, the demonic Take Over Mage reveals that she has harvested the souls of Tartaros’ members and pulverizes her enemies using Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria. Drained of her Magic power, the realization that the girls were nothing more than swords enchanted to have a personality causes her to ponder the existence of a Mage capable of such a feat, even as the swords’ owner, Irene, descends behind her[237] and captures her. She proceeds to torture Mirajane in order to exact vengeance for her creations, but is forced to desist when August, accompanied by Brandish, arrives and demands that Irene return to Zeref’s side, the Magic King mortally wounding a terrified Mirajane when his ally protests that she has yet to kill her prey. However, as the Shields of Spriggan leave,[238] Brandish shrinks the wound and the Fairy Tail Mage is later found and supported by Lisanna, whom she informs about the convening of the Spriggan 12.[239]

The two reunite with their allies in time to aid them in launching an assault upon the Empire’s entire army, Mirajane engaging Jacob despite their mutual discomfort regarding her tattered and revealing attire.[240] Mirajane eventually puts her discomfort aside and confidently stares her foe down.[241] In spite of this, she is still pushed back, even with Jacob having closed his eyes.[242] Their fight, however, is interrupted by the voice of Irene Belserion booming throughout the battlefield in search of Mavis; simply hearing her voice causes Mirajane to shiver with fear.[243] The fight is interrupted yet again with Makarov’s casting of Fairy Law, which causes Mirajane to curiously look at the sky.[244]

Right after Irene’s death and Universe One’s dispelling (which puts the country back to normal), Mirajane manages to defeat Jacob, but notes that she was only able to do so because he kept his eyes closed.[245]

Magic and Abilities

Take Over (接収テイクオーバー Teiku Ōbā): Mirajane is a skilled user of Take Over, a type of Magic which, as the name suggests, allows her to take over the powers and appearances of particular creatures she really “knows“. She shares such Magic with her siblings Elfman and Lisanna, something which made them known as the “Take Over Siblings“. The particular form she employs shares the name of her signature spell Satan Soul (サタンソウル Satan Sōru).[246] Due to the nature of Mirajane’s Take Over, she has the ability to control Demons and manipulate them to do her bidding. Whilst having control over the tentacle Demons, Mirajane was able to cause them to simultaneously explode.[247] Mirajane’s Satan Soul is also capable of taking over Demons and Etherious on the brink of death, while saving them in the process; although they lose control of their bodies in return.[203]

Mirajane's Satan Soul

Satan Soul

  • Satan Soul (サタンソウル Satan Sōru): Satan Soul is a very powerful spell, as well as the source of her epithet “The Demon” (魔人 Majin). Satan Soul allows her to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of a demonic being. When she activated it for the first time after two years of abstinence, she released a large magical blast which destroyed the surrounding area. Satan Soul is initiated by seemingly covering Mirajane’s body in flat, square-shaped scales-like parts, which subsequently disappear, revealing her new appearance.[248] In such state, her eyes, eyelashes, ears, and hair all change drastically, and dark, thin markings appear all over her body. Her forearms and hands become covered in scales, and each sprouts a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She also grows a large, stocky tail, seemingly made of metal plates or scales. Her clothing also changes, with any attire she might be wearing being replaced by a dark, skimpy one-piece suit revealing her arms and legs, which is open on the front and the back, exposing most of her belly, wide cleavage and upper back too. She also dons a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms.[249] Using this spell is extremely exhausting for Mirajane, so much that she cannot execute it in consecutive reprises.[250] However, after her 3-month training in X791, she was shown to be able employ her Satan Soul: Sitri (which Erza commented on being one of her strongest) twice and her Satan Soul twice within the span of a few hours or even less, without any signs of fatigue.[144][155] In order to utilize her Satan Soul form, Mirajane’s body possesses the same Demon Particles found in the bodies of Tartaros’ artificial Demons, resulting in an immunity to any physical alterations and a unique means of recovery.[251]
Mira stops Elfman's punch

Mirajane’s strength

  • Immense Strength: When employing her demonic powers, Mirajane’s strength is increased to the point where she can easily break through solid rock with her punches.[252] When her fist clashed with Freed’s own demonic form, a powerful shock-wave was generated, which destroyed the ground below them.[253] She was also able to block a punch from Elfman while he was in Full-Body Take Over with one hand[254] and break through Kamika‘s God of Protection Shield with a single punch.[255]
  • Flight: In this form, Mirajane is capable of sprouting a pair of wings from her back at whim, which allow her to fly. Such wings are reminiscent of a bat’s, and come with small spike-like protrusions on their upper edges.[256]
  • Enhanced Durability: This form increases Mirajane’s natural durability, allowing her to take multiple powerful explosions in consecutive reprises, emerging almost unscathed and remaining active to continue the battle.[257]
  • Enhanced Speed: While in this form, Mirajane’s speed increases to the point where, after sprouting her wings, she could easily deliver a powerful punch to Freed, even with the help of his own wings, and a large distance between them, before he could react.[256] During her fight with Azuma, she could similarly deliver a powerful kick into his stomach before he had the chance to react. Additionally, she was able to escape the root and explosion of his Chain Burst without taking any damage.[258]
  • Poison Resistance: Mirajane’s resistance against poison increases while in this form, where she could even inhale poison gas while calling it a “treat”.[259]
  • Darkness Magic (闇の魔法 Yami no Mahō): Mirajane has proven herself to be a skilled user of Darkness Magic. Using the Magic as her game-changer in most of her fights. She was able to match and defeat Freed Justine’s own Dark Écriture: Darkness.[260] Mirajane has shown to be able to use this Magic to enhance her physical combat capabilities,[97] create powerful blasts, explosions, shields and even shape it into claw like tendrils capable of chasing after opponents.[254]
  • Darkness Stream: Mirajane extends her hand towards the opponent and summons forth her Magic Seal underneath her opponent, where a multitude of large tendrils composed of dark energy is formed, which surround and envelope the opponent. It was used against Freed, who evaded it, thus leaving its full effects unknown.[261]
Soul Extinction

Mirajane using Soul Extinctor

  • Soul Extinctor: Mirajane initiates this attack by gathering energy from the surrounding area between her hands, which subsequently takes the form of a large, black globe. The globe then fires a large black-purple beam that generates a devastating explosion. This spell was strong enough to defeat Freed, who no longer had his Dark Écriture: Darkness and Dark Écriture: Wingsspells active after its blast.[260] This spell is unnamed in the manga, but it was given a name in the anime.[261] There also seems to be a variety to it, in which the sphere, seemingly created faster, is focused around Mirajane’s hands and forearms and shot in a less powerful, yet still destructive blast.[262]
  • Evil Explosion (エビル エクスプロージョン Ebiru Ekusupurōjon): Mirajane holds her hands together and a dark colored sphere gathers on her palm. When fired, it is fired from Mirajane’s hand. The receding explosion is devastating. This spell was powerful enough to almost completely destroy Azuma’s Tree Shield. However, he himself received little to no damage. In the manga, the spell is unnamed, but it received a name in the anime.[263]
  • Demon Blast: A large ball of dark energy is charged between Mirajane’s hands, from which a dark purple beam is fired towards the target.[264](Unnamed)
  • Satanic Blast: The user raises her hand above her head and starts charging Darkness Magic in the form of a sphere that grows larger as it charges. The user then aims her hand at the target, sending a large blast at the target that then becomes a huge pillar of Darkness Magic covering the entire area.[97] (Unnamed)
  • Dark Deflect: Focusing the incoming attack on her eye, Mirajane redirects the incoming spell, missing the intended target.[265](Unnamed)
  • Water Magic (水系各種魔法 Mizu Kei Kakushu Mahō): Through the use of the immense Magic Power, Mirajane was shown capable of freely manipulating the surrounding water.[266]
  • Evil Explosion (エビル エクスプロージョン Ebiru Ekusupurōjon): Using her Magic Power as a medium, Mirajane lifts a body of water, even one as big as a river, with her arms, and then starts rotating, sending the water flying towards her foe in a powerful whirlpool.[266]This spell, which remains unnamed in the manga, was given a name in the anime.[261]
  • Lightning Magic (雷系各種魔法 Kaminari Kei Kakushu Mahō): Mirajane has the ability to utilize lightning-based attacks while in Satan Soul.[261]
  • Evil Spark: A melee spell in which Mirajane extends both of her hands to touch the opponent, subsequently channeling electricity through them.[261]
Satan Soul Halphas

Satan Soul: Halphas

  • Satan Soul: Halphas (ハルファス Harufasu):[267] A Satan Soul form that allows the user to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of the Demon Halphas. This spell is so powerful that Mirajane was able to destroy an entire city effortlessly, and as such, Makarov Dreyar has forbidden her from using the spell.[97] While using this spell, Mirajane grows horns made of long sky blue scales, extending backwards to a pointed edge, the horn’s scales also extend to form a pattern on her face. Her ears, hidden behind her horns, become pointed upwards reminiscent of that of fictional elves. She gains similar scale-like covering on her forearms and hands as well as on her legs and she grows a large, sky blue, stocky and seemingly aquatic tail. Her clothes also change, with any attire she might be donning replaced by a light and dark blue, striped, one-piece suit with pointed shoulder-pads, revealing her arms and legs, which is open on the front and the back; exposing most of her stomach, wide cleavage, and upper back. This Satan Soul form also permanently dons two sky-blue wings composed of numerous spiky scales that are always pointing upwards.[97]
  • Darkness Magic (闇の魔法 Yami no Mahō): Mirajane has shown to be able to use this Magic to enhance her physical combat capabilities,[97] create powerful blasts and shield.[265]
  • Dark Deflect: Focusing the incoming attack on her palm, the she is able to redirect all incoming attacks, causing them to miss.[265](Unnamed)
  • Cosmic Beam: Mirajane charges cosmic-like energy that is fired towards the target and creates a massive explosion. She is also able to cause pink-colored Magic projectiles to rain down at the target, powerful enough to damage and destroy the surrounding area.[97](Unnamed)
  • Flight: In this form the user is capable of flight.[97]
  • Immense Speed: While in this form, the user’s speed increases dramatically, to the point where it can even surpass the speed of Satan Soul[97] and an enhanced Racer.[102]
  • Enhanced Durability: While employing this form, Mirajane’s durability has increased tremendously, to the point that she can withstand multiple physical attacks from Racer and then continue fighting.[102]
  • Immense Strength: When employing this form, the user’s strength is increased to the point where they can easily break through large amounts of solid rock with ease.[97] While using this form, Mirajane Strauss was able to block a punch from her own Satan Soul form, that was being used by Mary Hughes, with one hand.[97]
Satan Soul Sitri

Satan Soul: Sitri

  • Satan Soul: Sitri (シュトリ Shutori): This was (prior to Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria), according to Erza Scarlet, Mirajane’s most powerful spell, that allows her to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of a demonic being. When she activates this technique, her clothes are replaced by a geometric printed body suit with a blue and white dress coat adorned by an over-sized black collar supported by two belts which corsets her waist and a black cape.[268] She grows horns on the side of her head and she also grows a lot more hair. She also grows a pair of claws and royal blue markings appear on her legs. She is surrounded by flames which her feet seem to be merged to.[269]
    • Fire Magic (火の魔法 Hi no Mahō): While in such form, the flames spreading from the user’s feet can seemingly be employed to attack foes, making melee attacks performed by the user more dangerous due to a trail of fire remaining where he/she strikes, which can inflict further damage upon targets.[270]
    • Immense Speed: While in such form, Mirajane was able to quickly attack and defeat Jenny without the latter being able to counter nor dodge it.[270]
    • Immense Strength: While employing this form, Mirajane’s strength increases to such a point that she can easily destroy Cosmos‘ Flytrap with one arm.[139]
    • Flight: While using Sitri, Mirajane has the ability to fly, most likely by using the flames on her feet as jets of some sort.[155]
  • Satan Soul: Mirajane Seilah (ミラジェーン・セイラ Mirajēn Seira): A Satan Soul form that allows Mirajane to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of the Etherious Seilah. Mirajane used Take Over on Seilah’s body to prevent her from dying. In this form, Mirajane gains an appearance almost exactly like Seilah’s, receiving two large gold-looking horns protruding from the sides of her head and pointing upwards. Her hair becomes long and black, with a distinctive short, upward ponytail. She wear a white band on their head which separates her hair, framing her bangs from her hair below the band. On the forehead is a small circular symbol with a small dot on the inside and surrounded by several dots around the top, and they wear a tied, small white-colored strap around their neck. Her attire is a very revealing beige-colored leopard-printed kimono that bears the decorative marks on her shoulders. The kimono is wrapped around their torso with a thick, decorative yellow ribbon that ties behind her back, and she also wear thigh-high socks that reveal her heels and toes.[203]
    • Macro (命令, マクロ Makuro): While employing this form Mirajane can use Seilah’s signature Curse, Macro. This allows her to fully control the body of victims and manipulate them through “orders”, as shown when Mirajane ordered a group of soldiers to fall asleep.[271]There seems to be a limit to the Curse, as some weren’t affected by the order.[272]
Satan Soul - Mirajane Alegria

Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria

  • Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria (ミラジェーン・アレグリア Mirajēn Areguria): A Satan Soul form that is the result of Mirajane consuming all the souls remaining in the aftermath of Fairy Tail‘s victory over Tartaros.[273] When she activates this technique, her clothes are replaced with a dark form-fitting body suit with light colored knee guards, and light segmented boots. Her forearms gain segmented-like protrusions and her fingers become scaled in an armored type manner. Mirajane’s ears become pointed, much like an elf’s, and instead of having her trademark front ponytail, she wears a thorn-like headband that bares the symbol of Tartaros in the center. Six armored segmented tendrils, almost identical to those of the Plutogrim, sprout from her back.[274] Whilst using this form, Mirajane radiates so much Magic Power that the sea water nearby began to evaporate just by her mere presence. Furthermore, Juliet Sun and Heine Lunasea were completely overwhelmed with fear from Mirajane’s amount of Magic being emitted.[273] However, maintaining Mirajane Alegria takes up a significant amount of Magic to which it heavily exhaust her.[275]
    • Immense Speed: Using this form, Mirajane possesses such a high rate of speed that neither Juliet Sun nor Heine Lunasea were able to evade her onslaught.[276]
    • Immense Strength: When using this form of Satan Soul, Mirajane’s strength skyrockets to the point that she was able of defeating the two members of the Irene Squad in a single strike so comprehensively that the Personality Enchantment that made the pair human was lifted.[277]

Mirajane transforming into Lucy

Transformation Magic (変身魔法 Henshin Mahō): Mirajane is very skilled in the use of Transformation Magic, which is considered one of her specialties.[1] She has been shown capable of transforming separate parts of her body instead of it all,[52] and she is able to perform BasicIntermediate, and Advanced Level transformations with ease. When taking on the appearance of animals, she retains some features of her human form, such as her signature front ponytail and her womanly eyelashes.[278]

Water Magic (水系各種魔法 Mizu Kei Kakushu Mahō): Mirajane is able to use Water Magic, a form of Magic which, as the name implies, allows her to generate, manipulate and control water.[6]

Sleep Magic (眠りの魔法 Nemuri no Mahō): Mirajane has shown skill with Sleep Magic. She was able to easily put Lucy to sleep in a moment during the battle between the Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord.[279]

  • Dream Knock: Mirajane creates bubble-like bullets and sends them rushing towards her opponent(s). Upon contact, her opponent is put to sleep.[280]

Keen Intellect: Mirajane has displayed a clever intellect, and, most importantly, a deep knowledge of Magic and its related world. She was able to understand how the Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II‘s spell, Abyss Break, worked after observing it for just a short moment.[281]

Enhanced Endurance: Despite being out of battle for over two years, Mirajane has been shown to be very resilient. After employing her exhausting Satan Soul to battle Elfman and Evergreen during the first phase of the S-Class Trial, Mirajane was able to use it again and keep it active during her fight with Azuma.[282] After her 3-month training, she was shown to employ her Satan Soul: Sitri (which Erza commented on being her strongest form) twice and her Satan Soul once within the span of a few hours or even less, without any sign of fatigue at all.[144][155]

Enhanced Reflexes: Mirajane possesses remarkable reflexes, agility and reaction in the face of danger. She was able to escape Azuma’s Chain Burst while bound before the spell could damage her.[283] She was also shown to be able to deflect extremely fast projectiles with Dark Deflect,[255]and block speed-based attacks from Azuma and Satan Soul.[97] She was also shown to be able to “body check” Racer off of Christina before the latter could dodge her and assault the ship further.[102]

Enhanced Durability: Mirajane has shown herself to be a durable combatant. She was able to be hit by Azuma’s explosions and still remain active to continue the battle.[284] Despite being battle worn from facing Elfman and Evergreen and then going on to face Azuma, Mirajane was able to survive after taking the brunt of Azuma’s 180-Second Time Bomb for her sister, Lisanna, although she was knocked unconscious.[285] During her fight with Kamika, Mirajane was able to withstand consecutive spells of Paper Magic, receiving absolutely no injury from fire, ice, lightning, and even poison; commenting that Kamika’s lightning paper was nothing compared to Laxus Dreyar‘s attacks.[265] Furthermore, Mirajane is able to withstand a barrage of physical attacks from one of Tartaros’ strongest members, Seilah , and was still able to muster the energy required to apply Take Over to the demon.[286]

Enhanced Strength: In her younger years, Mirajane was shown capable of easily breaking a large table in two with a simple downward movement of her hand placed vertically, even without the aid of Satan Soul.[287]

Enhanced Speed: Without the aid of Satan Soul Mirajane was able to appear behind and surprise a monologuing Azuma with a charged punch which released a little bit of Magic Power.[288]

Immense Magic Power: As an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, Mirajane possesses an enormous amount of Magic Power. When she first activated Satan Soul after two years of dormancy, her Magic Power completely destroyed the ground around her in a wide area.[289] It is also great enough for Mirajane to lift and manipulate an entire river, something which Freed, an S-Class candidate, found incredulous.[266] When exerted it is purple in color.[261] Azuma also commented that he felt a great amount of Magic Power from her.[288]

Mira fights Azuma

Mirajane fighting against Azuma

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Mirajane has proven herself proficient in close combat with the aid of Satan Soul, employing such style as her main form of offense.[290][291] She was shown capable of clashing with Azuma with extremely fast and accurate strikes, matching him evenly despite the latter’s use of his explosions alongside hand-to-hand combat.[292]


Light Pen (光筆 Hikari Pen): A special type of pen which allows Mira to write in the air.[293]

Artificial Keys:

Appearances in Other Media


Special Mission: Beware of Guys Who Show a Keen Interest!

As Mirajane is cleaning dishes by the bar, she sees a bored Lucy. She suggests to Lucy go on an assignment, to which Lucy responds that she is already on a team with Natsu. Mirajane then tells Lucy that her and Natsu seem to get along really well, almost as if they were a couple. Mirajane further teases Lucy by telling her that Natsu probably has feelings for her. Lucy tells Mirajane that even if Natsu was indeed interested in her, she still wouldn’t accept.[294]

As Lucy visits the bar again, Mirajane tells her that Gray may have a thing for her, to which Lucy requests to just leave her in peace.[295]

Fairy Academy: Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan

During class, after Happy fails to stand atop the platform to start his lesson, Mirajane assists him and kindly notes that if he ever needs help, he should just say so. After Happy contemplates over the convenience of growing wings, Mirajane mentions that he could climb up the platform if he did indeed have wings.[296]

Mira-Sensei’s Transforming Magic Class

At the guild, Lucy decides that she wants to learn new Magic in order to better herself on missions and asks Mirajane for help. Mirajane then asks Lucy if she wants to learn Transformation Magic, Lucy says yes, and Natsu and Happy chime in. Mirajane explains that even though Transformation Magic is a deep and a complex art, they can learn to use it on a basic level. Mirajane begins to demonstrate the basic level of Transformation Magic by transforming into Erza in which her clothes don’t change. She then transforms her clothes to Erza’s armor, saying clothes transformation is the intermediate level. Natsu, Lucy and Happy are amazed by this and Happy says that Mirajane looks like the real thing. Mirajane then smiles and scares Natsu by doing an Erza expression, glaring at him and saying not to pick fights with Gray. While Natsu hides behind lucy scared, Lucy happily says that even the voice is perfect, to which Mirajane explains that getting into character of the transformation is a very important aspect. Mirajane then goes on to explain that once you proceed up to an advance level, you transform accordingly to change size, gain new abilities, and even give a fighting advantage in battle. She also transforms into a fox, bird and a fish.[297]

Mirajane says that the advanced level will be difficult for the three of them and they should start with the basics for now. She then tells Natsu and Lucy to transform into each other after they get a good look of each other and to built up a proper image. Mirajane also explains to them that transformation are easier, and turn out better if you transform to the person you know the best. She tells them to get ready, saying that they should picture themselves as the other person and concentrate, build up Magic Power and release it into the pictured image. When Lucy gets disappointed of not transforming, Mirajane tell her that it might be difficult for a Holder-type Mage. As Natsu successfully transforms into Lucy, while wearing his clothes. Mirajanes praises her student’s success. Lucy then laments to Mirajane as Natsu touches “his” chest, saying that its embarrassing and is like sexual harassment. Mirajane wonders if it really is that bad and awkward since they been such good friends, Lucy responds by saying that it is. After Happy’s “successful” transformation of Lucy. Mirajane transforms wearing a bikini and tells the men in a filthy pose and tone that they should make do with her for now, making the men happier.[298]

Natsu and the Dragon Egg

At the guild’s archive, Mirajane is organizing things with Lucy. Lucy falls down the ladder, causing multiple stuff to fall. As Lucy gets up, she discovers a photo that features younger versions of most of the members in Fairy Tail, including Natsu riding a blue dragon. Mirajane takes a look at the photo and begins to tell the story to Lucy about the picture, which was taken place six years ago prior to Lucy joining the guild.[299]

In the story,during the year X778, as a young Erza enters the room. Seeing this, a young Mirajane, dressed in Goth-like clothes, challenges her to a fight and is seen fighting with her. A few days later in the story, at the guild,Macao and Wakaba are talking about Natsu and Lisanna hatching the egg down by a little base by the park. Hearing their conversation Mirajane, with fierce anger, destroys the table between the two and says that she is furious about Lisanna not coming home and being with Natsu, who she deems as a member of “Erza’s Group”.[300]

As Natsu and Lisanna are looking for their egg. Lisanna asks Mirajane is she has seen the egg, the latter responds that she hasn’t but asks Natsu if he didn’t eat it and forgot about it, thus, causing a fight between the two.[301]

The Day of the Fateful Encounter

Lucy tells Natsu and Happy that she had an appointment with a guy tonight who asks her out to dinner, leaving the two disappointed. Mirajane tells Lucy that the two were going to surprise her because today was her birthday.[302]

Welcome to Fairy Hills!!

At the Request board, Lucy finds a request about a female applicant finding a certain object for the client but there is no reward given. Mirajane notices that it is not recorded on the Acceptance of orders book either and asks Lucy to investigate.[303]

Rainbow Sakura

Along with the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild, Mirajane participates in the Hanami festival, a traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms.[304]

Whose Clothes Are These?

During the chaotic session of attire exchange amongst the guild members, Mirajane is seen happily wearing Juvia’s attire.[305]

Fairies’ Penalty Game

As Makarov declares Team Fairy Tail B as the victors and soon lets them have a go at picking who they want. Mirajane rapidly takes Erza. Erza, wearing a maid outfit, states that if all she has to do is to wear said outfit it will be a piece of cake. However, Mirajane warns Erza not to underestimate her and tells her to put on a little bit more shame, through Erza said its impossible. Mirajane quickly enough thinks of way to make the situation embarrassing for Erza, coming up with the idea of tying her hands and feet calling it “maid being punished by the master” situation. A second later Mirajane orders her to say “Please forgive me, Master”, which Erza refuses to do so. Mirajane then transform into her Satan Soul, the Demon spanks Erza as she called her a peasant maid.[306]

As Lucy thinks that her punishment is over, Gajeel reassures her and tells her that Mirajane will be taking care of her now. Mirajane, holding Erza as she is sitting in her throne, says in a evil grin that Lucy will be joining them.[307]

The next day, Mirajane is seen being spanked by Erza and tells her that it’s her turn to do as she pleases.[308]

Welcome Back, Frosch

As the members of Fairy Tail are enjoying their Guild pool, Mirajane approaches a sneezing Makarov, asking him if he is okay.[309]


Welcome to Fairy Hills!!

Mirajane OVA 1

Mirajane sunbathing

As Lucy is trying to decide which job to take from the request board, she sees a job that says a reward will not be given. She thinks it is a joke as Mirajane appears to confirm there is no record of the job, and asks Lucy to go to the Fairy Tail female dormitory, Fairy Hills, to confirm it. Later on as the boys are cleaning the pool, Mirajane is sunbathing by the side of the pool. After the boys destroy the pool, Mirajane scolds Master Makarov for losing his swimsuit.[310]

Fairy Academy – Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan!

Mirajane captured by Sol

Mirajane captured

Lucy transfers to Fairy Academy, where Mirajane is in her class. Mirajane helps their homeroom teacher, Happy, get up to his desk when he is having trouble because of his short height. During lunch break, Mirajane eats with the other girls of the Academy and also discusses with them about the Courage Academy challenging them to a fight. After school, the next day, a fight breaks out between the students of the Courage Academy and the Fairy Academy, and Mirajane is used as a hostage. After the fight ends and the other students free her, they all go out for karaoke together. At the Karaoke, Mirajane puts on some make-up, similar to her Satan Soul, frightening Lucy.[311]

Memory Days

Mirajane and a younger version of herself appeared in the third OVA, Memory Days. Her older self is seen, at the opening of the episode, informing Wendy who is looking for Natsu that he is helping Erza and the others at the Guild’s library. Seeing that Wendy is carrying Natsu’s muffler surprises her that Natsu could forget about his most precious item. Her younger self is seen harassing Macao and Wakaba while telling them that she stole and ate Erza’s cake, in the hopes of she could pick a fight with her. While Erza thinks that Gray and Natsu were the ones who took her cake, causing young Mirajane to think that she beat her this time.[312]

The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land

Macao and Wakaba see Mira without her top

Mirajane has her top ripped off

After the third day of the Grand Magic Games, the members of Fairy Tail decide to visit a resort in Crocus. Arriving with the rest of the guild, Mirajane and Lisanna feel bad about not inviting Elfman, even though, outside their knowledge, he has snuck out of the infirmary to go with Evergreen. As the two walk around, Mirajane is suddenly approached by Jenny, who rips off her bikini top as payback for their battle the day before. Unimpressed, Mirajane returns the favor and quickly pulls Jenny’s bottoms down, much to the pleasure of those watching. Over their little tiff, Mirajane, Jenny and Lisanna then go to get some drinks, and sit chatting until Natsu uses his Dragon Slayer Magic and accidentally blows the resort sky high, sending all the women flying.[313]

Video Games

Fairy Tail Portable Guild

Fairy Tail Portable Characters

Mirajane Strauss with the other playable characters in the game

Mirajane appears as a playable character in the first Fairy Tail Video Game, Fairy Tail Portable Guild, and is playable only if you unlock her through quests.[314] She has no element, though she does have a purple Take Over crest, and she possesses the following Spells in the game:

Her Satan Soul transformation and the spells that come with the transformation were only released as a special event and obtaining a password to unlock them.

Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2

Mirajane Strauss is a playable character in the sequel to Fairy Tail Portable Guild, Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2. She is unlocked through quests.[315]

Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou

Mirajane's render in GKD

Mirajane’s render in Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou

In the video-game Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou, Mirajane Strauss is a playable character.[316] In this game, She possesses the following moves:

  • MainDark Explosion (魔光滅 Dāku Ekusupurōjon)
  • Sub 1Somersault Tail (サマーソルトテイル Samāsoruto Teiru)
  • Sub 2Dark Cutter (魔空滅 Dāku Kattā)
  • Sub 3Ripper (烈爪 Rippā)
  • SuperDark Tornado (魔風滅 Dāku Torunēdo)


  • Her name comes from parodying the username of Hiro Mashima‘s friend from an online game.[317] The first half of her name, Mira,’ means “peace.”[318]
  • From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, the best quality of Fairy Tail, according to Mirajane, was “Everyone is really nice”. She is thinking of becoming a singer in the future. She has a good relationship with everyone in the guild. Mirajane, like her brother Elfman, did not wish to comment anything on the most difficult job ever taken.[319]
  • She considers Plue to be the strongest spirit ever.[320]
  • She’s good at cooking, as stated by Lisanna.[321]
Attack Power
Defensive Power
  • In Volume 32’s extra content, Mashima provided the battle statistics for 31 of the 40 X791 contestants in the Grand Magic Games. The stats, however, were provided not from Mashima’s point-of-view as the author but from the viewpoint of Sorcerer Magazine reporter Jason, which explains why some stats are missing and why others may be inaccurate. According to Jason, during her participation in the Grand Magic Games of X791, Mirajane’s stats are:[322]
  • Mirajane’s favorite food is Kuzumochi because, according to her, the texture of the food is irresistible.[323]
  • In the Extra Content of Volume 27, it’s shown that Mirajane has adopted a stray dog that barks as “Tsoo-wai!!“, although she claims that he is still a stray dog that often comes to her house. In Volume 30, however, she states that the dog is also a part of her family, calling him “Alexandria Strauss.”
Mirajane's Injury

Differences between the manga and the anime

  • In the manga, when she first appeared, someone threw a bottle at her head, which caused her to bleed.[324] In the anime, someone threw Elfman at her and she only had a bump on her head.[325]
  • On a separate incident in the manga, Gajeel Redfox gagged Mirajane by tying a cloth around her mouth and chained her up using restraints created by his Iron Dragon Slayer Magic when she was preparing to sing for the guild,[13] so that he would be able to sing in her place.[326] In the anime this scene was omitted completely.[327]

Levy McGarden

Levy McGarden (レビィ・マクガーデン Rebī Makugāden) is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild. She is the leader of Shadow Gear.[1] She was a member of Magic Council‘s Custody Enforcement Unit, but after the defeat of Avatar, left to rejoin Fairy Tail.

Levy McGarden profile

Levy McGarden




Rebī Makugāden







17 (X784)[1]


Hair Color


Eye Color


Professional Status


Previous Affiliation

Guild Mark Location

Left Shoulder Blade


Previous Occupation

Member of the Custody Enforcement Unit[2]

Previous Team

Previous Partner(s)

Personal Status




Parents (Deceased)[3]




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

Mariya Ise
Ikumi Hayama (double; episodes 249-253)

English Voice


Levy prof

Levy’s appearance

Levy is a rather young, petite teenage girl of a slender build who stands at a rather below-average height for her age. Her shoulder-length blue hair, which has eyebrow-length bangs, is normally tied up with a colorful bandana around her head. While initially portrayed as having rather straight hair, her hair has slowly gained a more wavy, wild look, with more locks hanging down the sides of her face. Levy has a variety of outfits, but her most preferred type of attire appears to be dresses and tank tops, both of which reveal the guild mark on her left scapula.[4] When performing tasks such as researching, she wears a pair of Gale-Force Reading Glasses and tends to tie up her hair to keep it out of her face.


Jet and Droy wanna fight with Gajeel

Levy shies away from the battle

Levy has a cheerful and upbeat personality, and as such she is, rather easily, able to get along quite well with her guildmates. Her kind spirit is shown through her reluctance to get involved in the many brawls the guild has together, as she is too nice to fight “just for fun.” She is also a very forgiving person, as she reconciled with Gajeel Redfox for torturing her and her teammates before the start of the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war, and later allowed him to become her partner for the S-Class Promotion Trial (albeit Gajeel more or less declared himself her partner).[5]

Levy's consternation

Levy’s annoyance towards Gajeel

Levy is characterized by her love for reading, which is how she and Lucy Heartfilia quickly became friends: through their mutual love of books.[6] Levy has also been the only person to read Lucy’s novel with her consent, showing their level of trust in each other. At times, however, Levy can be rather competitive: before the start of the S-Class Promotion Trial, she rewrote Freed Justine‘s runes seemingly for the whole boat, though she quickly revealed that she merely rewrote them for Gajeel and herself.[7] Levy is also one of the more mature members of the guild, as she was the first to abandon the S-Class Promotion Trial in favor of unifying the guild members,[8] whereas some did not want to stop the trial at all.


Young Cana playing with Young Levy

Young Levy in Fairy Tail

Aside from having been at the guild since at least the age of 11, not much is known about Levy’s past, but it is known that her fellow Shadow Gear members, Jet and Droy, have both asked her out at some point. Both, however, were rejected by her in a matter of seconds.[9][10] She was also present to welcome MirajaneElfman, and Lisanna into the guild, happily speaking with the latter two siblings.[10][11]


Daybreak arc

Levy ventures to the request board, intent on accepting the mission to retrieve the book Daybreak from Everlue‘s mansion, though Mirajane tells her that Natsu and Lucy had already taken it, She is then further deterred by Makarov, who advises her not to bother with it as the quest is likely to become rather complicated.[12]

Lullaby arc

Levy and the rest of Shadow Gear can be seen amongst the crowd when Natsu and Erza are fighting each other; Levy agrees that Erza is the most powerful female Mage in Fairy Tail, though Jet points out that the strongest men in Fairy Tail are LaxusMystogan and Gildarts. Levy and Shadow Gear are then later shocked to witness a messenger from the Magic Council arrive, intent on arresting Erza.[13]

Phantom Lord arc

Shadow Gear after Gajeel's attack

Levy, Jet and Droy after Gajeel’s attack

Levy, along with Jet and Droy, are attacked by Phantom Lord‘s Gajeel Redfox, and after being badly beaten, are chained to a tree in a crucifixion-esque style; Levy is humiliatingly branded with the mark of Phantom Lord. After being found, the state of her and her teammates triggers the start of the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war.[14]During the events that transpire, Levy remains in the guild, recovering.[15] Later, after being fully healed, Levy celebrates their victory over Phantom Lord with the rest of her guildmates.[16]

Battle of Fairy Tail arc

Gajeel save Levy

Levy is saved from Laxus by Gajeel

Levy is seen together with Jet and Droy swimming in the guild’s new indoor swimming pool.[17] After Makarov introduces Gajeel as a new Fairy Tail member, Levy is seen saying to Lucy, despite her bodily tremors, that Gajeel’s presence is not bothering her.[18] Levy then witnesses, and admires, Lucy’s bravery at insulting Gajeel for his blatant rudeness.[19] As Jet and Droy venture out to pay Gajeel back for his harming of them during the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war, Levy tries to stop them. However, Laxus arrives and begins to attack them as well, after which Levy realizes that Gajeel wasn’t fighting back on purpose, as he wants them to recognize him as their guildmate rather than an enemy. As Levy tries to stop Laxus, he attacks her with a bolt of lightning, though Gajeel intercepts the attack, much to her surprise.[20] She is next seen participating in the Miss Fairy Tail contest where she uses her Magic to make fancy texts appear in midair, impressing Jet and Droy.[21] After her turn ends, she, along with the other contestants, is turned into stone by Evergreen and is used as a hostage for Laxus’ scheme.[22]

Levy tries to help

Levy works hard to free Gajeel and Natsu

When Erza defeats Evergreen, Levy and the other petrified girls are returned to their normal states.[23] While Makarov informs them of Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe‘s actions, Laxus invokes his Thunder Palace, which leaves the entire town at his mercy. She then notices that Freed‘s restrictions are a form of rune-based Magic and informs the others that she’ll undo the restrictions so that Natsu and Gajeel can leave, as she believes them to be capable of defeating Laxus.[24] While working, Levy notices Gajeel staring at her and informs him that he must defeat Laxus.[25]

After Lucy defeats Bickslow, Levy states that such a thing is to be expected, before resolving to do her best as well. She then manages to rewrite Freed’s runes, allowing Natsu and Gajeel to finally exit the guild and fight.[26] Before they leave, she tells them to stay away from one another as Freed’s enchantments are still active in the surrounding area and that if they were both caught in one, everything would be over.[27]

Levy tries to stop Laxus

Levy tries to stop Laxus

With ten minutes left until Thunder Palace rains down on Magnolia, Porlyusica arrives to help the extremely sickened Makarov. After Levy escorts Porlyusica to Makarov, she is told, after having the man examined, to bring Laxus to the guild, as Makarov may not have much time left.[28] Levy eventually makes her way to the Kardia Cathedral, where she finds Laxus preparing to cast Fairy Law; she informs him that Makarov is dying and begs him to stop and visit him. Laxus, however, ignores her and casts Fairy Law, seeing his grandfather’s state as a way for him to become Master. Laxus’ attempt, however, fails, and Levy and the rest of Magnolia emerge unharmed.[29]

After Laxus is defeated, Levy participates in the Fantasia Parade together with the other Miss Fairy Tail contestants. She is later seen raising her hand, along the rest of the guild, signaling to the departing Laxus that they will be always watching over him.[30]

Daphne arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Edolas arc

Levy happily welcomes back Lucy together with Jet and Droy[34] and she is later seen at Wendy and Carla‘s welcoming party where she is shown visibly surprised when Gildarts says he failed to complete his 100-year quest.[35][36] Levy is later sucked through the Anima, alongside the rest of the guild and the Magnolia,[37] and is turned into a giant Lacrima.[38] However, they are freed thanks to the efforts of Mystogan, who returns everyone back to Earth Land (excluding Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Erza, Gajeel, Carla, and Happy), through the Reverse Anima Process. She, like her guildmates and the town’s inhabitants, remains unaware of the happenings in Edolas.[39]

Tenrou Island arc

Gajeel decides to help Levy

Levy blushes at Gajeel’s offer of help

With the events revolving around Edolas over, Levy is named as a candidate for the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, leaving her surprised, wondering if Makarov actually called her name; Jet and Droy are delighted to hear her nomination.[40] Jet and Droy then start arguing about who’s going to be her partner whilst Levy begins to lose heart at the idea due to her lack of strength. Gajeel, however, comes up to her and states that if she wants to be an S-Class Mage, he’ll be her trial partner. Though she still remains pessimistic about her chances of even lasting long, Gajeel gives her words of encouragement, saying that he’ll make her bigger, causing her to blush.[5]

As the participants head towards Tenrou Island on a boat, Levy becomes dizzy due to the extreme heat. Shortly thereafter, Makarov appears and explains the rules of the first portion of the trial. When the first trial starts, Freed places a rune on the boat, preventing everyone from leaving for five minutes. However, Levy manages to rewrite the rune rather quickly, allowing only her and Gajeel to leave. Before jumping off the boat, Levy mockingly apologizes to Lucy.[41] Upon arriving, Levy and Gajeel pick the “quiet” path, granting them an easy road with no battles.[42]

Saving Levy

Levy saved by Gajeel

In the second part of the trial, Levy and Gajeel start a search for the First Guild Master‘s grave. Along the way, Gajeel complains about how he didn’t get to fight anyone, namely Natsu and Erza, prompting Levy to become angered at the fact that he doesn’t “look at [her];” she then runs away. However, Levy is very quickly surrounded by two members of Grimoire Heart. Taken completely by surprise, Levy is almost instantaneously defeated. Before they can manage to kill her, however, Gajeel arrives and takes the attack, causing Levy to blush.[43]

After Levy and Gajeel find out that their plan is to eradicate Fairy Tail, Yomazu uses , which creates a painfully deafening sound. Kawazu then makes his move, though Levy pushes Gajeel out of the way so as to prevent him from taking damage. However, the Dark Mage then follows up by releasing his Egg Buster, cascading Gajeel and Levy with a superfluous amount of eggs. Levy then proceeds to use Solid Script: Silent to cancel out Yomazu’s  and Solid Script: Fire to boil the eggs that Kawazu had produced, however Kawazu simply releases more eggs, breaking the fire apart. When Gajeel is hit by Narukami—which slices right through his body—Levy bursts into tears. When Gajeel tells her to escape and let everyone know what is happening on the island, Levy uses Solid Script: Iron to create iron for Gajeel. Telling him not to die, she then runs off.[44]

Levy tells Erza about the GH

Levy tells Erza about the situation

As she looks for the other members of Fairy Tail, she frantically ponders what could be the reason for Grimoire Heart’s impending invasion of Tenrou Island before remembering that she must warn every Fairy Tail Mage present on the island before something catastrophic happens. Not watching where she was going, Levy accidentally trips and knocks herself out. When she comes to, she finds herself in front of Erza and Juvia, who ask her what happened.[45] Informing them of the perils to come, the three women run back towards the site of Gajeel’s battle, where they find Gajeel falling to the ground, heavily wounded, in victory. Frantically running towards the Iron Dragon Slayer, Levy begs Gajeel to “hang in there” whilst leaning over his battered body, shaking in anxiety.[46]

Moments later, as Erza begins to interrogate Yomazu, Levy announces that she’ll take Gajeel to the camp.[47] She is later seen being surrounded with the Mages deployed by Grimoire Heart with a still-unconscious Gajeel hanging from her shoulder.[48] Levy is eventually able to escape and reaches the camp, crying over Gajeel and Mirajane’s bodies.

Levy cries

Levy cries for Fairy Tail to unite

Suddenly, Elfman arrives at the camp carrying an unconscious Evergreen, where he unwillingly admits that the enemy is strong and that they just can’t win. Although Levy is also troubled by this fact, she stands up and states the enemy is indeed strong, however, that simply means that Fairy Tail needs to unite to match their strength. She states that the exam made everyone go their separate ways, but the situation now calls for everyone to unite; she cries out for everyone to unite their feelings and fight back.[49]

Rustyrose confronts Levy and Lisanna

Levy and Lisanna vs. Rustyrose

Levy is then seen watching over Gajeel, Mirajane, Elfman and Lisannawhen Panther Lily arrives and tells her that Natsu and the others are on their way. Soon after, Rustyrose shows up and challenges her, Panther Lily and Lisanna to battle.[50] During the course of the battle, she notices Bluenote Stinger‘s Magic.[51] Later, when Freed and Bickslow arrive, she is both shocked and happy to see them and marvels at the true power of the Thunder God Tribe.[52] Levy, along with Panther Lily and Lisanna, then proceeds to warn Freed and Bickslow to be careful when Rustyrose attacks them with his Ghosts of Brittia,[53] however, when Azuma uproots the Tenrou Tree, which gives protection and power to all those with the Mark of Fairy Tail, Levy and others collapse.[54] After Rustyrose is defeated, Natsu and the others arrive at the camp, where Panther Lily suggests splitting into two teams, to which Levy agrees; she wishes for them to divide into attack and defense teams.[55] When Natsu gets up to go battle Hades, Levy says she will stay with Bickslow and Freed and help with the defense. Before the attack group leaves, Levy wishes Lucy good luck.[56]

Note: The following events occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

The Injured FT returns

Levy and the others come to help

After the war with Grimoire Heart ends, Levy goes to rest at the camp. While there, Levy tells Wendy to take a rest because she has used too much Magic Power, to which she is met with the reply that she is fine.[59]However, the pleasantries end when Acnologia, the infamous Black Dragon, lands on Tenrou Island and starts rampaging, prompting the Fairy Tail members to begin running towards the ship. Makarov then enters Full-Giant mode and grabs Acnologia, holding it off from attacking the guild members. Levy and the others express their desire to help Makarov, but he shouts for them to not disobey his final order.[60] When Makarov is overwhelmed by Acnologia, all of them return and attack the Dragon, though Acnologia shrugs off the combined assault. Flying high into the sky, Acnologia readies its Dragon’s Roar for use against Tenrou Island. Seeing this, the guild members join their hands in a circle; while promising they will return home to Fairy Tail, they are struck by Acnologia’s Roar, which completely annihilates Tenrou Island, leaving nothing behind.[61]

X791 arc

Shadow Gear Reformed

Shadow Gear reunites

Levy, along with the rest of the Team Tenrou, when the group is found by BiscaAlzackJetDroyMaxWarren and The Trimens from Blue Pegasus, where she watches as the ghost of Mavis Vermilion reveals that she was the one who saved them, before disappearing. The Team Tenrou then returns to the guild, where they are tearfully welcomed back by Romeo.[62]

Key of the Starry Sky arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Grand Magic Games arc

FT members after coming from Celestial World

Natsu and co. realize they are out of time

Levy rejoins Shadow Gear with Jet and Droy. After Fairy Tail decides to enter the Grand Magic Games, she goes to the beach alongside others from the guild so as to train and build up her strength in time for the Grand Magic Games. When Erza senses and attacks an unknown presence at the hot spring, she is the one that points out that it might be Natsu and the others trying to peep on them. She, alongside everyone (excluding Jet and Droy), is later taken to the Celestial Spirit World by Virgo for Lucy’s welcome back party. Three months pass in the real world during their one day excursion there, and they completely lose their training time.[78]However, she, along with the others that went on the trip, are summoned by JellalUltear and Meredy, and after a brief meeting, Ultear agrees to raise their Magic Power using her Arc of Time.[79]

Unlocking Potential Part 2

Levy writhes in pain after Ultear’s treatment

Levy watches in horror as Natsu writhes around on the floor in pain as a part of the Magic Power-increasing process.[80] Later that evening, she too, writhes around on the floor in pain, undergoing the same treatment as Natsu.[81] Later, Levy meets the members of Team Natsu, as well as Wendy and Carla, in Crocus before the start of the Grand Magic Games. While everyone is discussing the competition, she remarks that the competition is never the same, and when Makarov tells Erza that she has to read the rule book, Levy explains the three main points of the book.[82]

Makarov welcomes FT team A in Crocus

Levy arrives at Crocus

When the day of the Grand Magic Games comes, Levy, along with the rest of the guild members, cheer for Team Fairy Tail A in the stands. They are all surprisingly greeted by Mavis Vermilion, who has also come to watch the Games and cheer for her guild.[83] When Fairy Tail’s second team, Team Fairy Tail B, enters, Fairy Tail cheers again. Mavis notices the man disguised as Mystogan is Jellal, but accepts Makarov’s decision to let him participate.[84]

Cheering Over Victory over RT

Levy cheers on her guild mates with the rest of Fairy Tail

During Lucy’s fight against Flare Corona, she, alongside her guildmates, cheers for Lucy, completely oblivious to the fact that Flare has taken Asuka hostage.[85] Alongside the others, she is very surprised when Natsu figures out Flare’s plan.[86] When Gemini is summoned by Lucy, Jet states that if Gemini transforms into Erza or Laxus, Lucy would be unbeatable, however Levy explains that Gemini can only copy a person who has Magic Power near Lucy’s levels.[87] Later, after Lucy and Jellal’s respective losses, Levy, alongside the rest of the guild, heads to a local bar to celebrate their horrendous losses.[88] Eyeing the awesome fight involving Laxus’ single-handed victory over all of Team Raven Tail, Levy applauds.[89]

Gajeel petting Laxus

Levy tells Gajeel not to pat Laxus

After Fairy Tail’s good performance on the third day of the Grand Magic Games, the guild once again heads out to celebrate at a bar.[90] Whilst there, Levy congratulates Wendy on her performance in the final battle, and watches with Lucy as some of the guild members begin barrel surfing. After encouraging Lucy to give it a shot and receiving Lucy’s excuse of not wanting to due to her wearing of a skirt, Levy quickly points out that Erza has been barrel surfing in a skirt the whole time. As the guild parties on, Levy mentally comments that when she closes her eyes, she can remember all of these times together, seemingly directing this thought at Lucy.[91]

Fun at the aquarium

Levy laughs at Gajeel, Happy and Panther Lily

As the party continues, Levy finds Erza, Wendy and Lucy, telling them about a popular leisure center in Crocus that she has heard about.[92] When the rest of Fairy Tail decide to go, Levy tags along too and tries to get Gajeel to accompany her and the Exceeds to the aquarium.[93] Though begrudgingly, Gajeel goes with her, and Levy laughs at him when he sticks his head behind a board, poking it through a hole so that his face appears on a fish. As they have fun, Lyon and Gray get into a fight and freeze the pool, with Natsu utilizing his own Magic to try and melt the ice. He puts in far too much power though, and ends up blowing the center sky high, Levy being flung in the explosion and landing completely confused at the events that have taken place.[94]

At the end of the fourth day’s event, Naval Battle, as Lucy and Minerva of Sabertooth stand as the final two competitors, Levy notices that Minerva’s true aim is not to win, but torture Lucy; she watches as the woman repeatedly retrieves Lucy from the edge of the water sphere with her Magic.[95]When the event is over, Levy stands and smiles alongside the rest of Fairy Tail as the new Team Fairy Tail walks into the Domus Flau.[96]

Fairy Tail Anticipating For the Result

Levy worried about Natsu during his battle

During the starting battle of the fourth day, Levy, along the rest of the guild, is shocked as it is revealed that the rabbit from Blue Pegasus is Nichiya.[97] Levy thinks about Gajeel before the Battle of the Dragon Slayersbegins.[98] Levy later worriedly calls out to Gajeel as he and Natsu fall through a hole made by Sting.[99] Later, alongside her comrades, she watches Natsu’s battle, anxiously waiting to see who will emerge the victor.[100]

Levy visits Lucy in the infirmary

Levy visits Lucy in the infirmary

Upon Natsu’s victory, Levy cheers loudly with her teammates. Afterwards, she goes to visit Lucy in the infirmary where she says happily that they may win the Grand Magic Games at the rate they’re going. She then asks about Gajeel but is told he’s not there. When the final day of the Games gets under way, Team Fairy Tail enters the arena while Levy stands in the crowd with the rest of Fairy Tail, cheering for the team representing their guild.[101] As the Games begin, Team Fairy Tail does not move and simply stands in place while the other teams begin battling. While Mavis explains what she’s done to cause them to do so, as well as to secure their victory, Levy listens in along with Romeo and Makarov.[102] As the team moves out and Mavis begins giving orders, Levy looks on with a surprised expression.[103] After Gray manages to defeat Rufus, Levy, along with the other guild members, cheers the Ice-Make Mage for his victory.[104]

Levy begs Rogue to stop

Levy crying for Gajeel

After that, Levy and the others are shocked when they see that Kagura is the one Erza encounters before Minerva, contradicting Mavis’ strategy. She tries to ask Mavis about this, however the First Master begins crying over her miscalculation.[105] Later, while Erza battles Kagura, the latter draws her sword and causes blood to spill, which causes Levy to look away from the battle.[106] Soon after, during Gajeel’s battle against Rogue, Levy shouts out in shock as Rogue is possessed and injures Gajeel. As the battle continues, Levy watches as Gajeel is continuously brutalized.[107] Levy then watches in fear as Gajeel is being strangled, screaming for “Shadow” to stop, lest the Iron Dragon Slayer die. However, Gajeel’s eating of Rogue’s shadows warrants Levy’s full curiosity as she wonders what is happening.[108][109] Her worries are lifted when Gajeel impressively defeats Rogue, smiling as he does so.[110]

Elfman, Lisanna and Levy celebrate

Levy’s happiness

With Laxus now battling both Jura and Orga, Levy watches as Jura defeats Orga with just one attack.[111] Soon after, Erza requips into a new armor to battle Minerva, which prompts Levy to research the armor in a book, wherein she discovers that nobody has been able to wear it for ten years due to the strain it puts on the user, but notes that those who has done so have broken the laws of Magic.[112]Afterwards, Levy watches as Sting challenges all the Fairy Tail Mages at once to battle.[113] However, he is unable to bring himself to fight and surrenders, giving the point, as well as the tournament, to Fairy Tail, much to Levy’s happiness.[114][115]

Unity of Fiore Wizards

Levy joins the Mages of Fiore

After the Grand Magic Games have come to a close, the King of Fiore accumulates all of the Mages from all the guilds to acknowledge them of the impending disaster and what the Kingdom plans to do to combat against the calamity. The King continues by requesting their assistance against the Dragons who will survive the Eclipse Plan; Levy and all the other Mages loudly declare that they will help.[116] The King then lets out a cry of appreciation, during which he accidentally mutters a phrase often shrilled by Mato, astonishing Levy and the rest of the Mages.[117]

As preparations begin, the date changes to July 7, which Levy notes to be the day the Dragons disappeared in X777.[118] As the Dragons begin their attack, Levy finds herself with her fellow Mages against the Dragon Atlas Flame. The Dragon then attacks, sending the Mages flying back with his powerful Dragon’s Roar.[119] As he continues his attack against the Fairy Tail Mages, Levy is forced to exercise caution due to the extensive damage the beast causes.[120] However, Natsu shouts to all the Mages from the skies that they can defeat Dragons with Dragon Slayer Magic and that with seven Dragons and seven Dragon Slayers, they can win.[121] After Natsu’s announcement, Laxus decides to take the liberty of facing off against Atlas Flame, and shouts to Levy and the rest of the Fairy Tail members to defeat the numerous Draconian beings that Motherglare deposited as eggs.[122] After the Eclipse Gate is demolished, the Dragons and the Hatchlings slowly disappear from the battlefield, instigating Levy to acknowledge their victory to Gajeel.[123]

The Grand Ball

Levy and the other Mages at the Great Banquet

Levy and the other Mages are invited to a large banquet at the Royal Palace several days following their defeat of the Future Rogue Cheney, where she and the rest of Shadow Gear converse.[124] Later, noticing that even Lucy has no idea where Natsu is, Levy expresses her worry whilst talking to Wakaba, where her doubts are quelled by the nearby Jet and Warren, who respectively reply that he’s not one they need to worry about, and that he’s most likely sleeping.[125]

Levy and Fairy Tail return to Magnolia following the King’s banquet and is met with critical acclaim by the citizens.[126] Then, when Natsu hoists Romeo onto his shoulders and parades the Grand Magic Games trophy about, Levy cheers with many other of her guildmates.[127] She then immediately smiles as Fairy Tail’s Guild Building is revealed to have been completely restored by the citizens of Magnolia and its mayor.[128]

Eclipse Celestial Spirits arc

Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Sun Village arc

After her return to Magnolia, Levy joins several of the other women of the guild for a relaxing bath. As the girls comment that they have so many requests after winning the Grand Magic Games, Levy comments that with all the work they have, they need to rest as well. Lucy then questions Levy, remembering that she was supposed to work that day. Levy responds that Jet and Droy say they want to work alone sometimes and that they were fired up to do so.[144] After Cana questions Lucy about Natsu grabbing her breasts and takes her own feel, Levy sighs over the fact that they are talking about breasts again. She then begins to wonder where Wendy is, to which Mirajane responds that she is working with Erza on a job that rewards some rare sweets. As Lisanna learns of this, though, she claims she saw Erza in the bath with them. As they look over, Flare Corona stands up, causing Levy to wonder why she is there. Flare explains that Raven Tail has disbanded and that she has nowhere to go. Lucy then asks Flare if she should ask Makarov if she can join Fairy Tail, something which shocks Levy and Lisanna. However, Flare states she does not wish to join.[145]

Tartaros arc

Levy prepares for the Tartaros war

Levy and the others listen to Porlyusica’s plan

After the return of Lucy and her team from her mission in the Sun Village, Levy, along with other Fairy Tail members, investigates E.N.D. and finds out that it is on an entirely different level than Zeref’s other Demons; Lullaby and Deliora. Concluding that it is Zeref’s strongest Demon, their discussion is interrupted by Jet, who comes storming into the guild, bearing news.[146] Levy, along with the other Fairy Tail Mages, is present when Porlyusica diagnoses that Laxus, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen will survive despite their lethal poisoning.[147]Overtaken with grief, as Levy mumbles Tartaros’ name, Natsu decides that it is time to deal with the Dark Guild once and for all.[148] After Loke appears and helps the Fairy Tail Mages track down some of the former Council members, Porlyusica tells Levy and the other Mages that they should gather as much intel as possible from the Council members, as well as get a blood sample from the one who injured Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe.[149] Levy then listens to Makarov’s inspiring speech about avenging the injuries that Laxus, Freed, Evergreen and Bickslow suffered.[150]

Levy promises to find Tartaros

Levy promising to find Tartaros

After being dispatched alongside Gajeel, Panther Lily, and the rest of her team, Levy regrettably notifies Makarov that they were too late in rescuing Belno from Tartaros.[151] After learning of Face and it’s details, Levy and the rest of the Fairy Tail members anxiously discuss their next course of action.[152] After the dispatched teams return from their expeditions, Levy and the rest of the other members worry about their missing peers. As they discuss on, Happy returns bearing information of the missing members. After discovering that Tartaros’ base is atop a moving square, the members conclude that they are unable to pinpoint the exact location. After Levy inquires Happy of their approximate whereabouts, she takes the liberty of calculating Tartaros’ course of travel.[153] After Elfman returns back to the guild, while he does the explaining about Lisanna and Yuri‘s situation, Levy spends her time calculating the location of Tartaros’ base.[154] Upon successfully pinpointing their base, Levy informs her guildmates that the base is directly above Magnolia.[155]

Fairy Tail attacks Tartaros

Levy and co. arrive atop Cube

Prior to an explosion caused by a possessed Elfman bringing in an explosive Lacrima as per Seilah’s command,[156] Cana turned Levy and all the other guild members into cards and had the Exceeds head straight for Cube, where Levy and all the other Fairy Tail members were released from the cards to launch their counterattack.[157] Levy fights alongside her guildmates, using her Solid Script: Stone Spell to defeat members of the Tartaros army.[158] Later, she is seen standing beside Reedus as their guild is addressed by Mard Geer. Like the rest of her friends, Levy then falls victim to the Underworld King’s Curse, and is petrified in stone.[159]

After Lucy, with the help the Celestial Spirit King, frees her comrades from Alegria and brings the Tartaros headquarters to the ground, Levy wanders the halls of the destroyed building. As she walks, a huge wave of water suddenly flows down the hallway towards her, this having been created by Torafuzar as he battles Natsu and Gajeel. The wall of water hits her straight on, and, as she is sent flying backwards, Levy swears she can hear Gajeel’s voice.[160] Swimming towards it, she finds the Iron Dragon Slayer beginning to drown in the middle of his fight against Torafuzar, and, moving down, presses her mouth to Gajeel’s to give him her remaining air. Beginning to fall unconscious herself after the task, Levy is quickly saved by Gajeel when Torafuzar tries to attack her.[161]

Gajeel and Levy get air

Levy creates an air bubble for herself and Gajeel to breathe

Being brought back to her senses when Gajeel viscously shakes her, Levy is asked by the Dragon Slayer to give air to her other comrades, and becomes flustered when she realizes she could have used her Magic to give Gajeel air rather than mouth-to-mouth. Using her Magic at once, Levy creates a bubble of air for her and Gajeel to breath by, and then swims off to help Juvia, Lucy and Natsu as Gajeel continues to battle Torafuzar.[162] Despite aiding her friends, Levy notes that high levels of carbon in the Demon’s poisonous water will kill them if he isn’t defeated soon, and soon begins to fall victim to the Curse.[163] However, Gajeel, enraged at Torafuzar, utilizes the carbon in the water to manipulate his own body, combining the two to make steel and using his upgraded form to take out Torafuzar, cancelling the Demon’s Curse and saving Levy along with the rest of his guild.[164]

After the poisoned waters of Tenchi Kaimei vanish, Levy lays on the ground, unconscious.[165] Levy, who regains her consciousness, is sent to take a sack that contains the blood of Tempester to Porlyusica, to cure Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe. As she is about to move off she then notices Natsu sitting dead-still and acting strange, which causes her and Lucy to question what is going on.[166] When Acnologia arrives, she worriedly checks on Gajeel when he start hyperventilating.[167] She then notices Natsu emulating such behavior,[168] and is in disbelief when she witnesses Igneel coming out of Natsu’s body and heading straight to Acnologia.[169]

Gajeel and Levy support Wendy

Levy watches the Dragon Slayers bid farewell to Dragons

With Natsu’s foster father now fighting Acnologia, Levy wonders if another Dragon could be hiding inside Gajeel as well.[170] She then questions Gajeel, asking if he’s okay as he angrily demands to know if the Dragon up above is Igneel.[171] Later, using the markings of her Magic, Levy and her guildmates make their way through the ruins in order to deliver Tempester‘s blood sample to Porlyusica.[172] However, Levy is later seeing carrying Juvia as Gajeel falls to the ground and Face, soon after its activation, is destroyed by the Dragons, with Gajeel murmuring Metalicana‘s name.[173] As the Dragons arrive to speak with the Humans, Levy stands by Gajeel’s side as he reunites with Metalicana.[174]

A week after the defeat of Tartaros, Levy spends time with Gajeel, who tries to deal with Metalicana’s loss. When he falls asleep on the pavement, Levy reminds him that it is not the guild, so he can’t do that, but her remark only meets his silence as a response.[175]

Avatar arc

Levy as a Detention Unit member

Levy returning from her infiltration mission

Levy appears in the Magic Council Custody Enforcement Unit’s encampment in Mikage Forest, returning from her infiltration mission in Avatar‘s church, relaying her information about Gray’s membership in the cult and their Operation Purify plan to Gajeel and Panther Lily. She is worried about her former comrade’s change of heart.[176] Levy and the Custody Enforcement Unit members soon arrive at Malba City, where they arrest the scattered and defeated Avatar members; Levy is stopped by Lucy, and the two express their surprise at seeing each other, after which she is greeted by Natsu.[177] Levy then expresses surprise when Natsu and Erza truly believe that someone was impersonating Gajeel, whom they believe would never join the Magic Council. The group of Mages then converse amongst themselves, where Levy is told by Gray to work on her art of disguise; she also expresses her surprise at being saved by her old friends, and joins Erza and her comrades in a cheer for their victory. After said cheer, she converses with Wendy until Sabertooth‘s Frosch strays away from Rogue and enters their vicinity. She witnesses as Gray cuddles the Exceed, and then joins her friends in giving the Exceed much attention.[178]

Regrouping after defeating Avatar, Levy tells the group that she, Gajeel and Panther Lily will go to Magnolia when they are done there.[179] Later at Magnolia, Levy reunites with Jet and Droy and states she has left the Council, after which she smiles at seeing Lucy’s tears of joy at seeing everyone in the guild come back together.[180]

Alvarez Empire arc

Levy finishing the guild's registration

Levy finishing the guild’s registration

With the other returned members of the old Fairy Tail vowing to recreate the guild, Levy sets about doing all of the formal paperwork required to get the guild legalized by the Magic Council. She is stumped with who to list as the guild master, as no one really seems to be able to handle the rambunctious group; however, after seeing Erza silence everyone with a single glare, Levy declares the armored Mage to be the seventh guild master.[181]

Levy visits the Magic Council to give Fairy Tail’s revival paperwork to Jura Neekis. The two make small talk before Warrod Sequen arrives, followed shortly by Wolfheim, his appearance greatly shocking Levy. Wolfheim loses his temper over Warrod’s jokes and enters into a beastly state. At that moment, Hyberion enters, something which terrifies both Levy and Jura, and scolds Wolfheim and Warrod for fighting. Wolfheim returns to his normal form and Levy and the others listen as Hyberion tells them that they need to find a way to deal with the Alvarez Empire peacefully. When Levy mentions God Serena‘s absence, the three Gods of Ishgar look forlorn and Hyberion tells her that God Serena abandoned them to join Alvarez, and is now a member of Emperor Spriggan‘s protection squad: the Spriggan 12; this piece of information greatly astounding Levy.[182]

Gajeel landing on Levy

Gajeel landing on Levy

Later, Levy follows Gajeel and the rest of his B-Team, interrupting their conversation and stating that they need separate teams to raise their chance of success. She then angrily asks how they could leave her behind, and Gajeel goes on to mock her for her size. Setting aside the jokes, she tells the team that confronting the Alvarez Empire head-on is a mistake they can’t afford to make.[183] After this, they all head to the Pegasus Village hot springs to relax. While there, they meet up with Ichiya, who tells them that Laxus and the Thunder God Tribehave joined Blue Pegasus, something which shocks Levy. When Gajeel is knocked over to the women’s side of the hot springs and lands on top of Levy, she is visibly embarrassed and thus hits him.[184] Later, the team boards Ichiya’s Christina to rescue Makarov; and after finding him along with Team Natsu and Mest Gryder, Levy takes to the loudspeaker to harken the group aboard. After they have all been successfully rescued, Levy happily watches alongside her comrades as Makarov bursts into tears over having such a great family in Fairy Tail.[185] At the guild following Makarov’s return, Lucy comments that everyone is so noisy, but Levy says that at least everything is back to normal.[186]

Levy notices Christina

Levy notices Christina’s arrival

After Mavis finishes her story, Levy is shocked to learn that Fairy Heart is an infinite supply of Magic Power. The First Master then gets upset over dragging everyone into battle, but everyone agrees that it’s not her fault. Afterwards, the topic of Zeref’s immortality is brought up,[187] and Natsu mentions that his right arm is something that can do the job, but he refuses to tell what it is. Shortly after, when Makarov goes over all the information he gathered about the Alvarez Empire, Levy is distressed over the fact that the first Wizard Saint will be their opponent.[188] Some time later, the sounds of Alvarez mounting their attack awaken Levy from her sleep.[189] As the Spriggan invasion begins to overwhelm Fairy Tail’s forces, Levy begins to sweat as she states they didn’t expect them to corner them like this.[190] After hope seems lost, Max berates Warren about giving up, which causes Levy to gain a confident smile across her face.[191] Having regained their hope, the Mages of Fairy Tail manage to defeat Alvarez’s invading forces; although victory is short-lived, as an enormous energy blast fired by the Shield of Spriggan, Wahl Icht, approaches the guild house at neck-breaking speed, leaving Levy and the others at a loss of what to do to protect themselves. However, as all hope seems lost, Levy hears a voice in the distance, recognizing the speaker, as Ichiya arrives aboard Christina, rescuing the guild by using the Magic Bomber as a shield.[192]

Gajeel reassures Levy

Levy comforted by Gajeel’s words

A day after Alvarez’s initial assault, Levy is assigned by Mavis to meet up with Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus in the north and smirks lightly with confidence.[193] After Mavis readjusts the plan after Natsu took off on his own, Levy listens on intently.[194] The night before the battle is to begin, Levy sees Gajeel sitting out late at night and asks if he is going to rest up, to which he responds she is one to talk. Levy states that she is scared as the enemy is the most powerful they have ever faced and her Magic just doesn’t compare. Suddenly, Gajeel surrounds her in iron clubs, stating he is going to arrest her for complaining. She pouts slightly before he says he is going to arrest her and lock her up in the guild’s prisons, causing her to then smile.[195] Arriving at the northern front, Levy says she hopes the members of Saber and Blue Pegasus are safe. As they spot the enemy forces though, they prepare for battle, but are caught off guard when the defeated members of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus are paraded before them on crosses.[196] They then rush at the battlefield, managing to rescue the Mages of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus.[197] The group prepare for a great battle ahead of them, with Levy doubting the power her abilities to achieve much success in the situation.[198]

Solid Script Shine

Levy saves Gajeel from Bloodman

Gajeel very quickly begins a battle against Bloodman, where Levy looks on in worry when Gajeel announces his readiness to die in the upcoming fight.[199] Then, when Gajeel is about to be killed by Bloodman, Levy vaporizes Bloodman’s vortex of skulls with her Solid Script: Shine; when Gajeel expresses worry about her being near Bloodman’s Magical Barrier Particles, Levy reveals that she has a mask protecting her. She immediately proceeds to rebuke Gajeel for his comments about dying, proclaiming that she wants him to keep on living.[200] Levy then reassures Gajeel as to the integrity of her mask, but Bloodman releases his full power and reveals that he manipulates Curse Power, and by extension the Curses of Tartaros, of which he uses against them, including Torafuzar’s Tenchi Kaimei, which Levy manages to disperse. She and Gajeel are then hit by Bloodman’s Over Skelter; she is saved from the torrent of skulls by Gajeel, but her mask comes off, leading Levy to reveal to Gajeel that the mask never had any effect to begin with an that she absorbed Magical Barrier Particles via her skin. She is immediately yelled at by Gajeel, who asks her why she came to the battle, and she responds by saying that it was to save him, before collapsing. She then watches as Gajeel struggles and then eventually defeats Bloodman by devouring the poisonous Magical Barrier Particles and entering Dragon Force, after which she smiles at him. Her happiness, however, is turned to immediate worry when a dying Bloodman turns his body into a vortex and tries to assimilate Gajeel.[201]

Levy crying after losing Gajeel

Levy breaks down after losing Gajeel

Levy gets up and tries to help him, but is warned repeatedly by Gajeel that if she touches him, she’ll turn into Magical Barrier Particles as well, but she replies that she doesn’t care, and that she wants him to go back to the guild with her at any cost. Her advance is halted by Gajeel, who creates iron shackles for her, but she easily breaks free and continues to go forward until Panther Lily arrives and grabs her. She immediately screams for him to let her go, as Gajeel is going to die very shortly; Gajeel, as he fades, pours his heart out to Levy, telling her that she taught him how to love and that he wanted to walk alongside her forever, but she refuses to accept that he is disappearing. When he does, Levy breaks down and screams Gajeel’s name.[202]

Levy Sitting on Gajeel

Levy reminding Gajeel of his promise

Some time later, Levy is caught in the light of Irene Belserion‘s Universe One,[203] and warped somewhere alongside Lily. In her new location, she hears the voice of Zera telepathically telling her and other Fairy Tail members to head towards the guild and protect Mavis.[204] Alongside the voice of Zera, Levy hears Gajeel’s voice as well, his being alive bringing her to tears.[205] And some time later, the two finally reunite, with Levy reminding Gajeel of his promise to return her to the guild, initially angry, but coming to tears promptly after. Right thereafter, alongside few of her other comrades, Levy bears witness to Zera’s ethereal essence explain that she will disappear once Mavis remembers her.[206] As she predicted, Zera soon disappears, with Levy and her group expressing gratitude for her help.[207]

As the battle continues to rage on, Levy hears Mavis’ voice project itself from the sky in reply to Irene Belserion having done so just prior, with both her and Gajeel confused as to where it is coming from.[208] Though the battle continues, Levy and the others are caught in the light of Makarov’s final Fairy Law, which leaves them confused following its subsiding.[209] A bit later, due to Irene’s death, Universe One is undone, and as the light envelops the land and Fiore is returned to normal, Levy is pulled in close to Gajeel, who tells her to hold on.[210]

Magic and Abilities


Levy using Solid Script: Fire (Heat Spell)

Solid Script (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト Soriddo Sukuriputo): True to her boundless interest in books, Levy’s Magic is also focused around writing and words: Solid Script, a form of Letter Magic, allows her to generate words in the air and make them solid, subsequently throwing them at the enemies with different effects.[1] To create such words, Levy is shown performing gestures with one or both of her hands, depending on the spell.[211] In the year X792, now can generate words by the use of her feet giving her more flexibility with her Magic.[212]

  • Solid Script: Silent (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト 静寂サイレント Soriddo Sukuriputo Sairento): By moving her right arm with her index and middle fingers outstretched in a certain pattern and then extending her left hand, Levy can generate the word “Silent” some meters away from her. This can be used to stop an outer source of high-pitched noise, canceling sound-based attacks, as shown with Yomazu’s Gō Spell.[213]
Solid Script Fire

Levy using Solid Script Fire

  • Solid Script: Fire (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト ファイア Soriddo Sukuriputo Faia): Levy extends her right arm, with her index and middle fingers outstretched, to the right, describing an arc before her. This prompts the word “Fire” to appear in the air, this being composed of flames. This word can be employed both defensively, as shown when Levy used a variation of this spell as a burning shield to protect herself from Kawazu’s Egg Buster,[214] and as a basic form of offense, with Levy sending the word at her target in an arc.[215]
  • Heat Spell: By first crossing her outstretched arms before her and then spinning around, Levy can generate the word “Fire” composed of blue flames, which is subsequently sent flying at the target.[216]
Solid Script - Iron

Levy using Solid Script: Iron

  • Solid Script: Iron : Levy can generate the word “Iron” in the air, some meters away from her. This, predictably, is composed of iron. When she created it for Gajeel in order for him to eat and replenish his strength, the hollow part in the letter “O” was stylized in the shape of heart.[217]
  • Solid Script: Guard: Levy writes a word “Guard” in the air, which creates a barrier and protects her from her opponent’s attacks.[57]
Solid Script - Hole

Levy using Solid Script: Hole

  • Solid Script: Hole (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト ホール Soriddo Sukuriputo Hōru): Levy writes a word “Hole” on the ground, which changes it into a trap.[57] This spell also help drain any overflowing particles, in this variant however the O becomes the hole itself instead of the entire word.[218]
  • Solid Script: Storm: Levy writes the word “Storm” which creates a strong gust of wind. When used in conjunction with Cana’s Explosion, it is powerful enough to send Kain Hikaru flying midair.[57]
  • Solid Script: Oil: Levy uses her right hand to write the word “Oil” in the air causing extensive amounts of black oil to gush out of the word. This can be used to immobilize the enemy.[70]
  • Solid Script: Air (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト 空気エア Soriddo Sukuriputo Ea): Levy writes “Air” in midair and the materialized word ignites, engulfing a person’s head with an air bubble to provide breathing in underwater situations.[220]
  • Solid Script: Markings: Levy generates a luminous path which can be followed if she is in an unknown location. The markings resemble an encircled “V” followed by a series of periods.[221]
  • Solid Script: Water: Levy writes the word “Water” immediately sending an orb of light, which transforms into water, towards the enemy.[130]
  • Solid Script: Thunder: Levy points her fingers into the air and shoots the word “Thunder” at her targeted enemies. She is able to hits multiple targets with the bolts of lightning that are formed.[222]
  • Solid Script: Drill: Levy holds out her hand and generates the word “Drill.” It then starts to rotate, digging holes into rocks.[136]
  • Solid Script: Bullet: Levy waves her arm and creates the word “Bullet” from which a series of energy pellets is fired towards her target.[137]
  • Solid Script: Shine (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト シャイン Soriddo Sukuriputo Shain): Levy spreads her arms and creates the word “Shine” in the air that generates a bright shining light around her. It is said to have holy properties.[223]
  • Solid Script: Mask (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト マスク Soriddo Sukuriputo Masuku): Levy can generate the word “Mask” on her mouth that can be used to protect herself from inhaling any air pollutants such as magical Barrier Particles.[224]
  • Solid Script: Sword (固体文字ソリッドスクリプト ソード Soriddo Sukuriputo Sōdo): Levy writes the word “Sword” in the air using an appendage to hurl the word at their target in order to slice it, which has cutting properties strong enough to cut through solid rocks.[225]

Polyglot: Levy is noted for her knowledge in the field of languages, and can even translate several ancient scripts.[1] Through accurate, grammatical examination, plus the use of her Gale-Force Reading Glasses, she was capable of nullifying one of the barriers created by Freed Justine by rewriting the runes composing it.[227] Given this first experience, later on she was shown able to bypass another one of Freed’s enchantments, this time in a minute, and even managing to make it so that only she and Gajeel could bypass its restrictions.[7]

Expert Infiltrator: By taking advantage of her short stature, Levy has been shown to be able to infiltrate and gather information from the organization, Avatar, by herself without magic. Despite easily sneaking into the ranks, she has admitted that she had difficulty getting out.[228]Furthermore, the organization were notified of a spy amidst their members, which alerted them of potential interference from the Magic Council.[229]


Gale-Force Reading Glasses (風詠みの眼鏡 Kazeyomi no Megane): Levy, being an avid reader, possesses a pair of enchanted reading glasses that allows her to read at an extremely accelerated rate. Her specific model of Gale-Force Reading Glasses are Model 18x, something which lets her read books eighteen times faster.[230]

Light Pen (光筆 Hikari Pen): Levy possesses this specific type of pen, which she uses to rewrite runes.[231]

Artificial Keys:

Appearances in Other Media


Fairy Academy: Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan

When Lucy passes Levy in the hallway on her way to class, Levy wishes Lucy a good morning to which Lucy responds by wishing Levy a good day. This confuses Levy and prompts Lucy to run off embarrassed by her mistake.[232]

Natsu and the Dragon Egg

During the year X778, Levy and the other members of Fairy Tail watch as Happy hatches from his egg.[233]

Welcome to Fairy Fountain

Levy, along with many other guild members of Fairy Tail decides to spend some time at the Fairy Fountain, where she is seen lounging around the pool with Cana, enjoying a drink.[234]

Welcome to Fairy Hills!!

Levy's Room

Levy’s bedroom in Fairy Hills

As Lucy takes a tour of the Fairy Hills dormitory, she visits Levy’s room, which is shown to be a small library with a few bookshelves full of books along with a couple of chairs, a ladder, and a desk; most of the room being covered in books. Upon being asked if she had read all the books, Levy states she had and had also cleared out half of the books occupying her room. She also slyly mentions to Lucy that she had lent Erza some of her more adult-oriented books, which prompts Erza to violently silence Levy.[235]

Later, Levy takes a bath in the Fairy Hills bath with a few other members of Fairy Hill, where she mentions upon exiting the tub that she should have asked Lucy to join her.[236]

As Erza recollects her past during the year X778, Levy is acknowledged to have accompanied Erza during a job and was also present when Hildawas dispersing toy jewels amongst the students within the dormitory; Levy is among those who receives a toy.[237]

Whose Clothes Are These?

Wendy and Levy wearing bunny costumes

Levy wearing a bunny suit

Levy watches the other members of her Fairy Tail exchange clothes and contemplates exchanging clothes herself, though she questions as to whether any clothes she would get from exchanging would fit her.[238] After an exchange, Levy ends up in a bunny suit, something which distresses her as it is not her style.[239] Later, after overhearing Jet and Droy conversing about the possibility of her wearing Erza’s Seduction Armor, she tells them that she will never wear it.[240]

Fairies’ Penalty Game

A bunny suited Levy joins Lucy in her punishment orchestrated by Gajeel due to a prior bet, with Levy and Lucy dancing to Gajeel’s singing and questioning how she got herself into that situation. Levy’s eyes stray down to Lucy’s bosom, gandering at its buoyancy and is astonished at the contrast between herself and Lucy. After stating how it feels like she is the one who is actually being punished, she runs off in tears, abandoning Gajeel’s performance.[241]

413 Days

Breaking Juvia’s delusion of her and Gajeel kissing one another, Levy makes note of the fact that Juvia is out rather later than she usually is.[242]


Welcome to Fairy Hills!!

At the Fairy Hills dormitory, Lucy is showed Levy’s room, which, according to her, has already had half of the book occupying it thrown out, after which Erza says that she sometimes takes the ones Levy doesn’t want anymore. Levy then tells Lucy about Erza’s interest in naughty books, which causes Erza to slam Levy’s head into the wall. Later, she and the rest of the girls are at the beach for Wendy’s welcome party.[243]

Fairy Academy – Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan!

Wendy with Lucy and Levy

Levy at lunch

Lucy transfers to Fairy Academy, where Levy also goes. Before class, Levy, along with Jet and Droy, greets Lucy at her locker. Then Levy, Droy and Jet take a swimming class, with Aquarius as their teacher. The three are then tossed across the school by Aquarius for taking her swimming lessons lightly. Later that day, Levy eats lunch with some of the other girls, where they talk about Courage Academy being a possible threat to them. The next day, Levy watches Elfman read the challenge from Courage Academy attached to Makarov, Wakaba and Macao, who are pinned to a tree. When Courage academy arrives later that day, Levy along with Jet, Droy, Bisca and Alzack tries to hold Elfman back when Mirajane is used as a hostage. Levy and the others then watch as Natsu, Gray, Erza and Aquarius defeat Courage Academy. The next day, Levy along with the rest of the students listens to the principal‘s speech. Some days later, the homeroom teacher announces two new transfer students to Levy’s class: Gajeel and Juvia.[244]

Memory Days

Shadow Gear's birth

The birth of Shadow Gear

In the year X778, Levy loses a game to Cana and is subsequently asked by Jet and Droy to form a team with them.[245]

Fairies’ Training Camp

Girls about to be crushed

Levy about to be crushed by the ice

To prepare for the Grand Magic Games, Levy and several of her guildmates head to the beach for training. Given the first day to relax, Levy spends time playing ball in the water with Lucy and Wendy. Thinking about the others, Levy recalls Gajeel and Panther Lily going off on their own training in secret and not allowing her to come, something which instantly attracts Wendy and Lucy’s notice as they begin teasing her. Before long, the boys begin their training, starting with Gray freezing the beach and Natsu smashing the ice. As a chunk of ice is about to crush Levy and the girls, Erza and Juvia destroy it before it can do so. As everyone joins in to destroy the ice, Levy notes that everyone appears more energetic than they were when they were relaxing. Before long, the danger is gone but Levy notices that the ice damaged the beach, meaning Fairy Tail will have to pay for the damages.

That night, Levy gets together with the other girls and drinks the existing supply of sake with them. As they go about with the boys, Levy remains back and has her share of laughs watching the goings-on. Later on, the girls sober up and enter the hot spring, where Levy comments on Lucy forcing Natsu to give her a piggyback ride. As the talk turns into a suspicion of Lucy liking Natsu, Levy hears Lucy vehemently denying this and subsequently telling the story of how she once followed Natsu to his house. Once the story is finished, Levy sees Erza toss kunai at the bamboo walls, suspecting that the boys are peaking at them, scaring her.[246]

The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land

Boss Fish swallowing

Boss Fish swallowing Levy and co.

On the third night of the Grand Magic Games, Levy is the one to suggest that the guild take a beak at the popular resort known as Ryuzetsu Land, to which the agreement is unanimous. Levy initially spends her time with Gajeel and the Exceeds in the aquarium looking at fish until Happy, having overheard the conversation of the workers, volunteers to assist them in feeding the fish by taking part in a show of the aquarium. While Levy enjoys this, after she and the others decide to join, things take a turn for the worse as Happy over-feeds the fish, causing larger, more aggressive ones to come and thus forcing Gajeel to take action. However, this causes the boss fish to come out as he senses the danger to the fish. As he begins inhaling, Levy and the others are swallowed, thus ending the show.

Some time later, Levy and the others make their escape but are soon caught up in Natsu’s antics and are knocked onto the water slide. As she is holding onto Gajeel, Levy notes that things have gone out of hand. As she asks Gajeel how he feels, she is shocked to know that he is experiencing motion sickness. Soon, the actions of Lyon and Gray cause the entire resort to be frozen in ice, which Natsu angrily takes care of by destroying it along with the entire park, leaving Levy and the others unconscious.[247]

Video Games

Fairy Tail Portable Guild

Fairy Tail Portable Characters

Levy McGarden with the other playable characters in the game

Levy appears as a playable character in the first Fairy Tail video game, Fairy Tail Portable Guild, and is unlocked through quest completion.[248] She has no element, and she possesses the following spells in the game:

  • Heat Spell: Cost 1 MP; Default Technique
  • Blizzard Spell: Cost 2 MP; Levy must be at lv15 to purchase it in the shop.
  • Stoning Spell: Cost 3 MP; Levy must be at lv25 to purchase it in the shop.
  • Tempest Spell: Cost 4 MP; Levy must be at lv35 to purchase it in the shop.

Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2

Levy McGarden is a playable character in the sequel to Fairy Tail Portable Guild: Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2. She is unlocked through quests.[249]

Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou

Levy's render in GKD

Levy’s render in Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou

In the video-game Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou, Levy McGarden is a playable character.[250] In this game, Levy McGarden possess the following moves:


  • From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, the best quality of Fairy Tail according to Levy is that the guild has collected multiple varieties of books. She wishes to be the editor of an infamous magazine group in the future and has a good relationship with Lucy and the members of Shadow Gear. The most difficult mission she has ever taken, in her own words, was “infiltrating the home of an evil Mage as a child… I…I’m NOT a child anymore!”
  • According to Hiro Mashima, Levy was initially planned to be a mere background character.[251]
  • In Hiro Mashima’s unofficial “ranking of characters that defied his popularity expectations” Levy came in 3rd place.[252]

Gajeel Redfox

Gajeel Redfox (ガジル・レッドフォックス Gajiru Reddofokkusu) is an Iron Dragon Slayer,[3]a member of the Fairy Tail Guild[4] and a former S-Class Mage of Phantom Lord.[3] After Fairy Tail’s disbandment, Gajeel joins the Magic Council and becomes the captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit,[1] but after Avatar is defeated, he returns to Fairy Tail.[5] Originally a Dragon Slayer from four hundred years past, Gajeel was sent to the future to assist in the destruction of Acnologia.[6]

Gajeel Redfox

Gajeel Redfox




Gajiru Reddofokkusu


Black Steel (黒鉄 Kurogane)






Hair Color


Eye Color


Professional Status


Previous Affiliation

Guild Mark Location

Left Shoulder


Previous Occupation

S-Class Mage
Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit[1]


Previous Partner(s)

Personal Status




Metalicana (Foster Father; Deceased)[2]




Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice


Gajeel Redfox GMG

Gajeel’s appearance in the year X791

Gajeel is a tall and muscular young man with long, spiky black hair, which is usually kept slicked back, revealing his forehead. He has red eyes (initially portrayed as green) with slitted dark pupils, and has no visible eyebrows. Most of his exposed body is covered in sets of simple, round studs. The most visible studs are on his face, with three of them above each of his eyes (acting as “eyebrows” of sorts), two on each side of his nose (sometimes mistakenly three in the anime), and two on his chin, just below his mouth. His ears are adorned by two sets of five earrings each.[7]

He also sports four studs on each of his forearms, with his right one being covered in scars. As a member of the former Phantom Lord Guild, he bore his Phantom Lord mark at the top of his right shoulder.[7] After joining Fairy Tail, his black Fairy Tail mark is located on his left arm, just below his shoulder.[8] Being a Dragon Slayer, Gajeel’s canine teeth are distinctively sharper than normal.

Gajeel’s usual outfit consists of a shabby, black, sleeveless tunic with studded edges, a studded belt around his waist, loose, beige pants tucked inside studded black boots, and a pair of studded brown gloves paired with similarly studded wristbands. He also sports a distinctive wing-like ornament, seemingly made of feathers, jutting upwards, over his right shoulder, attached to his tunic by a large stud.[8]

In X791, Gajeel wears a new version of his original black tunic that has a closed, light-grey opening running center of his torso, and wears a new grey belt, both without any studs. He also sports a black tattered scarf and a larger wing-like ornament that covers most of his right arm. He still retains his pants, gloves and boots.

During the 5th Day of the Grand Magic Games, Gajeel wears a dark blue trench coat, whose tail reaching down to his upper calves, with a green short-sleeved shirt worn under it, while retaining the pants, and studded boots, gloves, belt and wristbands. His hair remains the same, albeit with strands of hair on the side of his head, hiding his ears, and wearing a dark yellow bandanna on his forehead.


Gajeel saves Natsu

Gajeel saves Natsu from Laxus’ attack

When Gajeel first appeared, Gajeel is quite cold and apathetic, not hesitating to injure his own allies if irritated. He iron-clubbed a fellow Phantom Lord Mage who was praising his abilities simply because the latter was disturbing him while he was eating.[9] However, Gajeel is completely and genuinely dedicated to whatever guild he is affiliated with. In fact, he instigated the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord Guild War simply because, as long time-rivals, he believed that the Fairy Tail Mages were enemies.[10] Upon his recruitment to Fairy Tail, his sense of comradeship seemed to increase. He even went as far as reprimanding Laxus Dreyar, whom he admits to be a more powerful Mage than he is, for attempting to kill Natsu with his Lightning Magic when they were supposed to be allies.[11]

Despite saying that he doesn’t wish to make friends, he ironically forms them through his tenacious personality. He believes himself to be a great musician, regardless of what others think of him, and enjoys showing off his metal grinding, glass cracking, and ear destroying voice, like when he chains Mirajane Strauss to a wall to steal her spot as the performing artist for the night. He’s also displayed a sense of honor, despite his actions while a part of Phantom Lord; when Shadow Gear confronts Gajeel for the heinous act he committed upon them, he makes himself an open target, acknowledging the terrible act he had done to them, and gave them the opportunity for vengeance.[12] He even protected Levy McGarden after Laxus shot a blast of lightning at her,[13][13] showing both his compassion for his guildmates, as well as some initial hidden hatred for Laxus.

Gajeel's reaction to Mira's transformation

Gajeel’s reaction to Mirajane’s transformation

Gajeel is short-tempered, as seen when he and Natsu bicker over callow things. Like Natsu, Gajeel lives for the thrill of combat, and is visibly frustrated when faced with circumstances where he is denied the opportunity of fighting a skilled adversary, as seen during the S-Class Trials.[14] Despite his cold personality, he has shown a humorous side of himself, as seen when he was shocked to see Mirajane transform her face into his.[15]

Gajeel being dramatic

Gajeel distraught at not having a cat

Despite his tough exterior, Gajeel is as emotionally vulnerable as any other person. He was noticeably upset upon realizing that he was the only Dragon Slayer that didn’t have a cat as a partner. He then desperately tries to find a cat in the alleys, but ends up becoming heavily exhausted. Later on in Edolas, Gajeel finds the partner he is looking for in Panther Lily. Upon arriving back in Earth Land, he cries tears of joy when he discovers Panther Lily also made it, despite his reduced size.[16]

Gajeel has a unique way of laughing: “Gi Hi Hi Hi”.[10] And, like quite a few other Dragon Slayers, Gajeel suffers from severe motion sickness, although his case does not develop until the Second Day of the Grand Magic Games in X791 during the Chariot event.[17]

Magic and Abilities

Iron Dragon Slayer Magic (鉄の滅竜魔法 Tetsu no Metsuryū Mahō):[3] Gajeel was taught how to use Iron Dragon Slayer Magic by Metalicana, The Iron Dragon.[18] As its name implies, Gajeel’s particular Dragon Slayer Magic deals with the manipulation of iron.[3] Gajeel eats iron to regain his own strength, and his teeth and jaw muscles are powerful enough to gnaw through solid metal with ease, even allowing him to eat the Magic-canceling metal of the Dorma Anim. Gajeel’s Magic deals with producing multi-sized iron rods, as well as changing parts of his body into steel. Most of his attacks involve transforming his arms into blunt, metallic weapons, which he can do at will.[19] Additionally, Gajeel may turn his iron into steel if he somehow becomes able to absorb trace amounts of carbon; said process is still toxic and harmful to his body as it would be to others, but the addition of the natural element changes the composition of his spells, allowing him to deal enhanced damage and/or break through defenses that his iron could not.[20]


Iron Dragon’s Roar

  • Iron Dragon’s Roar (鉄竜の咆哮 Tetsuryū no Hōkō): Gajeel’s exclusive, metal-based Dragon’s Roar. After gathering Magic Power in his mouth, Gajeel shapes it into a powerful tornado which he subsequently emits and sends towards his foes. Such tornado possesses immense force, being capable of generating powerful explosions and inflicting heavy blunt damage, but also releases sharp shards of metal in the process, shredding the opponents’ body.[21]
  • Iron Dragon’s Lance (鉄竜槍 Tetsuryūsō): Gajeel transforms both of his arms into long, lengthy iron poles which he uses to whip in a circular motion to clear out anything in his immediate vicinity.[22]
  • Iron Dragon’s Lance: Demon Logs (鉄竜槍 鬼薪 Tetsuryūsō: Kishin): Gajeel turns his arm into a large spearhead, from which a large number of steel spears are fired towards his target in rapid succession.[23] In the anime, the attack is sometimes portrayed with Gajeel instead extending one arm towards his target’s direction, with his fingers outstretched, and then summoning his Magic Seal in front of him, from which the spears are fired.[24]
  • Iron Dragon’s Scales (鉄龍の鱗 Tetsuryū no Uroko): Gajeel covers part of his body (or the entirety of it) in steel scales, dramatically increasing his offensive and defensive abilities. When punching and kicking while covered in these scales, Gajeel is capable of creating powerful gusts of wind through mere kinetic force. When confronted with Natsu Dragneel‘s flames, the resulting clash generated a powerful shock wave which heavily damaged the area surrounding the two of them.[25] These scales are strong enough to shatter bone and rock alike, are resilient against regular flames, and much harder than normal iron, as shown when Panther Lily’s Bustermarm wasn’t able to cut through them.[26][27]
  • Iron Dragon’s Club (鉄竜棍 Tetsuryūkon): Gajeel transforms his arm or leg into a large steel club, increasing his punching and kicking power.[7] He can also create multiple, smaller clubs from the end of the original, hitting many enemies at once.[28] The clubs can be elongated at Gajeel’s will, making them powerful ranged weapons. He is also apparently capable of increasing their size dramatically and to detach them from his body: several of these clubs, enlarged to gargantuan size, were the main cause of the original Fairy Tail Building’s destruction.[29] Also, for added maneuverability and to take opponents off-guard, the club can be rapidly turned into the similar Iron Dragon’s Sword.[30]
Iron Dragon's Sword

Iron Dragon’s Sword

  • Iron Dragon’s Sword (鉄竜剣 Tetsuryūken): Gajeel transforms his arm or leg into a large, jagged steel blade, similarly to Iron Dragon’s Club, but, rather than blunt power, this spell has cutting power, thereby making it deadlier. The spikes along the blade’s edge make its slashes more painful and dangerous,[31]and the weapon’s length can be increased to reach enemies who are far away from Gajeel.[32] The blade is also sturdy enough to function as a shield of sorts.[33] In the anime, the sword also functions as a chainsaw, effectively increasing its damage.[24]
  • Steel Dragon’s Sword (鋼竜剣 Kōryūken): An enhanced version of Iron Dragon’s Sword, only performable after Gajeel has absorbed carbon and turned his iron body into steel. Much like the original spell, he turns his hand into a long sword, this time made of steel, and slashes at his target; this spell can break through defenses that Iron Dragon’s Sword cannot, such as Torafuzar‘s hardened skin.[20]
  • Iron Dragon’s Foot Blade: Gajeel sprouts a sharp, harpoon-like blade from the sole of each of his feet. By planting these blades in the ceiling, he’s capable of remaining suspended and to move around as if he were walking normally.[35] (Unnamed)
  • Iron Dragon’s Hard Fist (鉄竜の鋼拳 Tetsuryū no Gō Ken): Gajeel punches the target while covered in Iron Dragon’s Scales, greatly enhancing his punching power.[24]
  • Iron Dragon’s Pickaxe: Gajeel can transform his hands into iron pickaxes which he can use in climbing mountains as well as digging.[36](Unnamed)
  • Iron Dragon’s Shovel: Gajeel is able to turn both of his hands into pointed shovels that allows him to dig through the ground with immense power and speed.[37] (Unnamed)
  • Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art (滅竜奥義 Metsu Ryū Ōgi):
Karma Demon - Iron God Sword

Karma Demon: Iron God Sword

  • Karma Demon: Iron God Sword (業魔・鉄神剣 Gōma Tetsu Jin Ken): Seemingly one of the most powerful spells in Gajeel’s possession, Gajeel claps his hands together above his head, creating a gigantic iron sword. He then proceeds to swipe the sword down, destroying a substantially large area in front of him.[38]
  • Karma Demon: Iron Spiral: Seemingly his second ultimate move, Gajeel transforms his legs into a giant drill, which rotates at high speed, heavily damaging and piercing through whatever it strikes. He used this spell to destroy the Dragonoid’s core and to free Natsu from his imprisonment. Although it did what it was intended to do, Gajeel stated that he still had a long way to go, since he “planned” to destroy the whole Dragonoid, along with Natsu.[39]
Iron Shadow Dragon Mode

Gajeel’s Iron Shadow Dragon Mode

Iron Shadow Dragon Mode (モード鉄影竜 Mōdo Tetsueiryū): After eating Rogue Cheney‘s shadows, Gajeel gained the ability to use his Iron Dragon Slayer Magic enhanced with shadows.[40] Gajeel can, also, turn his body into a shadow, granting him intangibility.[41] Furthermore, as a shadow, Gajeel is unimpeded by things that would otherwise slow his physical body down, such as being in a large body of water.[42]

  • Iron Shadow Dragon’s Roar (鉄影竜の咆哮 Tetsueiryū no Hōkō): Gajeel’s alternate, shadow-enhanced version of his Iron Dragon’s Roar. Gajeel quickly gathers and releases a large amount of iron and shadows from his mouth, generating a very large, powerful, destructive blast that can be seen throughout an area at least the size of Crocus.[43]
  • Iron Shadow Dragon’s Club: Gajeel attacks his target with a shadow-cloaked Iron Dragon’s Club. The damage dealt is increased by the addition of the swirling shadows.[44] (Unnamed)

Dragon Force (竜の力ドラゴンフォース Doragon Fōsu): The ultimate state a Dragon Slayer can attain, Gajeel entered this mode after ingesting large amounts of Magical Barrier Particles from the Spriggan 12 member Bloodman and digesting the trace amounts of iron inside them alongside the poison, causing him to become “Jet Black Iron“. Upon entering Dragon Force, Gajeel’s arms, sides and back, as well as around his face, become covered in pitch-black iron scales, and the rest of his body assumes a black hue as well; his hair also becomes far more rigid and shiny. The strength increase that Gajeel attains is immense: his strength, speed and stamina all greatly increase, allowing him to completely outpace and overwhelm Bloodman, whom he had been struggling against, in all areas. Most notably, Dragon Force allowed Gajeel to strike Bloodman and his Magical Barrier Particle body, however, it is implied that what allowed Gajeel to do so was not Dragon Force itself, but rather the fact that his body temporarily took on anti-Magic properties.[45]

Gajeel catches Rogue

With ease, Gajeel defends himself bare-handed

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: In battle, aside from his Iron Dragon Slayer Magic, Gajeel is known for extensively employing unarmed combat, and to possess great proficiency in doing so. His style is a brutal one; consisting of powerful, direct moves such as devastating punches and headbutts, complemented by his high physical ability, with his strength making his blows highly damaging, and his speed allowing him to land them in extremely fast succession. When employed alongside his Iron Dragon’s Scales, his unarmed blows become far deadlier.[46] During his battle with Panther Lily, he was shown able to engage in midair confrontations, reaching the flying Exceed with a leap and then bombarding him with a barrage of punches,[47] and his clash with Rogue Cheney during the Grand Magic Games proved him able to block and even counter-attack assaults from behind without the need to turn his back.[48]

Enhanced Strength: Gajeel has shown, on different occasions to be quite strong: during his time under Jose Porla, while he was tormenting the captured Lucy Heartfilia, Gajeel casually headbutted a fellow Phantom Lord member with enough force to crack the stone floor the man crashed upon.[49] His physical might is enough for him to clash with Natsu on even terms, to block and shatter Panther Lily’s gargantuan Bustermarm,[50] and to pin down and hold still the gigantic Dorma Anim all by himself, allowing Natsu to finish it off.[51] He’s also capable of performing very high leaps, as shown from him reaching Panther Lily, who was floating in midair because of his Aera, from the ground, which was located several meters below him.[47] Furthermore, he was capable of delivering several powerful blows to Rogue Cheney while blocking his Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic bare-handed.[52]

Enhanced Durability: Even without his Dragon Slayer abilities, Gajeel has consistently proven himself to be a very resilient man: when he was confronted by Shadow Gear after joining Fairy Tail, he was able to shrug off the combined attacks from Jet and Droy without retaliation and only resorted to covering his body in his metal scales to protect Levy from Laxus.[53][54] Also, during his battle with Laxus, he took an attack which would have, otherwise, killed Natsu and remained conscious. During his time in Edolas, Gajeel used his metal scales to fight Faust’s mechanical Dragon, where he took extremely powerful hits and continued to fight.

Enhanced Speed: Gajeel’s overall speed and reflexes are impressive, enough for him to intercept attacks like Laxus’ Lightning Bolts[55] and reach Levy in time to save her from an ambush consisting of two Grimoire Heart Mages.

Enhanced Smell: Gajeel has an incredible sense of smell, which he shares with other Dragon Slayers. He uses this for tracking purposes as apparently, nothing can escape his nose, best seen when he tracked down Lucy, who had escaped from Jose’s imprisonment. It is also heavily implied that Gajeel used this skill to track down Levy, who ran away from him during the S-Class Trials out of frustration.[56]

Enhanced Hearing: Gajeel has shown extremely fine hearing, able to hear the conversation between Mest and other Fairy Tail members underneath Fairy Tail’s guild.[57]


Artificial Keys:



Gajeel from Volume 8 (left) and Volume 13 (right)

  • Gajeel’s eye color was initially green,[59] but was later changed to red.[60]
  • When Gajeel first appeared as a member of Fairy Tail, his guild mark wasn’t on his left arm,[61] but it appeared later on.[8]
  • According to Gray, Gajeel is a very good song writer, however, his singing skills and ability to play musical instruments are poor.[62]
  • Gajeel’s Iron Dragon’s Roar, at first, appeared vastly different in the anime. In the manga, it is a whirlwind laced with shards of metal. In the anime, Gajeel’s Iron Dragon’s Roar appeared much like Natsu’s, only with a grayish hue. Later on, in the anime, Gajeel’s Roar is designed exactly like the manga’s, with the whirlwind being the same gray-blue color as before.
  • From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, Fairy Tail has no good qualities according to Gajeel. He has no dreams for the future. He doesn’t have a good relationship with anyone in the guild. The most difficult job he ever took was a personal request by Makarov.[63]
  • Gajeel’s name is derived from the Japanese word かじる (Kajiru), which means to bite, to gnaw, or to nibble. The “Ka” sound is changed to “Ga” sound because “ガジガジ” (Gaji Gaji) sounds like a person eating in Japanese standard.[64]
Attack Power
Defensive Power
Singing Voice
  • In Volume 32’s extra content, Mashima provided the battle statistics for 31 of the 40 contestants in the X791 Grand Magic Games. The stats, however, were provided not from Mashima’s point-of-view, but from the viewpoint of Sorcerer Magazine reporter Jason, which explains why some stats are missing, or why others may be inaccurate.
    • According to Jason, during his participation in the X791 Grand Magic Games, Gajeel’s stats are as follows:[65]
  • According to Belno, Gajeel resembles greatly her deceased son.[66